"Haha, the Nine Dead Apes Magic Book! It is the Nine Dead Apes Magic Book!"

At the moment of seeing the scrolls, both Ao Zongxiao and Huang Hongfeng were extremely excited, and their eyes were extremely desperate. Subsequently, the two directly left Chen Yu, and jointly shot the Nine Dead Apes Magic Scriptures and began to snatch.

In their eyes, Chen Yu is nothing. He got the Nine Dead Apes magic book. This is the most important thing. As for the others? It doesn't matter!

The two who were still cooperating with each other just now made an outrageous shot! Attack the opponent in the past!

But after all, Ao Zongxiao was injured by Chen Yu just now, and one of his hands was used up, but Huang Hongfeng was intact. So in a dozen moves, Huang Hongfeng took the lead and got the Nine Dead Apes. Magic Book!

"Haha, Tianzun Gongfa! This is mine! It's mine !!!"

Huang Hongfeng looked at the exercises in his hands, and ecstasy erupted in his eyes. Looking at the gloomy pride, Huang Hongfeng raised his eyebrows, and Lao Gao was raised in the corner of his mouth.

"Proud of the sky, how can you be proud of your family? Now that I have the power of heaven, you will be stepped on by my feet sooner or later!"

Huang Hongfeng's look was extremely proud. On the side of the pride, his eyes were endlessly murderous. He didn't expect that he flew so much energy and blood sacrificed so many people. In the end, he was making a wedding dress for others, so that Huang Hongfeng could get Tianzun Gongfa!

This result really made him unacceptable. Everyone in the distance saw a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.

Other races, plus Tianzun Gongfa, God knows the future, to what extent will Huang Hongfeng be strong?

"We Baiyu, we are going to face a big disaster now!" Someone looked at Huang Hongfeng, shivering. The alien race and the ethnic races were originally confrontational relationships. As a foreign race, Huang Hongfeng even snatched the position of Dean of Baiyu College. It was a shocking event. Now he has received the Nine Dead Apes Magic Book, which makes it difficult for everyone to breathe. .

"No, I am afraid that it is not a hundred domains, but all races, and all are facing great difficulties! Tianzun Gongfa, plus alien identity, among the aliens, I am afraid that a king will rise again!"


When they heard this, everyone shrank their pupils and was shocked. Alien King! That kind of existence, but the place where you can step on the bones of thousands of people! Behind every alien king is the blood of thousands of races, countless injustices!

For a moment, everyone's heart was cold!

Smirking, spreading across the sky, makes people speechless.

Chen Yu's eyes were gloomy, and he looked at Huang Hongfeng stubbornly. He found an elixir from his arms and wrapped it with Huanglong Yuanli. He threw it suddenly and rushed to Huang Hongfeng!

The sound of breaking air sounded, and Huang Hongfeng raised a brow and grabbed the pill with one hand. With one glance, Huang Hongfeng froze.

Chen Yu, he threw an elixir? And it's the eight-pin elixir!

What does it mean?

Then a smile flew up his cheek.

"Oh, Chen Yu, why? I am offering this elixir to celebrate me and want me to let you go? As long as you surrender to me and be a dog beside me, I can give you a chance, how? "

Huang Hongfeng was so proud that he flew up and down.

"Idiot." Chen Yu's eyes were cold, and there was a hint of irony in her eyes.

In the attention, the elixir in Huang Hongfeng's hand disappeared instantly and disappeared into Huang Hongfeng's body!

This elixir is exactly the kind of poison that Chen Yu got in the elixir!

The horror of alien kings, Chen Yu knew very well that if Huang Hongfeng was given the Nine Dead Apes Magic Book, it would be a great disaster for the human race! He will never allow this to happen!

"What?" Seeing that the elixir in his hand disappeared, Huang Hongfeng stunned, then his face suddenly changed, only to feel his body's essence, blood and vitality were disappearing rapidly. Among the internal organs, there were thousands of poisonous insects. Bite yourself!

"This elixir! Poisonous! Chen Yu, you yin me !!!"

The angry roar sounded, Huang Hongfeng's face was horrified, and he looked at Chen Yu hardly. In his eyes, he almost swallowed Chen Yusheng. He didn't expect that the poison pill turned out to be so horrible, it was just a contact, and it was integrated into his body!

Sneer appeared in the corner of Chen Yu's mouth, "Yeah, I overcast you, so what?"

On the other hand, the original arrogant sky was extremely angry, and his eyes suddenly flashed, and an ecstatic expression appeared on his face instantly!

"Haha, Chen Yu, you did a good job, you did a good job! Huang Hongfeng, this exercise is mine, it is mine!"

Ao Zixiao was overjoyed, with a flash of fierce light in his eyes, a single-handed move, and a really condensed long knife directly appearing in his hand.

"Huang Hongfeng, let's die!"

In the roar of Pride Sky, the sword was cut off!

Huang Hongfeng's face changed drastically, and he immediately put on defense in front of him, but at this moment, his strength has greatly diminished, and most of his strength must suppress the mad maggots in his body, and he can't effectively defend at all. Just once, the defense was cut by Ao Zixiao!

"Not good!" Huang Hongfeng was frightened and was about to run away, but Ao Zongxiao quickly caught up and attacked Huang Hongfeng with full force, but in a short time, Huang Hongfeng was completely destroyed! !! !!

The Nine Dead Apes Magic Book also fell into the hands of Ao Zixiao.

"Mine! Haha, it's finally mine!"

Proudly arrogant and arrogant, he was so proud of himself that he turned his head to look at Chen Yu with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, Chen Yu, that's good! I would like to thank you, if not for you, how could I get the Nine Dead Apes magic script? Hahahaha."

Ao Zongxiao laughed endlessly, then laughed and looked at Chen Yu, showing a cold expression.

"To thank you, I can send you to death!"

Without any warning, Ao Zongxiao shot violently, and slammed away against Chen Yu with one palm! With this blow, Ao Zixiao is doing her best! All his anger was released in this blow.

However, at this moment, Chen Yu did not evade at all, not even the defense, but only glanced, glanced behind him, the depths of the broken palace. There was a special thing that was shining, just above it, but there was a thin film like water.

Chen Yu knows that this is a layer of protective cover, and with his current strength, I am afraid he cannot open it. Only by shooting with Ao Zixiao, it is possible to break this attack!

Therefore, Chen Yu not only did not escape, but took this blow with a special means! Under this blow, Chen Yu fell directly into the palace. Outside of the film, he guided Ao Zixiao's attack and blasted on it. At the same time, he also gave a full blow and blasted on it. After a crisp sound, the film exploded, and the contents inside appeared in front of Chen Yu.

this is!

Seeing the sight in front of him, Chen Yu was shocked.

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