Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1386: Kill the Quartet and consolidate the power of Shenjing Realm!

In the hollow of the giant ape's chest, a vortex suddenly appeared, and then Gong Nian, Mo Zhou and others walked out of it in turn.

"Ha ha, the proud son is really a clever trick, they actually came out!"

When someone saw the crowd, they couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, that ’s great. We are feeling bored, and these people are coming out. Is n’t it the best thing to relieve us? And these women are all heavenly pride women, you remember I do n’t remember, what did Ao Zhi command? ”


After hearing this, the twenty or so people present were all with bright eyes, and their eyes were constantly sweeping around Gong Nian and other women, with a wild impulse.

"If they come out, everyone will do what you do!"

When they thought of Pride Sky, they could not bear any more.

If placed in peacetime, these women in the palace are all in the realm of the universe, the best daughter of heaven, these women must have a good taste, right?

Lao Tzu has played so many women, such women have not played yet, today. . .

Someone had swallowed and couldn't help licking his tongue.

The thin waist, long straight legs, and exquisite face are all full of temptation. With a single glance, they can think of the perfect attractive body of a few women under the clothes!

God-given opportunity! It's a godsend!

Such a woman was delivered to her, if I do n’t eat it, I ’m afraid God wo n’t let them go!

Twenty people looked at each other. From the eyes of each other, they could see the same idea, and all of them laughed.

"Oh, what do Brother Li think?"

"Haha, brother Zhao Xian, brother and you are brothers and sisters. It ’s natural to enjoy good things together. Picking flowers together is naturally the most beautiful thing."

"That's why, before these women die, we are also obliged to let them taste the wonderful taste of being women. Otherwise, wouldn't we be too men?"

Everyone laughed and looked relaxed.


Hearing this, Mo Zi could not help yelling, his face turned red.

"Oh, little girl of the Mo family, you haven't tasted the taste of a man, rest assured, we will let you know what kind of peak happiness it is! It will definitely make you linger."

Someone said with a smile.

"Haha, what Sun Gongzi said is extremely true! After you know the taste, you will kneel in front of us and ask us to pity you."

Everyone's face was full of smiles, and I had already imagined in my mind that I would press Gong Nian and others under him.

"If Chen Yu is here, I don't know if you dare to say such things!"

Hongxuan's face was extremely gloomy. Although nothing happened, the swear words of these people made her very angry!

"Chen Yu? Haha, if Chen Yu wasn't dead, how dare we treat you this way? But the reality is, Chen Yu is dead!"

"That's right. If Chen Yu is here, then we won't say anything, and we will retreat ten miles away and never entangle you. But how do you summon Chen Yu's undead? Hehe ..."

A faint smirk came out, and everyone was at ease. At that time, under the blow of Ao Zixiao, Chen Yu's bones did not exist. All of them looked really well. No one thought that Chen Yu could still appear in front of them!

They are fearless!

"Don't fantasize, no one can save you today!"

With smirk, 20 people approached step by step.

"Men's killed, all women stay!"

Someone said with a sneer, but unexpectedly, I saw a few people on the face of Gong Nian. There was no fear at all, only sneer, and their eyes looked more like dead people!

How is this going?

They are 20 people, occupying an absolute advantage. Why not be afraid of each other?

Is it! !! !!

Suddenly, an idea flashed through their minds, shocking them suddenly.

They are not fools, and only one moment thought of a possibility!

Hum. . .

really! From the vortex, another person came out, it was Chen Yu!


Everyone's head was violently blown, and their pupils suddenly shrank!

"Chen, Chen Yu, you, you are not dead !!!"

The sound of trembling broke out from the crowd, and everyone's heart shrank fiercely, and then they were extremely synchronized. They took three steps back and shivered!

The great horror was like a big hand, holding their hearts fiercely!

Chen Yu! Why didn't he die? Under the last move of Ao Zixiao, hasn't Chen Yu disappeared? Why did he appear here?

"You guys, **** it!"

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed, his expression indifferent.

"No! Run away! Run away!"

Perceived Chen Yu's intention of killing, everyone trembled fiercely, almost instantly, and everyone was about to flee around.

The strength of Chen Yu has been shown to the fullest in the previous Three Heroes War. Do not look at so many of them now, in front of Chen Yu, it is not enough to kill him! Now, only if they flee separately, will there be vitality!

Some people have even exhibited the secret method and started burning their true power and blood frantically, so that they can quickly escape from here!

As for Gong Nian, no one dares to have any fantasies now!

They only have one idea now, that is to run, Chen Yu is still alive, this news must tell Ao Zixiao!

"Can't let them run away!"

Mo Zhou shouted immediately and was going to intercept them. The same is true of several others.

These people, when killed!

"No need."

Chen Yu waved his hand, and everyone was stunned. Did Chen Yu release them? But the next moment, they froze.

I saw that Chen Yu shook her hands with one hand, and all the people who were about to escape were suddenly shaken, and all of them suddenly froze in the air, no matter how they struggled, they were motionless!

"This, what's going on? Why, why can't I move?"

The sound of panic and anxiety suddenly sounded!

"This, this is the power of God's consciousness! My God, how is this possible that with the power of God's consciousness, we can imprison us? You, who are you!"

Staring hard, everyone looked at Chen Yu, almost staring at their eyes. From the bloodshot eyes, we can see that they are very scared!

Even a person who is fully contemplative can't do this step! And Chen Yu did it!

Mo Zhou and others also froze, staring at the sight in front of them, completely speechless.

At this moment, the 20 people have different forms, but without exception, they are all in the midst of the air, completely unable to move, and there is a weirdness in the comic.

"Who? Who killed you!"

Then, Chen Yu waved with one hand! I only heard the sound of the explosion, and it suddenly sounded. Then, 20 people became violent and turned into dust!

The wind is silent, the audience is silent!

Hongxuan, a few of them, all opened their mouths and stayed completely.

"Chen Yu, you, what are you now?"

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