Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 101 Demon Pet (Part 1)

Time passed by so quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the fifth day.

On this day, Luo Meng was in Shennongjiao.

Shennongjiao is very strange. Not only can materials come in and out, but also, theoretically speaking, Romon's physical body is outside, and the inside is the spirit body. However, the healing or damage inside is also reflected on the physical body.

In the corner of Shennong, the ball of light was braving flames, hanging at a height of hundreds of meters, and shining with sunlight. Luo Meng gradually realized that even if it was always raining outside, the ball of light would not be affected, and no longer needed to absorb the sunlight from outside. .

Romon was lying on the ground, and not far away was the sapling. It seemed to have grown a lot in five days. On the branches, one could vaguely see the buds that had just emerged, or the tender green that had just grown. Thin leaves, exudes a faint fragrance.

The entire space, fifteen acres of land, is empty, and the fish in the small river seem to have grown a bit, the space is golden, with a faint halo rippling.

A translucent data frame appeared automatically, and the data frame floated in his field of vision with a faint sense of light, and a large amount of data appeared in front of Romon's eyes: The farmland has been harvested, do you want to recycle it?

Recycle! Romon said.

As soon as the words fell, a burst of green light appeared above the ground. In the green light, those straws quickly decomposed and turned into particles that sprinkled on the ground, and quickly became part of the soil.

In just five minutes, the 15 acres of land became fertile and neat again.

Staring at the Dryad, Romon sighed, and it was still the same. He turned around and looked under a piece of dry grass.

It was an egg, reflecting the light in the sun, and there was no movement. It was a cliff eagle egg given to him by Miss Alini. It had been hatched in the space for a while, but it hadn't hatched yet. Rui's feeling, knowing that it still has life, has long been disappointed.

Romon came out of the space and opened his eyes. He is now on a branch, and he can see a forest. Although it is already November, it is still vast.

Above the sky, the sun is still hanging in the sky, but its dim light is not enough to penetrate through the branches and leaves of the lush and layered trees. On the other side of the sky, layers upon layers of dark clouds did not disperse, and there were more and more signs of agglomeration, converging into a storm.

A few birds that are constantly flying across the sky are busy looking for food. For them, whether they can find food before a storm is a very important thing.

After all, in their nests, there may be young birds waiting for things brought back by their parents, so they keep skimming the sky and flying low, just to survive.

Romon stood up, condescending. This is a hilly forest on the edge of human farmland, with a radius of about tens of miles. It is the place where Sir Demerka's family cut down trees last time.

Romon didn't understand why the dryad was so close to the human settlement, there was no such record in the data.

However, there is no doubt that the place where the little dryad was produced is here, because the dryad will die more than 36 hours after the tree is cut down.

It was precisely because of this that after finishing the harvesting work in a hurry and satisfying the needs of planting, Romon rushed to this small forest without taking a break.

At this time, he was in a clearing at the edge of the forest. Although searching for new dryads was very unlikely, Romon still searched. Of course, it was futile. He was a little disappointed. Suddenly, he noticed a small piece of trees. .

Unlike most of the withered trees, these few trees still maintain their basic green color. They are more than two meters high, with thick branches and wicker-like branches and leaves. When the wind blows, those soft branches and leaves will follow the wind. drift.

Most of this green plant is green, but its soft branch tips are pink in color, and a faint fragrance is emitted from its branch tips.

Dispersed in the air as the wind blows.

Near the green plant, there is a very bright flower, the flowers are mostly bright red or charming white, the flowers are very large, half a meter in diameter, under the flowers are the same bright green leaves, or red and green Lining, or white and green, looks very beautiful.

Blown by the wind, gently swaying. A strong, but not disgusting, but fascinating fragrance is constantly emanating from the flowers.

Strange, what kind of tree is this? Roman thought.

At this moment, the following small, well-behaved animals were carefully looking for food nearby. The cold winter was coming, and they had to try their best to get the last batch of food of the year beforehand.

Two of the hares with gray fur seemed to be interested in the mushrooms growing between the green plants and flowers, and jumped around the green plants.

One of them, as soon as it walked under a green plant, a strange scene appeared. The branches of the green plant that had been fluttering in the wind unexpectedly reached over in a humane manner. Although the hare reacted quickly, it still Not as fast as those few branches, and was instantly entangled by the branches.

The hare in the forest is actually not weak. The hare that was rolled up, while being entangled by the branches, struggled violently, got rid of the restraint, and jumped out.

When it landed on the ground, there was a wound where the branch had entangled just now. Another little hare wanted to jump over, but was afraid of the green plant, so it could only watch anxiously not far away.

Under its watchful eyes, the injured hare limped towards it, but when it was about to reach its companion, another change occurred.

But this time, the hare was not as lucky as the last time. This time, before it could react, there was only a pool of blood left where it was, and above it, a huge flower, Just after the petals were closed, a few traces of blood were slowly remaining on the originally pure white petals.

After the petals closed, there was something violently struggling inside, but soon, that struggle became lighter and lighter, and finally, there was only the quiet grinding sound inside the petals, which belonged to the flower itself.

Witnessing the tragic death of its companion, the remaining hare was frightened and escaped from the area, but on the way to escape, it was accidentally entangled by a branch of a green plant, and was soon caught by countless people who came over. Branches shrouded in it.

When the branches of the green plants spread out, a white skeleton that was so clean and flawless fell to the ground with a bang and scattered into countless powders. And the big white flower that closed its petals also snapped the closed petals one by one, and spit out a little bit of bone dregs.

Looking closely, it is not difficult to find that around these emerald green plants and bright or holy beautiful flowers, whether complete or incomplete, there are many animal carcasses scattered around, and where there are more carcasses, the growing The lusher the plants, the brighter the flowers.

These seemingly beautiful plants actually have such an essence!

Not far from this area, Romon opened his eyes, and it took him a while to wake up, touching his forehead and sweating with his hands.

Man-eating tree? Why is there such a tree here? Romon looked at the area that had returned to normal, with cold sweat on his forehead, deeply thankful that he didn't rush there just now.

It is conceivable that if he was the one who passed by first, then, very likely, the current Romon would either become the food in the mouth of a man-eating plant, or run away in embarrassment covered with scars. Neither of these outcomes was what he wanted to see.

Romon glanced again at the green plants that had regained their softness and their branches danced lightly, and then at the bewitchingly beautiful flowers. He shook his head, thinking that finding new plants is of course important, but his own life is not. More importantly, since he witnessed the situation just now, now he can only feel fortunate in his heart, and he has long since given up the idea of ​​storing them in the space.

At this time, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and Romon raised his head, and found that the sun, which was just barely hanging in the air emitting light and heat, was completely covered by the gathered dark clouds.

It seemed that the storm was coming soon, so Romon hurriedly ran towards his temporary residence.

The temporary residence, which is actually the logger's house, is not close at all.

Perhaps it was because the route was slightly changed when returning, but Romon discovered several new plants on the way back. One is blue and white grass, which grows into a piece, small and delicate, although a little withered, but very impressive, but the specific purpose is unknown.

After Romon determined that there was no danger, he took it into the space. Although it could not be planted, it could be stored in the seed space. When he looked around again to check if there were any new plants that had not been discovered, the space With a sudden movement, a trace of information came.

Luo Meng was startled, he was very familiar with this space of his own, how could there be such a strange movement all of a sudden? He saw that there was no danger around him, so he put his mind into the space, looking for the source of the abnormal movement.

And not long ago, in a corner of Romon's space, a poultry egg suddenly shook, and then, a tender little mouth pecked open a small opening and poked out from the shell...

A fluffy stuff like a chicken, when it came out, it made a chichi sound.

It's a call, calling for parents' attention, louder and louder

The light outside was dim, but inside Romon's space, the sun was shining brightly. In those medicinal herb fields, there are still lush medicinal herbs, swaying in the wind, exuding bursts of medicinal herb fragrance.

And that brook is still gurgling, although the water is not very shallow, but it is crystal clear, and the rounded stones in the brook are illuminated by the sun in colorful colors, which looks extremely gorgeous.

Above the creek, there are constantly flying butterflies and buzzing bees, they are interlaced and flying, in the wind, under the sun, busy, the environment is quite good, not affected by the late autumn outside .

But all of these are of no use to this little life. Its voice is getting more and more miserable. The sound of chichi echoes in the space, but there is no response.

Unlike the birds on the earth, this chick-like thing burst into tears after a long time without getting a response from its parents. It stopped shouting, took a rest, and began to struggle towards the eggshell.

In the absence of parents, a newborn life will have to eat eggshells to get the first meal in life and accumulate strength for the next step. Although this effort is usually in vain, the little life will starve to death after a day , or are eaten as food by other animals.

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