Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 820: If you want to learn, I will teach you

After a long trek.

Lin Bei and his party finally arrived at their destination.

And looking at the wrong street canyon Bai Yuekui said.

Lin Bei.

But I couldn't help but think of a movie.

"resident Evil!"

This wrong street canyon.

It's almost like Resident Evil.

The underground base of the protection and umbrella company is exactly the same.


There is no lifting platform for umbrellas.


Maybe there was once.

But now, it must have been destroyed by the Extreme Beast.

In fact...

Here, it has become a lair for the Extreme Beast.

It is just the ground entrance of the canyon on the wrong street.

There are no fewer than three hundred Type I Polar Devourers.

"How to do?"

Everyone in the Baiyuekui team.

Without hesitation, he looked at Bai Yuekui.

They have become accustomed to Bai Yuekui giving orders.


Bai Yuekui felt very bitter.

Give orders?

With Lin Bei here, which round will she give orders?

Other people in the team.

May not be clear about Lin Bei's strength.

Those who are still ignorant are fearless and dare to say anything.

but she.

But watched it with my own eyes.

Lin Bei smashed the moon with a punch.

In the face of this kind of existence, how can she speak?

"It's okay."

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head.

It means what Bai Yuekui usually does, and what he does now.

He didn't care about giving orders.

In fact...

If it weren't for Xutong's provocation and provocation several times.

He even watched it.

I don’t even look at Xutong, ants!

Bai Yuekui smiled helplessly.

Because she could see, Lin Bei's eyes were disdainful.


Hope the benefits think.

In this way, she can feel a little more relaxed.

after all……

The dragon not only despised the ants.

Will not actively attack the ants!

Thinking of this...

Bai Yuekui's mood immediately relaxed, showing a confident smile.

"Only a hundred Type I Polar Devourers?"

"Bai Yuekui team, kill them all for me!"

Heard this.

Everyone in Bai Yuekui's team immediately took action.

The sturdy Shanda rushed out first.

Xu Tong, a soldier, followed closely behind.

Broken Star took a step further, and Xia Dou stayed behind.

At last……

After being broken by Bai Yuekui himself.

The five members of Bai Yuekui's team were arranged into a shuttle shape tacitly in just three seconds.

Just like a sharp knife.

Putting aside the Extreme Beasts straight away!

But the only problem is...

Lin Bei is not in this sharp knife.

Bai Yuekui is not worried.


She doesn't think.

He is qualified to worry about Lin Bei's safety.

Shanda didn't even think of it.

As for Xutong...

He didn't expect Lin Bei to die, it was already a good thing, how could he take the initiative to bring Lin Bei?

As for the last broken star and summer beans.

As a sniper and auxiliary.

It has always been the role of following the command.

Rarely express one's own opinions.

Shanda and Xutong did it.

Almost subconsciously...

Following Shanda, Xu Tong rushed out.

Waiting to recover.

But there is no way to look back!


Lin Bei was left behind.

All alone.

Exposing to hundreds of Type I Extreme Beasts.


But none of the Extreme Devourers dared to move forward.


Lin Bei released his soul.


Not only did he dare not do anything to Lin Bei.

A crowd of extreme eating beasts, even like puppies.

Backed slowly while whimpering.

Expressed his fear and surrender.

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

I didn't care about these whining polar beasts.

Take out a book and drink a cup of milk tea.

It was leisurely, drinking and watching.

I don't know how long I waited.


Lin Bei finished reading a 100-page book.

Bai Yuekui team.

Only then came back bloody.

"Finally killed all!"

Little Lori Xia Dou stuck out her tongue and breathed a sigh of relief.

And Xu Tong...

He looked at Lin Bei with disdain.


This guy is completely clean.

There is even a book in his hand.

As long as he stayed here, a polar-chewing beast did not kill.


Xu Tong squinted his eyes and sneered, "It seems that it is self-evident who is running naked!"

When saying this.

Xu Tong held his head high and was very proud.

I think.

Recovered a city by himself.

Lin Bei was humiliated once.

He had already begun to look forward to it, and Lin Bei's expression was ugly.



Lin Bei ignored his words directly.

He even ignored him directly.

That's it...

From his side.

Feng Qingyun walked over.


Xu Tong was stunned for a while.

In my heart, I couldn't help but start to wonder.

"Am I really winning?"

But this idea just appeared.

Xu Tong interrupted this thought without hesitation.


This time, it was obviously my Xutong who won!

This Lin Bei.

It's just bluffing and pretending to be calm.

not sure……

I will hide in the corner and cry later.

Thought of this.

Xu Tong felt much better immediately.



Bai Yuekui shook his head and smiled bitterly.

As long as they are discerning people, I am afraid they can see it.

Lin Bei and them.

It is not a level of existence at all!

It's simple.

The five of them are together.

In the end, they were more embarrassed than the other.

And Lin Bei...


Stay in the Beast Devouring herd.

Not only is there no danger, but there is even time to read.

That said.

The gap is already obvious!


Xu Tong has already been.

Dazzled by anger and hatred.

Can't think of this at all!


What makes Bai Yuekui a little curious is that.

Just now, what book did Lin Bei read?

And she just thought about it.

Lin Bei lifted the cover of the book.

Bai Yuekui was startled and involuntarily read out: "Experimental textbooks for standard high school curriculum."


"Required 1!"

To be honest.

Even read it out.

Bai Yuekui also had no idea what this meant.


"Want to learn?"

Lin Bei smiled and pulled Bai Yuekui's hand: "Comrade Bai, I can teach you anytime you want to learn."


Bai Yuekui was taken aback for a moment.

On the one hand, it was because Lin Bei was holding her hand.

on the other hand.

It was because Lin Bei called her Comrade.

What does this mean?


Lin Bei smiled and let go of his hand, and explained: "Comrade means like-minded people."

"And hold your hand, don't care too much."

Lin Bei smiled calmly:

"Among comrades, hold hands to show affection."

"It's normal!"


Bai Yuekui smiled: "I believe you a ghost!"

According to Lin Bei.

The five people in her team.

Which one, not her comrade Bai Yuekui?

But even.

She borrowed Xutong's courage.

Xu Tong, dare he hold her Bai Yuekui's hand?

After all.

Not yet.

Your Lin Bei is strong enough!

So take advantage of whatever you want.

Speaking of which.

Think carefully...

Lin Bei even if the overlord is **** the bow.

Occupy her completely.

She seems to have no way!

"will not……"

"Lin Bei really has such an idea?"

Bai Yuekui couldn't help becoming vigilant.

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