Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1871: Please forgive me!

How shocking!

There was never a crowded place, and at this time, a figure appeared!

It's simply not true!

Suddenly, someone from the Presbyterian Church screamed suddenly, kneeling on the ground, facing the forbidden ground, and the figure that appeared appeared bowing down!

"I see! Here, this is the ancestor's soul! My God, the ancestor's soul has appeared!"

Everyone is horrified!

"You, what are you talking about? The ancestor's soul! Hiss! The old patriarch actually invited the ancestor's soul !?"

All other people took a breath of air.

Please ancestral soul, is one of their stunts in this branch, but! This is not really asking the ancestor to appear, but communicating the power in the forbidden area, guiding the power left by the ancestors in the forbidden area, instilling in their own bodies and strengthening their strength!


Never heard of the ancestor soul, the real ancestor soul will appear in front of everyone!


Kong Wanxiang knelt down! After him, many of the people who swallowed the Tian Yao Peng family, like dominoes, one by one, all kneeled on the ground!

No hesitation, no hesitation, only, strong excitement and awe!

That is their ancestor!

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, Chen Yu, you're dead! Can you be stronger than the power of the swallows of the Demon Peng? Can you be stronger than the spirit of the ancestors? Today, I will let you and you Both students have no place to die! "

Zhou Youji smiled, her face deformed.

Kong Qianqiu looked at the soul of the ancestor, his eyes were extremely excited.

"Photo of great luck! Today, I should be Kong Qianqiu and become the patriarch! Jian Shuang and Jian Yue, no matter how you struggle, the final victory is my Kong Qianqiu! This is life !!!"

"My life is the life of the patriarch!"

Pointing at the sky, Kong Qianqiu is extremely proud!

Many guests looked at each other, all shaking their heads.

"It's over. The ancestral soul of the swallowing Tianpeng Peng is here, and Chen Yu has no chance at all."

"That being said, Chen Yu is also proud of being able to make the ancestor souls holy. This is a great honor! If, if he is not so arrogant, today ..."

Everyone, silent.

Yes, if Chen Yu is not so arrogant, I am afraid that today's scene is already a different look.

It ’s just that there are no things in the world, only results!

Chen Yu, doomed!

Kong Wanxiang stood up, his figure grew taller!

"Chen Yu, today, I will kill you in the name of the ancestor!"

"Ancestor, come!"


In the sky, the thunder exploded, and the huge crack suddenly opened bigger!

The figure standing proudly on the sculpture, under the eyes of everyone, passed through the mouth in an instant, came out of the forbidden area, and reached the platform!

"Welcome the arrival of the ancestor's soul !!!"


All the Celestial Demon Peng tribe bowed down to worship the five bodies and did not dare to have any disrespect.

"First ancestor! This is the first ancestor!"

Kong Yan knelt down on the ground, quietly raised his head, looking at the figure, he could feel the other side's breath of Ling Tianquan with just one glance!

Before the first ancestors were born, what kind of strong man can they survive without time and have such amazing coercion!

Not only Kong Yan, but also the feelings and excitement of every tribe.

And looking at Chen Yu's eyes, only sympathy!

That is sympathy for the weak!

However, to everyone's surprise, Chen Yu just stood there, silently, without a word, even a faint smile.

Chen Yu, are you laughing?

Why is this guy still laughing at this time? He's crazy?

"Chen Yu! When you die, can you still laugh? I have to say, you are really a lunatic, but I want to see, how long can you be crazy?"

Zhou Youji, like a victor, was extremely proud. He bowed to Kong Wanxiang and said, "Clan leader, please kill this person and prove my family's strength!"

"Kill this man and prove me!"

The sound of a mountain tsunami sounded suddenly.

Many of the clan who swallowed the sky demon Peng tribe were extremely excited and wanted to see the supreme majesty of the ancestral soul.

Kong Wanxiang nodded, and his hands formed a complicated seal.

"Ancestral soul, fusion!"

Integrate the ancestral soul into one's own body and obtain the powerful power in the forbidden land, which is to ask the ancestor soul!

Everyone looked forward to Kong Wanxiang, but then they were all dumbfounded.

The ancestral soul is still standing still, not moving! There is no sign of integration with Kong Vientiane!

"This, what's going on?" The Presbyterian looked puzzled.

Kong Wanxiang stayed a while, and printed the seal again, "Fusion!"

But still useless!

Not only that, the ancestral soul also slowly walked towards Kong Wanxiang, standing down one meter in front of him, and staring straight at Kong Wanxiang.


A slap was drawn directly on Kong Wanxiang's face, making his whole body bang loudly.

Kong Wanxiang stayed, covering his face, staring at the ancestral soul aggressively.

He was beaten by his ancestor?

"Me, my Cao?"

Many of the guests were stunned and looked at each other.

This is the ancestor soul who swallowed the Tian Yao Peng family? Please come and slap yourself? Or, this is also a link to ask the ancestor soul?

The Presbyterian's mouth opened slightly, his head rumbling. What is the development of this plot now?

Zhou Youji and Kong Qianqiu both smiled completely.

Why did this ancestor soul do it by itself? What the hell?

"Fuck, I almost got stuck by you!"

Suddenly, an extremely angry voice suddenly sounded.

It's the ancestor! Ancestral soul spoke!

The crowd was uproaring and extremely shocked.

It was indeed Kong Xiang who spoke, and now he is almost mad and frightened!

Because of Chen Yu's sake, he has just recovered a lot. As a result, his ancestors and grandchildren must ask himself to kill Chen Yu?

What about Nima?

You know, in the forbidden area, he saw the strength of Chen Yu with his own eyes. Is that kind of horror that they can imagine? Really facing Chen Yu, I am afraid that their entire family will be killed!

It is exactly the same that he was so anxious.

"Master, this, what's going on?" Kong Wanxiang asked blankly.

"What's going on? Huh, I'll settle accounts with you later! Really they're a fool!"

With a sharp wave of his sleeves, Kong Xiang turned directly and hurriedly ran to Chen Yu. Under the watch of everyone, he bowed deeply to Chen Yu.

"Mr. forgive me, ancestor Kong Xiang is rude, please don't blame me!"

For a moment, the scene was deadly silent!

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