Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1382: Alchemy for cooking

Ah Wu already had speculation, but still couldn't believe it.

After all, that elixir is too difficult to make!

"Yes, what I want to make is Sihai Jingyuan Dan!"

Chen Yu's words immediately shook Ah Wu's heart. really! This kid, the elixir to be refined, really is the essence of the world!

"Kid, you know, how difficult is this elixir if it is to be refined? Even if it is a seven-star alchemist, the chance of success is extremely small!"

Ah Wu's face was dignified, "So you just chose Jiuhuan Hualien, so you gave up the other two things?"

Chen Yu nodded, and there was nothing to hide.

"That being the case, let me help you!" A Wu began.


Looking at Ah Wu, Chen Yu was a little surprised.

"Yes! I'm afraid you don't know. I'm good at alchemy." Ah Wu took a back and smiled slightly. Although he was very humble, he said that every pore in his body was showing me. the taste of!

"I also made elixir for my master, and then I was praised. Many masters of elixir reached the level of heaven respect. They wanted to accept me as apprentices. I felt that they were not qualified, so they refused. At that time, I could return Remember, those people's disappointed eyes. "

A fifty-forty-five-degree angle looked up at the sky with a look of memories in his face.

"Although I'm just a remnant now, and I don't have enough memory, my experience is still there. With my help, I can improve your success rate by 20%!"

Saying such words, Ah Wuyi's demeanor. The success rate of 20% is extremely difficult for alchemy, especially the refinement of Sihai Jingyuan Dan. This special elixir is an amazing improvement!

It would be enough to scream if someone else heard this promotion, but Chen Yu frowned and looked helpless.

However, A Wu did not see Chen Yu's look, still very proud, and waved at Chen Yu.

"I know you want to thank me, but don't need it. After all, I am your elder, and we are also in the same vein, not to mention your talent, it is worth me to do so, you do not have a psychological burden."

A Wu said with anger.

Chen Yu rolled her eyes.

"You stay away from me, don't disturb my alchemy."

"Okay." Ah Wu nodded and walked to the side, just after taking a step, suddenly shocked, turned sharply and stared at Chen Yu, pointing to his nose, his face unbelieving.

"You, what are you talking about? No, don't disturb your alchemy?"

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Yes, when I am practicing alchemy, I don't like to be disturbed by anyone, it will distract me. You are not good enough. I only have this one piece of material and I can't let you ruin it."

I! !! !!

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Ah Wu almost didn't breathe.

No level! I took the initiative to help, but refused not to say, but was said by Chen Yu, the level is not good!


When I was practicing alchemy, your kid didn't know where it was! How can I say that I am not good enough?

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I'll take a look. What kind of ability do you have? Dare to say such a thing? But don't blame me for not reminding you that there are only one copy of the nine-turn Hualien! Once you fail, you No more chance! "

Having said that, A Wu has stepped aside, holding his hands on his chest, watching Chen Yu angrily.

Fuck, since my debut, I haven't been so aggrieved!

Just thinking, Chen Yu has begun to practice alchemy.

I saw that Chen Yu opened the lid of Fei Xian Furnace, and all the materials were ready to be put into it.

Huh? A good alchemy furnace, even with 10,000 mother stones? !!

Seeing Chen Yu's alchemy furnace, Awu was surprised. Wanzong mother stone is a very rare material. With Wanzong mother stone, this furnace has the potential for growth. While alchemy, not only can increase The success rate can also feed back the alchemy furnace, so that the alchemy furnace continues to grow.

With such an alchemy furnace, this kid must have some experience with alchemy. And keep watching!

A Wu glanced at Chen Yu, without speaking, still holding his arms, watching Chen Yu's next move.

"My Cao! What are you doing!"

But just seeing Chen Yu's next move, Ah Wu was suddenly surprised, and immediately yelled.

Chen Yu, all of a sudden, threw all the materials into the Dan furnace!

This, is this alchemy?

"You are simply violently violating the heavens! It is simply nonsense! Do you know how to refining the alchemy? Do you know that the vast amount of sperm and the amount of sperm in it, and the order in which the alchemy is invested, there must be no mistake at all! What are you I do n’t know, talk about He Liandan! You, you, you are so angry with me! "

Ah Wu looked at Chen Yu, jumping wildly. Just now, he wanted to see how Chen Yu refined the alchemy, even if Chen Yu had been relentless, but he also secretly planned that once he reached the key node, he would remind Chen Yu how to do it correctly.

But never expected!

Chen Yu even smashed all the elixir in a brain! Now, how can this be refined again? Even if he wants to help, he is powerless now!

"Ah, **** is arrogant, **** is arrogant!"

A Wu shook his head again and again, extremely disappointed.

"Don't talk nonsense, be quiet!"

Chen Yu said impatiently. When he was practicing alchemy, he needed a quiet environment. The thing he didn't like was that someone was bothering himself. This yelling and roaring by Chen Wu made Chen Yu impatient.

"Dare you say that! I ... uh?"

Ah Wu was about to run away, and his hand was raised to point to Chen Yu. Suddenly he froze in the air, motionless, his eyes widened, and he looked at Fei Xian furnace in amazement.

The wall of Fei Xian Furnace is now transparent, and you can see the scene inside directly. I saw that the materials that Chen Yu had invested in just now were all surrounded by golden flames and turned into various colors of medicines. Under the control of Chen Yu, they were running according to a special trajectory.

Naturally, all the herbs seem to be actively seeking the route that is most suitable for exerting their own efficacy.

There is no loss of effect between the blending of each other, but they are excited in pairs, exerting a more powerful effect.

The whole stove was filled with a golden scent, a fragrant fragrance, even if the lid was covered by the Dan stove, it still permeated.

this is! ?

Ah Wuyi took a sip of air-conditioning, and his face was incredible. Because under his careful observation, it turned out that Chen Yu used these herbs to match the flames in the stove and set up a formation!

"Multi-tasking, controlling so many medicinal materials at the same time, and laying out a matrix? This, this **** person ?!"

A five, stop!

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