Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1064 Reclamation (Part 2)

In April, the island named An Lida by God

Along the north side of the island, there are continuous mountains, which divide the island into two halves.

The scenery is indeed beautiful, with snow-white beaches, a large number of forests, and a large group of strange birds, which are like pieces of colorful clouds when they fly

The dotted archipelago, huge reefs and brilliant wild flowers make this archipelago unique

Captain, please instruct

Look for a suitable place and start dropping anchor

The first team, the second team, and the third team are starting to search for the situation near the shore. Other sailors, go to the beach for simple camping. Commander Peter ordered. After two months of sailing, the huge fleet has arrived destination

Observe, someone replied

After a while, the hull vibrated and it had already landed on the shore.

It's a natural deep-water port, Commander. Naturally, experienced people immediately feel this

God, this is your will, you have blessed believers who already have Romon knelt down and prayed wholeheartedly

According to the instructions of the governor, and the preparations have already been made, so, very quickly, I started to get busy

First, use tools to cut down a forest. The valuable trees are turned into wooden fences, and the worthless ones are turned into fuel. In order to prevent plague and pests, this camp is set ablaze

In the flames, countless insects and snakes fled away one after another. After a while, the flames went out, leaving a scorched black field. This is the camp

There are already people, starting to build wooden fences around

At this time, the team is exploring

A young man is walking cautiously in the forest, followed by two male warriors, each holding a weapon in his hand, looking around vigilantly as he walks

Daniel is the second son of Lord Rugen, and he actively participated in this expedition. The purpose of course is to obtain a territory and become a family

Daniel is only the son of a lord, and the family only sent two strong and strong warriors

But there is also a scholar who can draw maps

After two months of sailing,

There is not much food left on the boat, so food collection, finding suitable freshwater rivers, and boat repair materials are also the problems they have to solve when they come out this time

At this time, the sky had cleared up, and the morning sun was shining gently on the earth. Before they knew it, they had already left the station for a long distance

The place where we are now is a sparse forest, and the air is filled with the fragrance of grass and trees. This is normal, but for a group of people who have just walked out of the storm and the peculiar salty smell of the ocean, such a sweet and sweet smell the air is simply wonderful

Breathing the fresh air greedily, everyone continued to walk forward. When a piece of mushroom mixed in the green grass suddenly appeared in front of them, the members of the team all opened their eyes wide and swallowed their saliva

Mr. Inge, do you think these mushrooms are edible? Daniel asked his scholar

Although I'm not a druid, according to my knowledge, these are edible mushrooms... You see, there are traces of insects and ants gnawing at them. Scholar Engel observed carefully and said

After hearing this, the only thing people do is to try to put them on their bodies as much as possible - after all, after eating salted fish for countless days, the temptation of fresh mushroom soup is almost beyond anyone's ability. withstand

Even Daniel is sick of the same salty fish meal that lasts for days

When everyone was busy collecting, dozens of birds suddenly flew up from the woods not far away, screaming in fright in the air

In some cases, the people who were busy collecting food just now became vigilant, and the soldiers immediately clenched their weapons

Aw! Just as everyone was holding weapons and waiting, an animal rushed out from the woods.

It's a wild boar, the English scholar exclaimed.

Kill, kill it, take it back Daniel drew out his long sword violently

He and his two attendants are all third-level fighters, and it is not a problem to deal with a wild boar

A soldier stepped forward and blocked the wild boar's steps. Although the wild boar has thick skin, it is not without weaknesses. Under the attack of the soldiers, it was quickly wounded

The wounded wild boar slowed down significantly, and Daniel and another warrior mercilessly dealt a fatal blow to the wild boar

Get this wild boar down and look at the bloody, brain-splattered carcass of the wild boar on the ground

Daniel couldn't react for a while, but wild meat is delicious. For everyone who has eaten salted fish for many days in a row, it is a crime to throw it here and not take it away.

It's strange, wild boars look fierce, but in fact they are relatively docile. Why do they hate us so much when we see them? Yingge scholar said to himself in puzzlement

Daniel also found it strange. He checked the wild boar carefully and found nothing unusual.

Shall we continue to walk in? Seeing that he had woken up, the Inger scholar asked his opinion.

Daniel stood up deep in the forest

Of course, we still need to find some materials to repair the ship. I walked all the way just now, and found that the texture of the trees is stronger as I go in, and it is suitable for repairing the ship.

What about the boar?

Well, you drag the wild boar back, anyway, the distance is not far, let's move on Daniel thought for a while, and said to a soldier

Yes, master, the soldier replied.

Almost at the same time, a giant eagle with a wingspan of 30 meters was flying over the island. On its broad back, it could seat five people, all of whom were patrolling scholars.

Someone was even drawing a map on the spot

Romon became a true god, and the connection with Lightning was cut off, but even so, Lightning also gained huge benefits

Now, it has turned into a golden feather, can talk, has intelligence, and its life form has surpassed the category of beasts

Alini looked up and continued talking to the scholar

With the continuous evolution of the territory, not only many high-level professionals came here, but also many scholars were trained locally

Ma'am, we think we will start planting now, and there is still time to plant a batch of wheat

How about the plan for Mai District, have you reached a conclusion? Alini asked

Ma'am, we will expedite the revision of the original drawings and modify them according to the environment on the island to make the layout reasonable. However, planting a 1,000-acre wheat field will not only supplement part of the grain, but also provide enough winter wheat seeds.

In terms of food, we basically believe that the nearby waters are suitable for all kinds of fish to grow, and the fishery resources are extremely rich. It must be able to provide rich fishery resources.

Combined with the food that is still on board, the problem of food is not very big. On the contrary, white hemp must be planted immediately

The so-called white hemp is a hemp plant grown in this world. It is the main source of civilian clothes. Most of them are sown in late April and harvested in September.

Although the woven cloth is rough, it is soft and smooth, strong and durable, and the most important thing is that it is relatively good at keeping warm

There are also sheep, which must be fenced and grazed immediately to harvest cold-proof items for winter. A scholar added: The breeding of sheep still takes time, and must be carried out as soon as possible.

In this world, commoners basically wear sackcloth

The rich or country gentry, wore woolen clothes to keep out the cold

Only nobles not only wear woolen sweaters, but also make coats or cloaks from various animal furs

However, cotton is not taken seriously. In fact, the main function of cotton is to fill pillows or the inner layer of clothes with the soft plant fiber. Even if there is no cotton, there are similar varieties.

This point has already begun to look for

Alini nodded and said, You are right. As for cocoa, coffee, coconut trees, tea trees, etc., you can ignore them first, even olive trees.

Your task is to plan the overall architectural drawings first. As for the actual construction, the first thing to be built is roads, wooden houses, docks, and warehouses.

Ma'am, where is the altar?

Shrines and similar buildings don't have to be built right away. As long as you have piety in your heart, God will know about it. Alini said, and only she can say this

According to the general rules, what can be delayed, the first thing to build is the temple

Yes, ma'am the scholars present responded

As for the other islands, our ship has passed by, what do you think?

Ma'am, the other islands are not far apart, most of them are within a dozen miles or tens of miles. This is not a very long distance for the ocean, and some islands are hundreds of square kilometers. They can all be developed, but At present, we can only focus on the development of the main island, said the scholar.

Except for the main island, what is the area of ​​the largest island?

About 300 square kilometers, a scholar thought for a while and said.

Then name it Lightning Island, with the golden giant eagle as its symbol. This island is planned to be the religious domain of the Natural Church, specializing in training clergy and handling affairs of churches in various places. The Druid union can also establish a stronghold here.


In this regard, no one has any doubts, this is in line with the routine of this world

Any church has an exclusive area. According to the laws of the world, it has the absolute right to die

Generally speaking, there are wide squares, magnificent temples, luxurious palaces, museums, military camps, schools, etc., and the main function is to cultivate and command the natural churches all over the world.

Most of the people who live here are priests and paladins

In essence, it is a seminary area, but it only covers 300 square kilometers. Of course, it will also have its own manor and fruit forest, so it is basically self-sufficient and free from outside influence

The specific design can be decided by scholars, but the overall plan must be classified and decided by Ai Lini

Alini deeply knows that these overall designs will have a great effect

Gods can not argue, but mortals must pay attention to these

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