Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1076 Conferred God (Part 2)

Just reaching out and pressing, colorful rays of light shot out in the void, under the rays of light, a door soon appeared.

The door of space!

Romon opened the door and went in. After walking for a while in a colorful passage, there was another door in front of him. After pushing the door, he came to a temple area.

The magnificent temple, the square paved with white jade, and the giant columns form a corridor, and outside the corridor is the endless dark night sky.

In the past Romon thought this was the temple of the primordial god, but later, he realized that this was the common residence of the primitive gods.

If the seven gods are in place, then seven temples are formed here, not the current four.

Only by fully concentrating the seven original gods can the Pantheon be built.

Strictly speaking, the Pantheon is the meeting hall of the gods. Its birth is almost inevitable, and it is the only completely neutral place in this universe.

Not owned by any god banner, nor by any native race, its form is the temple formed by these giant columns under the starry night sky.

Of course, it is not yet formed, and as the gods continue to join in the future, a conference hall leading to the realm of all gods will be formed.

This conference hall will suppress all divine power, turn it into a demigod, suppress all magic, and provide a hidden area for the gods to communicate and talk in order to deal with some urgent events.

Whether it is a meeting where only two gods are discussing an alliance, or a meeting involving the entire god system, it is a safe place to discuss.

In the Pantheon, the portal leads to the domain of any god in the pantheon.

The portals are bidirectional, and there is a simple operation requirement: they can only be activated by beings with divine fire, and only beings with divinity can enter.

This time was different, as Romon stepped forward, he felt countless messages emerging, and it seemed that nature was opening up more and more secrets to it.

His Royal Highness, please come here... A sweet voice sounded not far away, and several girls were bowing to themselves.

They are the maids of the Primordial God, with a faint divinity, so they can survive here. Moreover, even if the Pantheon is not fully completed, the maids who did not have divinity can come in, and they can't stay for long. Now they have all retreated.

Seeing them want to lead the way for themselves,

Naturally, Romon would not refuse, he nodded and let them lead Romon towards the hall.

This time it was no longer a luxurious conference hall, but a large conference hall with only four round tables and exquisite thrones, but beside it, two stone thrones were specially added.

But Romon knew that this was just a stone seat, not a real throne.

Because of Romon and Moranth, they are not completely true gods yet.

Sitting down on the stone seat next to him, the maid respectfully served drinks and said in a low voice: Your Highness, I have informed all of you, and they will come soon...

Before the words fell, Romon felt a slight vibration, and a goddess rushed over.

His Royal Highness, you are here... Five girls appeared at the entrance of the hall.

The five girls are all very beautiful, and if you look carefully, they are actually very similar in appearance. They all have shimmering snow-white skin and star-like dazzling eyes. The difference lies in the hidden elemental atmosphere and the color of the dress.

My five elder sisters... Romon saluted and said.

The four primordial gods took their seats, but Moranth did not. When she came in, she stared at Romon with excitement in her eyes.

Sister Moransi, please take a seat first, I would like to discuss it... Luo Meng said.

Moransi rolled her eyes, restrained herself, and sat down.

None of the four goddesses spoke, just looked at Romon, who coughed and said, The fruit of darkness has matured, and the new world tree has inherited the five elements of wind, fire, earth, water, and darkness, basically An absolute advantage has been formed...

Although there is an absolute advantage, even if there is no fruit of light, the field of light can be gradually included in the years to come, but it will take a long time and a long time...

In addition, this will lead to conflicts between the old and new world trees, and greatly increase the time and cost of perfection. We know that our crystal wall universe contains a very, very vast time and space, and many layers of planes can be displayed. However, due to the loss of creation and the constant containment of the mist plane, most of the crystal wall universe is now empty, and there are very few mature planes formed...

So, for the development of the world tree and the development of the crystal wall universe, we must solve the old and new as soon as possible. This is actually just one thing, that is, we must obtain the fruit of light...

Obtaining the fruit of light, the growth of the world tree will be accelerated, and the crystal wall universe will continue to accumulate sufficient energy, evolving a prosperous cosmic structure...

Here, I would like to thank the five sisters. At this time of new and old changes, you misled the Lord of Radiance with your divine power, making it notice the main god of the elves, Anion, and made me hide. But until now, concealment is There is not much time to hide, maybe the next moment, the Lord of Radiance will know...

The Lord of Radiance already knows part of the situation. It is now attacking the foggy world with all its strength. If it captures the fruit of glory, it will form a fierce conflict between the old and new World Trees, forming the most tragic civil war in the universe...

Having said that, Romon looked at the five goddesses, who nodded silently.

His Royal Highness, what do you mean, don't give it the fruit of light...

No, the world tree has seven fruits, each of which has its own duties and divisions. As long as we annex the other one, it will form a pattern of the only god, forming an attraction and annexation of other fruits, and this process is very difficult. Termination, isn't it...

I think neither the World Tree nor the gods want to see this situation... Romon said with a smile: Therefore, I only hope that the Fruit of Light can return to the World Tree for a while. As for the ownership of the Fruit of Light, I will no comment...

It's just that the Lord of Radiance has accumulated tens of thousands of years. He is the strongest god in this world, and he also controls some of the world's laws. I think, to fight for this time, we must unite and force it to accept this fact...

Saying that, Romon took out a fruit.

Dark golden fruit glowed with a faint black light, forming the Milky Way, even if it was not the first time he saw it, Romon lost his mind for a moment.

I agree! The four primordial gods glanced at each other and said.

I agree too... Moransi said.

Luo Meng smiled slightly, piled it up, and landed in front of her.

Moransi held it, looked at it blankly, and was about to swallow it.

The fusion process of Sister Moransi has a short period of danger, you are very suitable here, but I hope you can take a little time...

Oh why?

I feel that if you swallow this fruit, all the fog of fate will dissipate, and the Lord of Radiance will immediately understand everything, so I hope, wait for a while...

In the foggy world, the army of the Lord of Radiance is fighting with all their strength, destroying the crystal walls of the foggy world and consuming the power of the black dragon. I hope to wait until about the same time...

Well, you are really cunning! Moranth couldn't help but smile, she held the fruit and endured it.

By the way, five sisters, what is the order of the divine power of the gods... With plenty of time, Romon thought for a while and asked.

Basically, it is currently divided into five grades and 21 grades. The first grade is the demigod who ignites the divine fire. It can be called the godhead o. It has mastered the godfire and immortality, but without the godhead, it cannot be bestowed with divine magic...

The second class is the weak gods. The godhead is between 1 and 5. It can grant seventh-level magic, master the priesthood and godhead...

The third class is the weaker gods, and the godhead is, in between, it can bestow complete magic spells at the ninth level...

The fourth class is a medium god, godhead, between 5.

The fifth class is a powerful god, godhead, in between.

The Lord of Radiance is undoubtedly a powerful god, but we should also be powerful gods, and we can maintain a strong divine power without relying on faith, but it will take a little time...

At this time, a primordial spirit interjected: Yes, we are sealed. Although we are awake now, our divine power has not yet reached the highest level. We are basically medium-level gods now.

Sister Moransi, what about you? Romon turned to Moransi.

I immediately grasped the domain of death. It should be the pinnacle of weak divine power, or the beginning of medium divine power, but it only takes a little time, and I will definitely be in the position of medium divine power...

Romon listened and nodded.

There was a moment of silence below, time passed quickly, I don't know how much time passed, the six gods were shocked, and the time was almost up.

Moransi raised her hand and swallowed the fruit whole!

In the next instant, her body was floating in the air, and her eyes lost focus.

The majestic hymn automatically praised, and the dark flame that pierced the soul overflowed from her body.

Her power resonates with all the dark and death forces in this crystal wall universe, and the surging dark force, like the sea, fills the entire crystal wall universe.

Her dress changed automatically, the dark golden armor grew out, and then began to change.

This kind of armor with dark golden crystal texture has a beautiful shape, overlapping and connecting as one, it looks so majestic and sacred, it reminds Romon of the Saint Cloth in the original Saint Seiya, which is more gorgeous than the golden Saint Cloth. Clothes.

When all these changes were over, Moransi was floating in the air, wearing sacred armor, elegant and majestic, exuding a fearful and profound aura.

...I am the ruler of darkness and death, and my name is darkness! Moransi said suddenly. talking.

As soon as these words fell, almost at the same moment, explosions occurred in several divine kingdoms or demiplanes.

No, how is it possible, the priesthood of death is condensed... some gods or demigods who also possessed the power of darkness said angrily and with fear.

The last dam of the Styx collapsed automatically, and the turbulent Styx formed a confluence. The powerful force extended to almost all corners of this crystal wall universe.

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