Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1067 Arrival (Part 1)

When the first ray of dawn fell on the small island, the crowd on the island began to get busy.

One, two, three 1 pull!

Bang! With a loud noise, another big tree was brought down.

Daniel yawned and woke up in the cabin.

This wooden house is very rough, but very tough. In the room, except for a bed, and a simple desk and book door, there is basically nothing else.

Not far away is a bush.

Daniel yawned again, and his eyes stayed outside the window. In the distance, many people were already busy.

Now they are mainly cutting down trees, storing logs, and building watchtowers and wooden fences. A few low-level scholars are sprinkling lines with lime powder and planning new roads.

On a bright morning, bathed in the not-too-glare sunlight, enjoying the sea breeze, and looking at a large piece of land, he was very satisfied.

The 300 mu near the wooden house is his land. Maybe this land can't be called a manor, but after all, it is a step forward towards the standard manor (knight collar) of 1 mu.

After washing her face and coming out, a petite girl with a very beautiful and lovely appearance ran past the people carrying the big tree. As she ran, she caught a glimpse of the boy standing at the door and looking towards the west. Blooming with joy, the hand holding the basket held tightly, and ran to the boy.


Huh? Daniel turned his head and seemed a little surprised when he saw her, but recovered quickly

calm. Che looked at the girl with a smile: It's Adelan?

I'm here for you... The girl stuttered involuntarily as soon as she met his face.


Daniel looked at the basket in her hand, and tentatively said, Are you here to bring me food?

Yes! This is for you! I made it with my own hands! The girl shoved the basket into the boy's hands, and then ran away blushing.

Daniel watched her fleeing back, smiled wryly, and looked away.

lucky girl,

She is the daughter of a certain scholar. For some reason, she followed Jiang's father.

Since more than ten days ago, he had rescued six young people in Xiongkou, and she was among them. Because he was young and handsome, he immediately won the girl's favor.

Daniel picked up the basket, picked up a piece of pastry and put it in his mouth... Well, it tastes very good. I have to say that in this environment, there is still this taste. This girl's craftsmanship is really good.

However, while eating and thinking about the tension of the hands, Daniel couldn't help but get a headache.

The family sent two soldiers to follow, and there were no farmers. Although the fields were divided, no one cultivated them, and the two soldiers are now working very hard... Now the wages are very good.

And Daniel also acquiesced, he shook his head, trying to shake off the little depression in his heart.

Raising his left hand, his eyes fell on a black ring.

To be honest, this ring was given by my father, and there were three healing minor injuries in it. It was used to save his life when it was critical, and the value was also very high. It can be seen that any father's heart is the same.

Sighing, lowering your arms. He looked down.

Standing in his position, because it is on a high slope, the scene below can be seen at a glance.

It's already the fourth month, and now the main planning roads of the city have been built, and those merchants and noble sons have obtained land allocation, which makes people speed up.

In addition, the shipyard has been able to manufacture small fishing boats. Looking at some fishing boats near the sea, Daniel also showed a knowing smile.

The nearby fishery is rich, even if you fish within 500 meters, you can get rich food.

And the vicinity is mainly composed of plains and hills. The climate here is humid and warm. There are countless wild plants and flowers everywhere. Flowers are the main source of honey. The taste of wild honey is mellow and sweet, and it is a good seasoning family.

Combined, the food isn't too bad.

While thinking about it, suddenly, a horn sounded in the distance.

Hey, what happened? Daniel suddenly became vigilant, drew out his long sword, and looked forward.

...It's a ship, it's a ship, our fleet is back! After waiting for Pian Shen·1, cheers came from a little distance away.

Daniel couldn't help but put down the basket and rushed to the port excitedly.

After running for a while, the dock area arrived.

According to Madam's instructions, all unnecessary decorations should not appear in the building, and as long as it is a built building, try to put it in place at one time.

Therefore, strong warehouses and water mills have been built, and the shipyard Torr has begun to take shape.

Daniel rushed to the pier, took a deep breath of the fresh sea breeze, and saw the ship in front of him.

At this time, the watchman on the watchtower of the pier issued a signal, and a pilot had already taken a small boat to guide them into the port.

Although it is very simple now, rules are rules.

At this time, the flat ground of the pier was full of people, and Daniel could see that a large group of core members had arrived, surrounded by guards, eagerly looking forward to it.

At sea level, the fleet apparently also saw the welcoming crowd, and they began to form and salute, which made the people's cheers louder and louder.

Moments later, the pier

Do you know, this time, there are actually five tons of iron nails on board! A person in the crowd,

He said excitedly to the surroundings: Now we don't have to worry about the iron nails we need.

Indeed, in the actual construction process, wood is not rare, but iron nails are rare. This is needed almost everywhere, not only for houses, but also for fishing boats.

Iron nails are only a part, and there are iron blocks, which can be made into various

Tool of!

There are still 500 people, which can supplement our labor!

Oh my God, there are still letters. Let's see if there is any letter from someone from us?

When Daniel heard that there was a letter, he couldn't help rushing up. He knew in his heart that there must be a letter of his own.

After a while, he happily scooped up a letter and withdrew from the crowd. The mood at this time is as smooth as the wind.

Due to the lack of people in the dock area, in fact, not far away, there are jungles and wild flowers all over the sky, giving people a kind of primitive beauty. Daniel did not go far, and arrived at a bar in the dock area.

Daniel, who couldn't wait, found a table. He was really hungry. At this moment, he was in a very good mood. He immediately ordered half a roast chicken, browned bread, and a bottle of fruit wine. Two chunky sausages, cut off with a knife, you can see the meat paste.

Daniel finished enjoying the sumptuous breakfast with great satisfaction. He took out the letter and opened it when he was done eating.

It was ...my dear son... I am very satisfied with your work... Daniel could not help but smile.

As soon as the huge fleet of Governor Peak arrived, he didn't accept the cheers and the workers unloaded the goods. Surrounded by the guards, he went to the temple, which is where Alini lives now.

However, as soon as he got off the pier, he was immediately deeply shocked by this place that could already be called a city.

He left here two and a half months ago. This is a barren land full of rain forests, beaches, and jungles, but now, it is full of vitality.

A large area of ​​the dock area has been cleared, and various buildings have been established in an orderly manner.

Farther away, you can see the lush wheat fields that have grown.

All of this has changed dramatically, and in meditation, the temple has arrived.

The tall guard at the entrance of the temple saluted him when he saw him.

A scholar greeted him: Commander Peter, welcome to come here smoothly.

Thank you. Captain Pick said calmly, Is Mrs. Eleni inside?

Yes, Mrs. Eleni, I have been waiting for you, Governor. Captain Pictode's chair guard stayed outside and entered through the gate of the temple.

First he saluted to the statue of the god and the altar of the temple, and then walked through a step to a living room. Instead of going in directly, he knocked on the door.

Come in! Eleene said.

Captain Peter went in and saw a row of people sitting on the sofa in the living room, not only Alini, but also other important people.

Everyone, except Ai Lini, stood up to greet Captain Peter.

Commander Pique saluted again: Madame Alini, Commander of Tetashaw Fleet Commander Pique has returned to you! I have completed the mission and brought back enough supplies. This is the list, please have a look, Madam!

Captain Peake presented a scroll of parchment, sealed and beautifully bound.

Alini ordered the servants to fetch this item, but she was enthusiastic and said with a smile: I will let Mr. Ibak Scholar discuss this... Captain Peter, I thank you for your hard work, you Please sit down.

Governor Pick saluted slightly, sat on it, and a servant brought fruit juice, which is a special product on the island. It tastes particularly good and has become very popular.

Captain Peak, can you tell me the specific situation? Alini asked peacefully, Including the territory, v:a and fleet.

Yes, ma'am, the territory is very peaceful. I have brought a letter from the earl.

This uncle is of course Russigi.

This time the Chamber of Commerce is still actively participating. This time, a total of 24 boats came, the most important of which were 500 laborers, as well as iron nails, iron blocks, and medicines.

According to your instructions, Master Debilu came in person, and he brought a large number of precious scrolls, among which are the most important petrified scrolls.

Now the main thing is not to build roads, but to build huge stone rolling balls. These stone rolling balls are pulled by horses to flatten the road one by one, so that they can be regarded as roads.

Of course, the role of the magician is not only that, Xu Shou needs it. Alini couldn't help asking: What about Your Excellency Debiru? Why didn't you see him?

Commander Pick showed a slight smile: Ma'am, His Excellency Debiru is still resting due to seasickness, and he will definitely visit Madam tomorrow.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, holding back their laughter.

Debilu is now a ninth-level mage. It is really unbelievable that a mage of this level should be seasick.

Alini suppressed a smile and said, Then let His Excellency Debiru rest... I think, with the supplies and manpower, we will be able to complete all the basic preparations before September!

Everyone should be right away!

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