Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1805: fulfil your promise

Counting the heavens and the earth is not satisfying. The meaning of this sentence is that the complexity of the human heart is harder to master than the heavens and the earth.

Just like this march to fight, it is extremely rare to be able to anticipate the enemy ’s opportunity and see through the opponent ’s ideas in advance, but it is even more difficult to control the opponent and do things according to their own ideas.

Even Bai Feng, who has accumulated so much experience after thousands of wars, can't completely do this step, but Chen Yu did it! And the man who controls it is still a generation of army gods!

Unpredictable! The world is shocked!

At this time looking at Chen Yu, Bai Feng's heart had only this idea. He is really hard to imagine, how can such a young man achieve this step?

Now looking at the situation in the big team, Bai Feng already knows that no matter how he changes the team, he will still move according to Chen Yu's design.

In other words, Bai Feng has completely lost control of the situation!

Originally occupied the right situation and the situation of peace and harmony, but after a moment it has completely turned!

"This person's accomplishments in formation are far more than me! It's too scary! It's too scary!"

Jiuhe's face was pale, with a faint smile on his face, and he said, "I can't help you anymore, it's up to you."

Bai Feng also smiled horribly, and said, "No, not just the formation, but he is also completely above me in the art of war! I am in front of him, like a recruit egg, completely clapped by him. Among them, failure is just a matter of time. "

Jiuhe was stunned, then turned to look at Chen Yu, and sighed deeply: "I have never seen such a terrible person? Is he really all-powerful and invincible?"

An absurd feeling rose, but Jiuhe increasingly felt that it was true!

At this time, more than a dozen people came along, and at this time they were a little rumbling.

"Hey, what are you two mumbling over there? Don't hurry to beat the kid yet? It doesn't make much sense to watch this kind of abuse."

"Yeah, hurry up and let this kid know that there is a mountain outside the mountain, there are people outside!"

"Haha, we can't wait to see what he looks like when he is defeated."

More than a dozen people discussed it. Just now when Jiuhe and Bai Feng were talking, they both secretly set up a soundproofing matrix, so the two of them did not hear the conversation.

On the ground, many people who dared not anger at Chen Yu sneered. Want to see Chen Yu's joke.

Jiuhe and Baifeng's faces were hard to look at, looked at each other, and sighed softly in their hearts.

There are mountains outside the mountains, there are people outside.

Yes, but outside the mountain, outsiders, but not the two of them, but Chen Yu!

"Well, it's time to close the net. Gu Jianxing, go and ask Tianxie Mountain, their toilet is full?"


Gu Jianxing froze, but still nodded, and walked towards Tianxie Mountain. At the same time, Chen Yu flashed her eyes, her right hand waved gently in the air, and the situation in the large array changed instantly.

The golden soldiers who were still suppressed just now burst into a powerful combat power at the same time, and at the same time, the cranes danced wildly in the large array, as the golden soldiers continued to attack the soldiers of Baifeng.

But in just one minute, all of Bai Feng's soldiers were destroyed, but on the other hand, there was no casualty on the side of Chen Yu!

"Ah, it really is."

Bai Feng and Jiuhe looked at each other, their eyes were extremely complicated, and their hearts were full of frustration and frustration. Combining the power of the two, they were beaten like this, and they had completely served.

"Can you be convinced?" Chen Yu said.

The two arched their hands at Chen Yu and bent down.

"I'll wait, serve!"

The whole scene was silent, and everyone looked at the scene stupidly, with a look of aggression. Until now, they still felt unreal. I never expected that it would be so easy, and Chen Yu won?

"I, my Cao, here, what's going on?"

Tang Ziyu's eyes widened and he was completely blindfolded. Bai Feng had the upper hand just now. I did not expect that in a short time, the situation would completely reverse, making it difficult for him to accept.

At this time, Gu Jianxing also arrived on the ship of Tianxie Mountain.

"Gu Jianxing, what are you doing here?"

Tang Hua looked at Gu Jianxing, and his heart suddenly jumped, thinking of his son Tang Ziyu, if Chen Yu won, then. . .

No, Chen Yu shouldn't hear it, even if he does, he won't be so stingy, right?

Just thinking, Gu Jianxing spoke.

"Well, the teacher asked me to ask, is your toilet full?"


Tang Hua was short of breath, looking at Chen Yu from afar, his face was abnormally ugly.

Sure enough, I heard! And he really wanted to make Tang Ziyu him!

"Full, full! I know what to do."

Tang Hua arched his hand in front of Gu Jianxing, Tang Hua gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, that's good, I'm gone." Gu Jianxing glanced at Tang Hua with a puzzled look, totally at a loss as to what kind of puzzle.

Just after he left, Tang Hua came to Tang Ziyu.

"Father, you, you won't! Me, I'm kidding."

Tang Ziyu's heart lifted violently, his face pale.

"Some jokes can be made, some can't be made. If you want to die, just go!"

Tang Hua sighed, glanced at Chen Yu again, and muttered to himself: "Chen Wudi, Chen Wudi, it's really a great trend, and Tian Xingzhou is invincible!"

As a result, Tang Hua's face changed, and it was abnormally gloomy.

"Send Tang Ziyu to the toilet! Watch him to fulfill his promise."

"Yes!" The two immediately erected Tang Ziyu, and no matter how yelling Tang Ziyu shouted, they left directly.

The faces of the major forces next to him have become very complicated.

"Why let Tang Ziyu go to the toilet?" Gu Jianxing still puzzled, and asked Wen Qian beside her.

Wen Qian froze, as if thinking of something, a disgusting look appeared on her face.

"Maybe, he's hungry ..."

The ancient sword star stunned. . .

In the sky, the dozen or so people who came just now were surrounded by Bai Feng and Jiuhe, and asked what happened just now. After listening to the explanation, all of them were holding their arms and watching. With Chen Yu's eyes, it also changed completely.

In that look, there was no longer any contempt, and the rest was only strong awe and fear.

"Are you still coming?"

Chen Yu sat on the seat, leaned back, and said lightly.

They trembled, looked at each other, and arched Chen Yu at the same time, and said, "I'll be convinced!"

In a word, many of the big men present were shocked.

Within a thousand years of Tianxie Xingzhou, as the strongest generation of myths, they surrendered!

Chen Wudi is really Chen Wudi!

Such a thought emerged in everyone's heart.

Just suddenly, Wen Qian's mind flashed a thought.

Speaking of Chen Wudi and the strongest generation, it seems that among the strongest generation, there is also a Sun Wudi!

where is he?

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