Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1433: Wonderful encounter

On a remote planet among the hundred domains, Chen Yu stood here, and behind him, there were people such as the sea, the palace flowing water, the palace nian, and Ren Tai.

In front of a few people, there was a vortex, exuding a faint light.

"Chen Yu, this is the way to the Cangli Empire. It is also the fastest way."

Gong Liushui said.

Although Baiyu and Cangliu Empire are adjacent to each other, they are also in the Xinghe. Compared with other places, the two are also separated from the heavy no-man's land. Among them are terrible Jedi and unknown danger.

Even if Chen Yu is now Xiaocheng, it is very difficult and dangerous to cross the past.

The channel in front of me is the only channel that is connected to the Cangli Empire and is the fastest and safest.

"Is this here?"

Chen Yu nodded, his eyes calmed. Now that everything in Baiyu has been understood, it is also time for him to start marching toward the Cangliu Empire!

"Chen Yu, are you really going?"

Gong Nian looked at Chen Yu, and there were many kinds of tenderness in her eyes, and there seemed to be waves of water.

"Hee hee, why, it's spring? Or else the two of us would join forces to stop Chen Yu and sleep with him together. What do you think?"

Cang Hai grabbed Gong Nian's waist, a smile on his face, and his tongue gently licked Gong Nian's smooth cheek.

"I can smell it. You little female cat has a smell of wanting to sleep with Chen Yu."


Gong Nian's complexion was immediately red, and her ears were completely red!

"You, don't talk nonsense!" Gong Nian immediately said.

"Hee hee, just say you want to sleep. Like me, I just want to sleep with Chen Yu. If he is not better than me now, I will catch him and tie him to the bed, play him every day!"

"Ahem ..."

Hearing these words, Gong Liushui, Ren Tai and others all kept coughing.

Sister, how dare you say that, we are all there!

No one had expected that such a grandeur would say this in public!

What's more, the picture is so rich. Almost instantly, everyone thought of how Chen Yu was tied to the bed, and the sea was tumbling on it!

The crowd couldn't help turning their heads to look at Chen Yu, and saw that Chen Yu's mouth pumped hard.

Full of black lines!

"Okay, Baiyu will leave it to you, I'm gone."

He coughed a lot, and Chen Yu flew directly into the aisle!

"Giggle, your skin is really thin."

Cang Hai smiled, but in her eyes, there was another faint worry.

Chen Yu, you are such a brave person. When you get there, be careful!

At the same time, at the other end of the passage, a man wrapped in a black robe covered his face with a cold smile. He took a piece of paper in his hand and raised a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, that killed the son of King Huyanhao, the king of the capital, I really do n’t know, who are you? I really look forward to seeing you and killing you!"

That's right! This person is an alien! Moreover, it is an alien sent by the King of Heaven!

At that time, when Chen Yu was in the Five Realms, he had killed the son of the alien King of Heaven, Hu Yanbo, on the Tianluo Ancient Road. It was also at that time that the King of the Heaven, Hu Yanhao, had a reaction and sent his men to Wu Realm, kill all creatures in the five realms!

This alien, named Gu Bao, was sent by the King of Heaven to kill the Five Realms!

And if you want to go to Five Realms, you have to pass here, first go to Bai Realm!

That's just such a coincidence!

When Chen Yu is going to the Cangliu Empire, Gu Bao will also go from here to Baiyu!

And Gu Bao was holding it in his hand, which was given to him by Hu Yanhao, and was made with a special secret method, capable of recourse to Chen Yu's treasure!

When this piece of paper is near Chen Yu, it will glow and heat, and once Chen Yu is killed, it will be burned directly.

This is also a means of judging Chen Yu's death.

No hesitation, Gu Bao also stepped into the channel.

The channel between Unicom Baiyu and Cangliu Empire is very special, just like a normal road.

At this moment, Chen Yu was walking in it, looking around, and at his feet, he saw that it was an extremely straight, 100-meter-wide avenue, and all around the road were foggy, tearing in the wind. crack.

Chen Yu knows that those outside are the storms in the starry sky, and are different from ordinary starry sky, because the space between Baiyu and Cangli Empire is distorted here, so that the distance between the two places is shortened, so the outside world Howling wind is extremely fierce!

According to Chen Yu's observation, even if the person with the ultimate concentration of mind fell into it, the spirits that were torn apart in an instant would be destroyed!

"This channel seems to have a long history."

Chen Yu thought to herself, and continued to move forward. The passage is quiet and almost unused. One reason is that this passage is extremely secretive, almost unknown, and only a few people know it among the hundreds of domains.

On the other hand, it is because even if you want to enter this channel, it is not so easy. You need a special token. Because at the entrance and exit of the channel, there are hundreds of arrays. If there is no token, it will be directly hanged before entering.

Among the 100 domains, this kind of token has long been absent, and it can only be found in the proud arrogance of the proud family and the former Omo. They also rushed over from the Cangli Empire through the token.

Therefore, this channel has always been unmanned and unusually silent.

Only Chen Yu was walking, but the next moment, he stopped, looking very surprised.

Because in front of him, a relative position, a guy shrouded in a cloak, was standing there, and in his hands, a piece of paper was bursting with dazzling light.

Similarly, under the cloak, the man's eyes were full of surprise.

"Kill, killer guy ?!"

Gu Bao's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

This is not yet the five domains, as a result, the mission goal was encountered? Is your luck so good?


As soon as Chen Yu's eyes were cold, his body suddenly rose into murder!

"Haha, I have a good vision. I didn't expect to kill all the creatures in the Five Realms. I met you on the way? Hehe, it seems that I can now hold your head and go back to Tiandu Lord Wang is back! "

King of Heaven!

Chen Yu's pupils suddenly shrank.

"You, Hu Yanbo's men?"

"Yes, I'm Hu Yanbo's man named Gu Bao. You killed the blood of Lord Tiandu Wang. I'm here to kill you!"

Stepping out, Gu Bao smiled coldly.

"You are so lucky that you almost escaped from the Cangli Empire. Today, you will die here!"


Gu Bao's body suddenly rose with heavy black gas.

Chen Yu's pupils suddenly shrank, her eyes were so dignified!

"You are, half step !!!!"

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