Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 996 Design (Part 2)

It is already June, and a group of young druids headed by Bohunt have already inspected the swamp and the surrounding conditions. After the inspection, they also produced a plan about how to restore The submission of the swamp, now is the time to submit the investigation results and plan to Romon.

Is there your plan inside? Romon stood up with a smile, stretched out his hand, took the wooden box that Bohant handed over, opened the box, and he saw that there was indeed a thick stack of Information, and placed on the top, is a scroll marked with the plan.

Romon looked at Bohant and asked, This is your plan? Let me briefly talk about the content, and I will listen to it first.

Yes, Mr. Principal. Bohunt bowed and said very respectfully.

Being able to talk to Romon alone at such a close distance makes Bohant very excited. He is also an admirer of Romon. He chose to study at the Giant Eagle Druid Academy because he came to Romon. And what this academy brought him was also a big surprise.

In the academy, he learned a lot of things that he couldn't learn elsewhere. His next goal was to work hard to improve himself and work in the druid guild hosted by Romon.

Therefore, when explaining to Romon, Bohunt was very serious: Principal, after we read it, we think it is necessary to open a river upstream, lead it into this swamp, increase the flow of water, and bring a lot of polluted water to the swamp. out.

Principal, look, there happens to be a Xiyu River upstream, which already has a tributary flowing into the swamp. We just need to increase the flow of the river.

For the extracted sewage, we plan to build a three-layer filter channel, in which a large number of michael vines are specially planted to absorb and purify the water quality.

Of course, we also need to plant some plants in the swamp itself to improve the environment.

Romon listened carefully, nodding while listening.

Generally speaking, the ideas of these young druids are still very good. In their plan, they proposed to purify water and cultivate special plants to decontaminate. After hearing this, Romon nodded and said: Your This idea is good, and McTeng can send a special batch.

McVine is a fairly effective decontamination plant.

This was a clear compliment, and Bohant was very happy to hear it.

Then, I heard Romon continue to say: However, there is still room for improvement...

Romon picked up the proposal in the wooden box,

After reading it carefully, he said to Bohant: First of all, the swamp was originally a lake and a forest, but because of the entanglement of the sanctuary and the corpses of the demon nobles who died in the battle, new forces formed and polluted this place. place, and form little demon hatcheries, so this has to be addressed.

Seeing that Bohunt had something to say, Romon waved his hand and said, ...Of course, I know you can't solve this matter, so let me solve this matter.

Yes, Principal! Bohunt replied.

Also, the purification of water and the decontamination of special plants are not enough. It should be combined with the use of some magic spells. This cannot be avoided. Even if I remove the core of pollution in this swamp, there will still be Some residual power exists, and it must be repaired with a large-scale purification magic.

After listening to Luo Meng's supplement, Bohant thought about it in his heart, and it was indeed the case. Such a simple matter was actually ignored by the group of them. His cheeks suddenly became hot, and he felt embarrassed to say goodbye to Luo Meng. Meng said: I'm sorry, Mr. Principal, we were negligent.

It's okay, this matter is too obvious, but it is easy to be ignored. In this way, I will take a good look at the materials you sent, and then come to discuss with you how to repair it.

Although he was only facing a small fourth-level druid, Romon's attitude was still very peaceful.

Listen to Mr. Principal, we are waiting for your good news. Bohant said immediately.

After Bohant went out, Romon picked up the plan again and looked carefully again.

Why, you're not satisfied with the plan they set up? At this time, Alini and Bell came out from the inside, and seeing Romon frowned, Alini asked.

No, they wrote very well. These two methods are really good. I was thinking that even if a large-scale magical technique is used to cooperate, I am afraid that it will not be completed in a short time. We have been here for almost a month. It's time, it will be a bit monotonous to stay in this place all the time! Romon thought for a while and said.

Alini laughed as soon as she heard it, and said, Are you careful about us? As long as you are here, I don't feel monotonous. Besides, this place is indeed beautiful—and, you have accepted this task, of course you must It's the end.

Haha. Romon smiled a little embarrassedly.

Tell me about your plan, so that we can have a mental preparation in advance. I don't want you to drag us away one day. Alini looked at him gently, and said teasingly.

My lord, tell me what you think, my sister was talking about it just now, you must have another idea. Bell also looked at Romon and said.

Being ridiculed by the two wives like this, Romon couldn't be bored any longer. He sighed, and said, Since you want to hear it, let me tell you. My idea is, I'll talk about it when the time comes.

Seeing the unbelieving expressions of the wives, Romon had no choice but to explain: We don't know the specific purification situation yet, and we can only consider when to go back when the situation is stable. Leave it to the people in the academy to handle it. They rarely practice this kind of thing, simply, give them a chance to exercise.

Just as he was speaking, there was a sound of exclamation outside. Romon stepped out of the tent curiously, and saw his two precious children riding lightning and flying into the sky. Those exclamations were all from standing on the ground. Druids sent out.

This kind of flying magic pet is very dangerous, if you are not careful, it will be bad if you drop it.

Seeing Romon come out, the druid Bohunt, who had just left just now, came to Romon with a pale face, and said, Master Principal, look quickly, they...they...

These two guys. Romon shook his head secretly, comforting Bohunt and said, It's okay, they won't fall.

He was probably the only father who was so calm that he comforted outsiders instead.

My lord, what should we do? Will they be in danger? Alini's reaction was not bad, as a regional bishop of the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture, she was quite calm.

When Bell saw her child flying so high on a giant eagle, her expression was definitely the ugliest among the group.

Don't worry, it's okay! Seeing that everyone was looking up at the sky, Romon glanced at it and said, Everyone is gone, just do what you should do, it's okay!

Seeing Romon's calm appearance, the others naturally stopped worrying. Anyway, with Romon around, the two children will have no problems.

After a while, the two children rode the lightning and fell down. As soon as they jumped down, the bell wanted to get angry, but was stopped by Romon.

Forget it, how old are they? When I was my age, the things I did were much more dangerous than this. When I am a child, I have to be brave.

Hearing what Romon said, Bell naturally wouldn't be able to relapse, but she still gave Alice a hard look.

Alice smiled at her mother and ran to her father.

Father, I also want a magic pet, and I want one that can fly. Give me one, Father? She said while rubbing against Romon.

Father, I want it too, so you can give me one too! Ruxiji ran up to Romon not to be outdone, and said the same dawdlingly.

Shaken by the two children, Romon smiled and said, Okay.

As soon as this good word was uttered, two streams of fire were burned in the back immediately. Without turning around, I knew that my two wives were not happy.

However, since he has already promised the child, it is not easy to go back on his word. Luo Meng thought in his heart, after the matter here is settled, he will take his wife and children to other places to relax, so as not to cause trouble for himself in the future .

On the same day, Romon finished reading the materials submitted by the academy druids and supplemented the plan they had set.

Early the next morning, Romon led a group of druids to work in the swamp.

In the distance, a wide and calm river passed slowly, and the water in the river was swaying, which was very impressive.

Your Highness!

Baron Longnuhan and a middle-aged nobleman came.

I am Earl Gart. It is an honor to meet you, Your Royal Highness Romon! The middle-aged nobleman introduced himself, and it could be seen that he was dressed luxuriously. Get used to the temperament of being in a superior position.

However, he was quite polite to Romon.

Romon himself is also a genuine Earl, and also a legendary Highness, this person dare not neglect.

Although it has been a month, Romon has not visited, which made him a little unhappy, after all, he is the biggest noble here.

Earl Gart heard that you were going to open the river, so he specially brought a lot of workers. Baron Longnuhan said hastily. At this time, he could see ten boats with densely packed river workers.

Of course, most of the small single-masted flat-bottomed cargo boats passed on this river, but because of the density, there were more than 30 people in one boat, and more than 300 people in ten boats.

Add the two hundred men conscripted by Baron Longnuhan, and there are five hundred men.

Romon was very satisfied, and said: Count Gart, I am also honored to meet you. Due to busy work, I did not visit, please do mind.

Don't dare. This time, His Highness came to solve the problem that has puzzled our county for hundreds of years. We welcome and admire it very much. We will take care of the manpower.

Romon nodded, said a few words modestly, and immediately issued orders: Start work!

Yes, Principal! Immediately, the druids started working according to the blueprint of the plan. The endless stream of people started working with their tools. It looked like a busy scene.

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