Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 2052: Congratulations!

"Well, now that we're out, let's get out."

Suddenly, four majestic breaths suddenly fell from the sky!

Landed around the sea.

This is four people! Everyone's body is covered with scale armor, a pair of eyes, and a pupil, and the core in the mouth is constantly twitching between words, like a lizard.

"Residual Four Elders, what are you doing here?"

Cang Hai's face was cold, and he glanced around, slowly speaking.

The surviving four old demon, but the four brothers, are masters of the lizard tribe, half-step great success. Unlike the others, the four have been together since birth and have a great understanding and feelings. Although none of the four were in perfect harmony.


Because the four were able to cooperate with each other, no one came to provoke them.

This time, the four of them fled the fallen battlefield after robbing two mixed Yuanyushu fruit. Unexpectedly, after a few days, they went back and came back again.

"What? What, of course, it's for you."

The eldest eldest among the remaining four old demons, looked up and down the sea and even neon, the core continued to spit, all eyes were the fire of desire.

"The old man wanted to have a taste of the unbeaten empress for a long time. It's just that you are so powerful that we have never had a chance to start. But now?"

With a small smile, the boss said, "The four of us have taken the Yuanyuan Yushu fruit, and they have all reached the great fulfillment! This time, the four of us want to use your body to congratulate us."

The other three were all laughing and laughing, and their eyes kept walking on the sea and the neon body, as if to use their eyes to steal the clothes of the two women!

"Presumptuous! How can you insult you, Lordess!"

Neon drank abruptly, eyes widened.

"Hum, get married!"

The head of the four old demons, snorted one step, waved his sleeves suddenly, and suddenly blasted a strong wind, straight into the neon.

Even the neon gaze fixed, drank a low, rounded his hands, and condensed the defense shield in front of him.


There was a muffled sound, the defensive shield suddenly shattered, and even the neon stepped back a dozen steps. There was a surge of blood in the chest, and some of them could not breathe.

"This guy is so powerful? But I just shattered the shield that I consolidated with all my strength? It shook me a dozen steps backwards, and my breath was not smooth. His strength, although not as good as that of the Empress, It ’s not too far away! "

Thinking of this, Lian Neon sank a little.

"Hey, Canghai, what do you think of me just now? Can I hold you down and rip out your clothes?"

The boss opened his mouth with a smile, as did the other three. They all giggled and looked like they were in the sea.

The cold eyes of the sea burst into two cold rays, sweeping across four people.

A disdainful smile appeared in the corner of the mouth of the sea.

"Just because of your four bugs, you want to beat me? It is arrogant. Today, I will show you what an undefeated female emperor is!"

In a word, the sea stepped out, and the whole body was full of momentum. Behind her, a phantom of the ape monster rose up into the sky!

Even the neon pupil shrank, and there was a kind of worship in his eyes.

"Neon, are you afraid?"

The sea asked.

Neon frowned, then shook his head, kneeling on one knee, his eyes filled with incomparable firmness.

"For the empress, never die!"

The sea nodded.

"Okay! Then follow me, kill these bugs! Fight!"

With a single-handed wave, the colossus of the apes behind the sea moves. He shouted, his huge fangs, like a dagger, glowing with coldness.

He grabbed it suddenly in his hand, and suddenly from the void, he grabbed a huge, extremely thick stick, about ten meters thick and hundreds of meters long.

An extreme sense of power suddenly burst out!

"Okay! Let me also see, will the so-called undefeated female emperor be defeated! Fight!"

Instantly, the four rushed out!

. . . . . .

Below the extremely cold magma lake, in a sealed cave.

At this point, if anyone sees it, they will scream in shock.

Because in the cave, a shocking vision is now appearing!

There are hundreds of thousands of golden dragons with only the thickness of the thumb. They constantly swim in the caves, and they also make a loud and majestic sound of dragons.

The whole cave seems to turn into a dragon's nest!

In the center of the cave, many geniuses and divine treasures converged into a vortex, directly poured into Chen Yu's head.

Chen Yu sat on the floor with her eyes closed. At this time, he was all transparent from the inside to the outside.

At a glance, you can clearly see the bones, meridians, blood and internal organs of Chen Yu's whole body. Among them, a powerful and unmatched energy is moving in a special trajectory.

In Dan Yu's part of Chen Yu, there are constant changes. The golden villain, like a miniature version of Chen Yu, was completely dragonized at this time. Horns were born on the head, golden scales appeared on the body, and a tail grew behind.

At the same time, Chen Yu ’s power of consciousness is skyrocketing.

Originally, although he was the deity of the deity, due to his own realm, he could only exert limited divine power.

It's like a faucet installed in the sea. Even if there is more seawater, every time it can be released, there is only a little bit.

But now it's different!

This faucet, with the improvement of Chen Yu's strength, has begun to grow!

From the inside to the outside, Chen Yu is undergoing qualitative changes!

A powerful oppressive force continued to radiate from Chen Yu, and Chen Yu's breath became stronger and stronger.

I don't know how long, it seems that suddenly, a critical point has been reached!

Everything in the cave seemed to stand still.

Youlong freezes in the air, the heart stops beating, and even the floating dust in the air is completely freeze.

Everything, completely frozen!

But, the next moment, the stillness is broken!

All the dragons, such as Baichuan returning to the sea, and flying birds to the forest, rushed into Chen Yu's body from all directions in just a blink of an eye!


At this time, around Chen Yu, avenues emerged in the void. These avenues, at first, were long strips, dangling from the void, and then slowly turned into milky white, with a thunderous body Humanoid!

Of these, Chen Yu has seen that when he stepped into the Tao of Taoism, he fought with Wandao, and finally entered into Taoism through Wandao, and achieved the situation of Taodao!

And now, Wandao has manifested again!

It's just different from the last time. This time, Chen Yu sits in the center of the plate. The ten thousand incarnations are one after another, all kneeling on the ground!

That posture seemed to be congratulations.

Congratulations Chen Yu, breakthrough!

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