Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1057: The Temple (Part 1)

Main World. Yaka Village. October

at dawn

Only one month later, when McKana returned to her village, what she saw was a completely unfamiliar town.

This obviously made Mecca feel deeply puzzled, but she felt relieved when she remembered that His Royal Highness Romon is a true god, and there are also a large number of mages under him.

Princess Qiannia and thousands of people entered the town.

From her point of view, the town in front of her is full of magic, and it was obviously built quickly with magic.

The town is neatly planned. The wooden houses are built in a standard area. There are arrow towers on the left and right of the stone wall. From above, you can see the farmland after harvesting outside.

There are big trees on the left and right sides of the road. Although they have been transplanted, there are druids. They seem to have not been damaged. They seem to have grown here in the first place, adding a touch of vicissitudes to this small town.

The town is full of plants, dotted and distributed, and if it is next spring, it may no longer feel the traces of new construction.

Walk carefully and slowly along the wide street. There are restaurants, bars, and shops on the left and right sides of the street.

According to His Royal Highness Romon's will, this small town is where the first group of believers live together, and the first group of believers will get free houses and fields.

Of course, this is not intended to be a reward, but Romon has a deep understanding that for faith, a centralized belief area is infinitely better than a policy scattered throughout the territory. This involves the magnetic field assimilation effect, so I won’t say much .

Princess Qiannia also vaguely understood this point, thinking deeply.

Not far away, a temple has been seen.

In front of the door, there are two huge oak trees. Between autumn and winter, some of the leaves turn golden and shine brightly in the sun. An aqueduct leads the water from the river to a surrounding pond, making the place It seemed quiet.

Further inside is the magnificent temple building, which is also the largest building in the town.

Thousands of people stopped silently, no one spoke. Among them, 500 were low-level druids, and 500 were believers who were willing to believe. After the baptism, only two people stayed in the town. About a hundred people.

That's pretty much the minimum number of people needed to maintain a temple.


Among them are several priests of the God of Order, who came to witness.

The bell rang, simple and reverberating. When it rang, a team of thousands of people entered the temple in an orderly manner.

The leader is Alini, followed by Dani and other five priests.

At this time, Princess Qiannia could only be in the back. Her face was a little pale at this time. This was because the divine power had dissipated, and she was only waiting for a new god to redeem her.

The temple is built of marble, smooth enough to see people, and the surrounding walls are decorated with green main colors. However, in the main hall, there is only one altar and one statue. Shows Romon's form.

A group of people knelt down in front of the altar, even the priest of the God of Order was no exception. This was a respect for God.

Under the leadership of Alini, the five priests stood in a row, and Alini, who was the presiding pastor, was in the middle, and began to lead thousands of people in prayer.

Here we are, following the great Lord of Nature, following the path He has given.

Nature is great. It is the place where all life is nurtured. It is endless. All life is a part of nature.

We will maintain the balance of nature, promote the decomposition and circulation of nature, repair the dead places of nature, make up for the wounds of nature, and maintain the ecology and diversity of life.

Whoever believes in God, God will give grace, faith is the way to be with God...

Prayers sounded again and again, and white light invisible to the naked eye filled the air.

After a while, the altar was ignited with a boom, and the sacred flame rushed out, and in the flames, the symbol of God emerged.

As soon as this kind of flame was produced, the priests of the God of Order all looked serious and did not speak, but silently recorded this sacred moment.

After the first step was completed, Alini changed her prayers, she turned solemnly, and said to thousands of people: You will abandon everything you have before, and serve the great Romon, and in the holy name of the Lord of Nature, do what God wants guide the way?

Yes According to the original setting, everyone swore an oath.

Now that you believe in God, both God and man are listening. If you truly believe, you will be saved, if you are false, you will be condemned by God, Eleni said.

In an instant, blue holy light radiated from the statue, and with the appearance of the holy light, the statue changed automatically, and the originally blurred outline became a clear appearance of Romon. In the main world.

Faced with such a miracle, all the believers prostrated themselves on the ground together. They trembled, bowed their heads more respectfully, and issued their first prayer to God in the strict sense. This was a legal prayer, and it was a prayer of joy.

This time, at the outlet of Princess Qiannia's prayer, she felt a strange yet familiar force pouring into her body along the channel, filling her body, and condensing bits and pieces in her brain—this is Magic.

Level 7 Princess Qiannia felt it and thought about it with a complicated expression.

This level is lower than her original priest level, but it is not what she expected. After all, Alini is only at level eight now.

Almost at the same time, behind her, there were several clusters of light.

One of them, slightly behind her, was the brightest.

Princess Qiannia is very familiar with the church, and she knew it just by scanning it: It's a priest, no, no, it's a paladin, I didn't expect it to be her?

Owenna prayed silently, and the two lines of tears fell silently.

The love belonging to Romon poured in from the holy power, so deep and endless, countless messages flooded into his heart.

Divine Courage, which frees Paladins from fear.

Holy cut, blessed with holy power, so that it has the power to fight heresy.

Divine spells, starting from the fifth level, paladins will get divine spells, and seventh-level paladins will get second-level divine spells

At this time, many people prostrated themselves on the ground and shed tears of joy. Owenna's tears were not surprising, but the mood was different.

After waiting so long, it finally paid off.

On behalf of the great God of Order, I declare that your God is a true and true God, and you are allowed to preach in the mainland. At this time, several priests of the God of Order discussed it for a while and recorded it on a document signature.

Alini nodded and said, I declare that today, in this world, the Church of Romon is officially established.

With a simple sentence, the holy light on the altar suddenly surged, and the huge beam of light reached the top of the hall in an instant, and colorful raindrops of light fell down.

I have received God's will. I will serve as the archbishop of the church. Siania will be the bishop, and Owenna will be the first head of the Holy Knights of the Hand of Thorns. Alini swept across the crowd and said.

Afterwards, the spectators withdrew one after another. Since it was confirmed that it was the true God, the following ceremony was something that people taught themselves.

The door was closed, and those who were not believers all went out, outside, and did not leave, just chatting with each other.

Half an hour later, a group of people who had changed into priest's and knight's robes came out with believers.

Romon's holy emblem is an oak leaf inside a six-pointed star and a spear.

Next, there is a celebration

On top of the banquet, there are kale rolls, veal sausages, onion cakes, macaroons, shredded veal in a cheese sauce, steaks, raw fish with slices, pork, pork, goose, duck, chicken foie gras, minced meat Meat and rice wrapped in grape leaves and cooked in a sauce made with olive oil, cream, tomato juice, lemon juice, assorted spices...

Only through personal experience can we truly understand this atmosphere.

Alini and Princess Qiannia walked away quickly, each taking a wine glass.

Thank you. It is said that my royal father has made a decision to make Meduai the crown prince. He has finally obtained what he deserves. I think his father will also be pleased, Princess Qiannia said.

Alini smiled and said nothing. When she became the archbishop, she regained her previous spirit.

It's the last thing in the royal family where the Church meddles, at least for now.

...By the way, what is the church's plan? Princess Qiannia asked, changing her position and angle.

No, really not, His Highness doesn't seem to be planning to expand on a large scale at all. This small town will become a center of faith and train priests. If there is a plan, it is to build small temples in the towns in the territory, or build small temples below There are more believers in the village, and some will be established. Alini said calmly.

A very careful plan. Princess Qiannia nodded, but she was a little puzzled.

His puzzlement was not only because of Romon's cautious attitude, but also why Eleni didn't become the pope.

Alini seemed to see part of her doubts, and said: As a family, the Tertashaw leader thinks that the foundation is not stable. A real noble family has at least three hundred years of precipitation.

As the foundation of a god on earth, the church has God's care. As long as God is there, the church cannot perish. A person's life is limited, but God has enough time.

Even for secular nobles, managing the family's property and connections is more solid than trying to expand their influence. For nobles, as long as they have more and more strength and extensive connections, their titles and grades will always be Ascension, and will not be easily destroyed.

It's the same with gods. Since His Highness has obtained immortality, spreading the faith is something that can be done sooner or later. There is no rush to complete it in one or two generations. This is my idea and His Highness's will.

Besides, now is indeed not the time for rapid expansion. The foundation of the church is not stable, and the faith is weak. In addition, the faith is basically relatively stable now. A new church that hastily resorted to destructive measures will undoubtedly get a lot of dissatisfaction. Rather than moving forward now and taking huge risks, it is better to stabilize our own foundation, and it is also for this reason that His Highness does not expect to gain in our generation.

Your Highness has created the immortal dawn. With this premise, why rush now? We need to improve the church system, rituals, teachings and scriptures. All of these are the real cornerstones.

These words were farsighted, full of broad-mindedness and wisdom, which really surprised Princess Qiannia, and she took a careful look at the archbishop.

With this understanding, the church will benefit greatly in its infancy. ()

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