Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1423: The owner is here!

Here comes Aohong!

Everyone was shocked. The shock just now disappeared in no time, and they turned to look at the entrance.

"This kid is finished! Do something to Ao Ming, and how could Ao Hong let him go on this occasion?"

"That's right, this kid is dead. It's just that Aoming is going to have a hard time in the future. After all, Auming is the Ao family. What happened today is tantamount to losing Ao's face!"

Everyone talked.

"Haha, boy, you're done! What about you being a concubine? I'm proud of my family, but my consolation is the ultimate! Not to mention, among my proud family, there are conquerors such as consolation, etc., you Xiaocheng, a condensed spirit, is in front of our proud home, the ants! You are dead! "

Aoming laughed wildly, hysterical.

"Sir, this, this, this is over! It's over!" Yan Tian shivered and his face was completely white.

Aohong, in the entire world of Aotian, is a legend, a myth, and the only true god. That existence, to all second-class people present, is like the sun in the sky, dazzling and cannot be seen directly.

Chen Yu doing this kind of thing now is disrespectful, not only him, but the entire Yan family, must be buried.

The other big guys around him obviously also thought about this matter. Without notice, he stepped back a few steps. Looking at the eyes of Yan Tian and others, he had sympathy, good luck, and sneer. . . . . .

Yan family, you bet the wrong treasure. . .

For a time, the whole venue was crowded with people everywhere. Only a few people beside Yan Tian left a large vacant area.

"Rest assured, Aohong, I don't think about it yet."

Chen Yu smiled slightly.

"Sir, you, what do you want me to say ..."

Yan Tian sighed.

Chen Yu is very good, and the performance just now is amazing enough, but what about that? In front of the proud home, all this seemed so pale and weak!

Only Yan Zhiyao stood next to Chen Yu, clenching his fists tightly, and there was a determination in his eyes!

It's a glory to die like this!

Come on, proud owner, let me see how strong you are! My teacher, can I fight with you? !! !!

"Haha, don't put it in your eyes? OK, when my proud homeowner arrives, I'll see if you can say such a thing! Wait for death, wait for death !!!"

Aoming howled endlessly, like a madman.


With a dull sound, the five-meter-high door of the banquet hall opened suddenly!

Everyone in the venue was shocked and could not help but swallow.

At the gate, a group of people stood there, slowly walking towards the venue. Everyone's face is proud, everybody's body is full of powerful momentum!

"Me, my God! This, is this the core member of the proud family ?! This is the first time I have seen this, it is like a myth appeared in front of me!"

Some big guys muttered to themselves, excited and unable to control themselves.

"It's terrifying. Just looking at them, I can feel the trembling of the soul. What kind of level has their state reached!"

"Invincible, the proud family is absolutely invincible! This gap is the gap between heaven and earth !!!"

Shiver, fear, shock. . .

Complex emotions appeared in everyone's mind. Only those who truly see the proud family can feel the huge gap!

"Ha ha ha ha, that's natural! You don't know, no one of the proud family who came here this time was below Ning Shen Jing! This is the gap, this is the gap! Hahahaha ..."

Pride laughs, crazy laughs!

You people, don't think that I look like this, just think we can't do it! You are just second-class people. In front of us, you are ants! You must be in awe of us!

Mindfulness is over!

Hearing this, Xu Cheng's eyes widened, and then the whole person shivered with excitement. Great, great! Aohai came to save me!

"Is this the Aojia? Oh, I, the second-class master, is nothing in front of the Aojia." Xu Feixian was both shocked and frustrated.

The big men present were collectively silent, and could not say a word.

Until now, they did not know what awesome the Aojia is!

"Haha, boy, are you afraid! Are you afraid! You will know how ridiculous your arrogance will be in a moment. A second-class person in a neighbourhood, what dare you to be brazen in front of our proud family? Hahahaha. You must not be afraid to move now, despair, fear, hahahaha. "

Looking at Aoming's insane look, Chen Yu gave a slight indifferent look, and waved a hand, hitting Aoming's face with a slap in the air, all the teeth of Auming pumped were broken, and spit with blood and blood. Half of my face was immediately swollen.

"Be quiet, you know." Chen Yu said lightly.

Many big brothers looked at Chen Yu, but shook his head again and again. In their eyes, this is just Chen Yu's last madness.

At the gate, the proud family has come slowly, the first middle-aged person was leaning on his waist, a smile on his face. It is Aoming's father, the owner of Star City, proud!

"Master, you are able to come here, it is really the glory of our Star City. You can rest assured that everything here has been arranged properly, and there will be no problems. Although my son is of average strength, he is very sophisticated in man and work A rare talent at home. "

Aohe smiled charmingly.


Aohong nodded, his look remained the same. But even so, Aohe was a big joy in her heart. At least, Aohong's first reflection of her son was not bad.

"Father !!! You are finally here!"

Suddenly, a terrible scream came, scaring everyone in Aojia all smart.

He was startled, and his eyes narrowed suddenly.

What did he see? His son, now kneeling on the ground like a dead dog? And it looks stern, the hair is spreading out, it looks like a ghost!

"Minger, you, what's wrong with you?"

Ao He hurried to Ao Ming's side, her eyes widened. A blank mind.

What's wrong? Why does your son become like this? In the end what happened? Who dares to act on his son?

It ’s over, and on this occasion, this kind of thing happens, he and his son are all over!

For a moment, proud congratulations.

"Father, it's him! Everything is done by him! This cheap second-class person killed him, killed him!"

Aoming looked at Chen Yu aside, his voice was extremely resentful.

what? !! Second class?

"Little bastard, you are looking for death !!!" Aoga looked at Chen Yu, her eyes were violently murderous, he turned around immediately, bowed to Aoming and said, "Master, this is an accident, please allow me Take a shot and kill this humble inferior, don't let him, dirty today's banquet! "

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