Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1620: Hit the dog without looking at the owner


The atmosphere of the entire scene suddenly became tense!

Everyone's eyes focused on Chen Yu, and he wanted to see what he would do next.


The corner of Chen Yu's mouth was raised, but his eyes were full of icy look.

"I ask now, who governs His Majesty's Palace?"

"Our Majesty's Palace is in a transcendent position. Everything in it has rules and regulations, and even the Lord of the Empire has no right to interfere."

Someone spoke with a little pride. His Majesty's School is in the Cangli Empire, and that is the country's greatest weapon! Everything in it is self-contained, and even the state owner cannot interfere in its internal affairs.

"That being the case, a prince is not even a lord now, how can he point at my Majesty's Palace?"

Chen Yu glanced at Zhao An and spoke coldly.

When everyone heard this, they all jumped hard.

Yeah, I almost forgot, their Majesty's Palace was always aloof. It was only after coming to the forefront that he was very close to the Prince, and in the presence of so many people, he was very respectful to the Prince. In addition, the reputation of the Prince had reached a peak in the whole empire, so When Zhao An said that, they all agreed subconsciously. I completely forgot that even the prince can not get involved in the affairs of His Majesty's Palace!

Even Zhao An also subconsciously believed that everything in the empire should be completely obeyed by His Royal Highness, forgetting that His Majesty's Palace was not subject to the Prince's jurisdiction.


Zhao An's eyes widened, she looked at Chen Yu inconceivably, and completely froze.

For a long time, as a prince's servant, where he went was not front and back, the oldest big brother was also respectful in front of him.

What happened now?

This guy didn't even take him seriously! It ’s just that Chen Yu has said it well. In fact, the Prince has no way to abolish Chen Yu ’s position!

At present, Zhao An's face turned red!

"Okay, okay, okay! It seems that you haven't put His Royal Highness in your eyes at all!"

Chen Yu leaned on the back of the chair, looked at Zhao An indifferently, a sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"If someone growls at His Majesty's High School Omiya, what should be done in accordance with the rules?"

Hearing Chen Yu's questioning, the crowd suddenly hesitated, and then someone said, "According to the rules of His Majesty's Palace, you are disrespectful to the Lord of the Palace, and you should applaud ten times!"

what! ?

Zhao An's eyes widened instantly, and she looked at Chen Yu incredible.

"Mr. Chen Yun, what are you doing! I am His Royal Highness' servant! If you dare to hit me, are you not afraid of His Royal Highness!"


A crisp slap sound sounded suddenly. I saw Zhao An turned around several times, and half of her face was completely swollen!

It's Chen Yu! Just slammed a slap and drew it on Zhao An's face fiercely!

"You, dare you hit me?"

Zhao An is stunned, but he represents the Prince! How dare he hit himself?

Is there any truth? Is there any king law!

"I, I Cao! Let's do it! He even hit Zhao An!"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

No one expected that Chen Yu would actually do it!

"Just hit a dog, what's so dare? This is the first and nine times! Xiaofei, you go!"

Chen Yu sneered, and spoke to Shen Fei aside.


Shen Fei raised an eyebrow, laughed and walked towards Zhao An.

"Presumptuous! It's presumptuous! What kind of thing do you dare to do to me ?! Get me out!"

With a roar, Zhao An shouted with his head raised, his blue forehead jumping straight, his eyes flushed.

This is the first time that he has suffered a great shame!

Shame will be replaced with blood. Watching Shen Fei walking towards herself, Zhao An decided to kill!

"What are you shouting? Shut me up!"

Chen Yu frowned, then flew out with one finger, and four golden lights flew out. Zhao An had not responded yet, and felt a sudden pain coming suddenly. The whole person suddenly fell to the ground and then completely Can't move.

Glancing to the side, Zhao An's pupils shrank sharply!

I saw my limbs, all pierced by golden beams of light, and poked **** the ground!


When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked. They were sitting in their seats. At this moment they stood up suddenly, leaned forward, and their eyes were full of horror.

"This Mrs. Chen Yun, is it crazy? I dare to do such a thing in public! This is to declare war with His Royal Highness!"

"I didn't expect this guy to become the Omiya master, and he and the prince were on the bar! Finished, I'm afraid he can't do this for a long time!"

"Yes, when His Royal Highness returns, there will be a banquet. At that time, Mrs. Chen Yun, as the host of Her Majesty's Palace, must attend. I'm afraid it will be inevitable. There will be a dragon fight!"

Many big-headed guys have dignified eyes and have already foreseen the violent conflict that is about to erupt!

"Ah! Mrs. Chen Yun, you dare to do this to me! The prince will not let you go! I won't let you go!"

Nailed to the ground, Zhao An yelled wildly, and the whole person was a little hysterical.


A slap hit Zhao An's face fiercely, and immediately calmed him down.

"What the **** is that noisy? For a long time, isn't it still my brother made this look? What is the prince? If he dares to come, my brother will make him unprince and become eunuch!"

Shen Fei spoke fiercely.

what? !!

Zhao An's eyes widened and she looked at Shen Fei aggressively. She did not expect that Shen Fei would say such a thing.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their mouths were wide, and their chins almost fell to the ground.

Eunuch, eunuch. . .

How dare you say this guy!

"Well, to be honest, I won't be too heavy, that is, your mother didn't know you. If you dare to resist, I will beat your face deformly at that time, and you ca n’t cure it. You Believe it or not? "

Zhao An shuddered, for the first time in his eyes a look of terror appeared. If it turns out that way, his future will be ruined! And he now knows that this guy can definitely do that kind of thing!

Not afraid to say anything, Zhao An immediately nodded.

"Well, Xunzi can teach, don't you thank me? Otherwise, if I'm in a bad mood, I won't be able to grasp the intensity." Shen Fei squatted on the ground and smiled.


Hit me, thank you!

At this point, Zhao An almost wanted to vomit blood, but for the sake of his face, he didn't dare to refuse, and now he gritted his teeth and turned red.

"Thanks, thank you ..."

Almost exhausted, Zhao An just said.

"Ah! How good! Then I'm here!"

After laughing, Shen Fei spit in his hand, then rubbed it, and fanned over Zhao An's face!

In Zhao An's horrified eyes, the drooling slap was getting closer and closer to his face. . .

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