Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1059: Inheritance (Part 1)

Balrog Burning Hell Breaks!

Earl Bibshaw gritted his teeth and spit out these words, a mass of dark flames shot up into the sky and rushed towards him.

In the next moment, the divine power of brilliance played a role, and in an instant, a sun took shape instantly.

The endless dark energy was completely destroyed by this sunlight, and even the essence of the dark energy was disintegrated.

Under Earl Bibshaw's terrified gaze, the sun disintegrated the darkness and fell on him head-on.

Boom the entire space of the plane was shaking.

When the nuclear weapon-like mushroom cloud gradually subsided, Earl Bibshaw stood on the ground. In a moment, his body melted silently, turning into pieces of ashes.

A female four-winged angel struggling to get out.

Although it still has four wings, the brilliance of the gods it carries has disappeared, and the damaged wings are withered piece by piece.

Beside her, there was no longer an angel in sight.

This is a vibrant plane with vast forests, clear lakes, and gentle rivers.

However, looking down from this mountain range, the forest is burning. On the entire scorched ground, there are only countless overlapping corpses and fragments. Countless light spots are floating in the air confusedly, waiting to die.

Only at this moment, the four-winged angel turned his gaze to one place.

That is the existence that walks in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

The four-winged angel frowned, clenched the holy spear in his hand, and stared into the distance.

In her eyes, this existence was burning with a blue-black flame. This flame was deep and endless, like a dark curtain in the starry sky.

Romon walked up to the four-winged angel in his spare time, admired her body, and then turned to the deep pit, which was filled with the powerful energy of a lord-level demon.

What's your name? Romon asked suddenly.

Pu Yuxi, the four-winged attendant of the Lord of Radiance. At this moment, the four-winged angel saluted, and of course she understood that the existence in front of her was at least the incarnation of a certain Highness.

Well, this devil earl's name is Bibshaw,

Leading 300,000 troops, he has broken through to Marquis, and lasted seven battles. The time is two months and three days in the main world, and today he fell and died.

Romon said flatly, What about you?

Pu Yuxi suddenly smiled. The four-winged angel's appearance was originally sacred, but this smile made her look dazzling.

I led one hundred thousand soldiers and participated in the holy chalk war. I have experienced five battles. The next one should be when I will be martyred for the Lord. She said calmly.

The brilliance of the main god that carried it has been exhausted, the legion has been wiped out, and her outcome is doomed.

I would rather die than continue? My lord, this is my responsibility. She bowed slightly and said, since Romon has no superficial identity, she only calls him an adult.

Well, you can go. Romon nodded and said.

The four-winged angel Pu Yuxi clenched the holy spear in his hand, flapped his wings, and flew away without looking back. In the distance, there were also intense energy fluctuations.

Waiting for all the loneliness, Romon opened his hand, and immediately, countless corpses and fragments rushed towards it.

Shennongjiao Space

It was already winter, and when it first snowed, the snowflakes were not too big or too dense, but as time went on, the snow became denser and denser, weaving into a white net, and the flying snowflakes made the sky and the earth melt into white.

From a mortal's point of view, it was a blizzard, and the air was so cold that it was impossible to see anything, and there was a lot of white snow everywhere.

However, at the holy mountain, within the scope of World Tree, a new rain is falling.

Romon pondered, watching all this.

At this time, the holy mountain has grown to be very large and very high, about five kilometers high, and the world tree is another thousand meters high. The air here is thin, and the hillside is covered with lush trees, shining golden light full of everything.

From the top of the mountain to the void above, accompanied by fluctuations, golden and black blood fell like a waterfall, and in the waterfall, the stumps and broken bodies were pouring down like lava gravel from a volcano.

The golden and black blood was gradually purified in mid-air. It was very turbid and had a foul smell at the beginning, and then it became distinct in color. When it reached the mountain stream, it basically turned into clear water and a turbulent stream. .

As for the colorful corpses and energy fragments in the waterfall, they burned in mid-air, and when they fell to the ground, they became part of the soil.

These flames are the flames of purification. Most of the energy in mid-air becomes free energy that is easily absorbed. As a god, Romon can clearly feel that these free energies are assimilated and absorbed in mid-air , becomes part of the space.

The few remaining undigested beings are mostly the essence of some powerful demons and angels, which fell to the ground and combined with the soil.

Even if it is the essence of powerful demons and angels, Romon can feel that the essence belonging to the four elements falls on the ground, and within a short time, it will be disintegrated and completely wiped out.

It belongs to the essence core of dark energy. Secondly, you can often see the face of a struggling demon on it. This is the remnant of the demon soul, but it will disappear in a moment.

Only the angel essence carrying the radiant holy power seems to be a little difficult to digest, so at the very end, the stream becomes a holy stream, with countless fragments of holy light shining, rushing down.

The stream meanders down and hits the rocks, forming a crisp sound of waves. When it reaches the mountainside, all the sacred fragments have disappeared.

After the blood rain disappeared, Romon waited silently.

The World Tree was breathing, and after a while, everything returned to its original state, only the rich aura filled the entire space, and some kind of fluctuations.

This fluctuation is not unfamiliar, and several space promotions are all omens of this.

Fragments of a million angels and demons, filled with energy.

In front of my eyes, the light green dots turned into a virtual dialog box, which displayed: The space has reached the twenty-sixth level, do you want to upgrade?

Romon waited for a moment, then transferred himself to the demiplane again, and said, Promotion!

The words fell, the green light flourished, and the space expanded again.

The original land was 500 million mu, 330,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the Kingdom of Finland. Now it will be expanded to 1 billion mu, 660,000 square kilometers, which has surpassed the area of ​​France and Spain and reached the territory of Myanmar area. Just like last time, the power needed to complete so much land naturally formed an elemental storm.

In the infinite void, the powerful suction forces nearby elements to continuously pour in, forming a flood of elements, and the vast ocean of force roars with it.

Under the pressure of the powerful torrent, the entire space fluctuated slightly.

Wind, fire, earth, water, the four elements, and even light and dark (positive and negative) energies are all stirring, and streams of gas composed of elements, from thin to thick, quickly condense and come towards the demiplane.

The demiplane is like a huge vortex, constantly absorbing energy in all directions and expanding.

The huge energy storm formed by this promotion can no longer be concealed, and its fluctuations spread in all directions, just like a huge vortex.

However, dozens of divine thoughts pierced through the void, and when they reached this place, they all felt the nature of Ramon's natural divine power. They only took a brief look and retreated one after another.

Half an hour later, the golden sun shone on the earth, covering a land of 660,000 square kilometers.

Elemental tides have filled up half of the area again. Romon looked around, and found that the half-plane, the six elemental pools, were full again.

You can get a new field!

Choose the fire domain. Romon found the fire mark.

The data frame floated in his field of vision with a faint sense of light, and the result of the selection immediately appeared: Fire domain has been selected, the space has been upgraded, and the twenty-sixth level of space has been completed! The master is sublimating!

With a boom, he entered the illusion again.

This time, Romon opened his eyes fully awake, and found himself floating in a void world.

Same as last time, in the void, a sapling is constantly growing. With the continuous growth of the big tree, the earth, sky, ocean, and storms are constantly changing, and the wasteland is constantly filled with various plants. Outside this world, in the void, other dimensions are also being born.

Just like last time, the black dragon devoured the largest fruit and swept away the last one, causing the four elemental fruits to come early. I thought the following was the process of the four goddesses picking branches and leaves to create elves, but at this moment, the field of vision suddenly pulled away .

In the endless void, a small universe was born. It rotated and grew by itself, breaking the death-like silence around the void.

This small universe is like a blue crystal ball in the dark, with a golden halo around it.

From this angle, this small universe looks extraordinarily beautiful.

It can be seen that the void was born first, followed by the four major elemental worlds and the two major energy worlds. The core is the main world. The main world is very beautiful, as if looking at the earth from space.

The blue part is the vast ocean, the green part is the dense forest, and the yellow part is the vast desert.

While Romon was looking at it with ease, suddenly, it saw an abnormality.

This is the same crystal ball, but the top is broken and half missing, like a half apple with a bite, the outer halo has turned red, and it is crumbling in the void.

It barely maintains its own existence and orbit, but where it coincides with the newborn universe, it can be seen from a distance.

In Romon's heart, he was shocked.

In the next moment, Romon saw that the broken crystal ball suddenly shot a red light and entered the newborn universe. The next moment, a hole exploded in the sky, and then the black dragon descended from the sky, devoured the largest fruit, and swept away the last one, causing the four major elemental fruits to descend in advance.

The black dragon rode the red line again and returned to the original broken crystal ball.

At this point, it's not over yet. The original land was 500 million mu, 330,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the Kingdom of Finland. Now it will be expanded to 1 billion mu, 660,000 square kilometers, which has surpassed the area of ​​France and Spain and reached the territory of Myanmar area

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