Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1332: Terrifying discovery!

"Hongxuan, don't go! There are several of these people, but they are all hostile to us!"

Sun Yiguang held Hongxuan's arm and reminded.

Hongxuan was startled, and stopped immediately, posing in a defensive posture. Indeed, she was too excited just now, so she wanted to rush over to see what happened, but after Sun Yiguang's reminder, Hong Xuan saw that there were indeed a few waves of forces in the crowd, but their deadly opponents!

And the most important thing is that these waves of forces all know their relationship with Gong Nian!

Once these people spread these things, will they try to please themselves in order to please Pride. . . . . .

Hongxuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, but the heart had already raised it fiercely, only Gong Nian was still very calm and went straight towards the entrance.

"Xiao Nian, come back soon!"

Hongxuan shouted immediately, anxious, how could this guy pass by so carelessly.

At present, Hongxuan couldn't care less, and immediately caught up with Gong Nian.

"Hongxuan, you are here!"

At this moment, a man shouted, his tone was raised a lot. With this shout, everyone else on the side looked at it!


Hongxuan's heart was mentioned fiercely.

"Liu Jian, what do you want to do! If you are a man, don't talk nonsense, fight me!"

This person is named Liu Jian, and he does not deal with Hongxuan, and also knows the relationship between Hongxuan and Gong Nian! Hong Xuan was afraid that Liu Jian's remarks would cause revenge, so he took the initiative to speak and blocked Liu Jian's words.

However, Liu Jian quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, no misunderstanding, don't misunderstand. You and Gong Nian have such a good relationship. Chen Yu is a palace family member. How dare I fight you?"


Hong Xuan looked at Liu Jian in amazement. This guy is really the previous one. Can Liu Jian be so arrogant with himself? Why is it so irritating now?

"It's Hongxuan here! Haha, last time I said goodbye, I missed you a lot. There was some misunderstanding between us before. Don't mind Hongxuan."

"Yes, Hongxuan, look at you, why are you so alert? We are all friends. If you have any difficulties in the battle for hegemony, even if you come to me, I will help you!"

. . . . . .

Hongxuan twitched his lips and looked at the enthusiastic faces.

Fart friends! Misunderstanding!

When they met each other before, which one was not a battle? But now, how do you become friends.

"My Cao, are you turning around?"

Sun Yiguang's eyes widened and Baihe looked at each other. They were all surprised.

Liu Jian smiled, but scolded in his heart.

"Fuck! Do you think I'm thinking? Who can think that Chen Yu is such a pervert? If I don't have a good relationship with you, in case Chen Yu isn't dead, then I'm not finished?"

Thinking of Chen Yu's horror before, Liu Jian couldn't help trembling.

"Oh, I have misunderstood misunderstandings before. I also hope that you don't mind Hongxuan, in front of Chen Yu, tell us a lot."

Liu Jian said with a smile.

what? !!

Chen Yu said something good in front of him?

Hongxuan froze, then panicked, and looked at the corpse all over the ground, his mouth squinting.

"This, these ..."

Liu Jian nodded and said, "Yeah, it was all killed by Chen Yu. Alas, who can think that Chen Yu is so powerful. Which of these people is not the top Tianjiao, but in the hands of Chen Yu, they even resisted. No, they were killed in less than a few minutes! "


The three of them were shocked, and their eyes were wide and small, with deep shock.

Really, really Chen Yu killed? The corpses they saw on the way were not killed by any mysterious master, what Chen Yu did?

"It's crazy, it's crazy ..."

Hongxuan shook her head again and again, only feeling the thunder in her head, her eyes full of horror.

This is like a little ant that everyone thinks that anyone can trample to death, but suddenly it becomes a Tyrannosaurus Rex, who directly ridicules the person who ridicules before. This kind of contrast is really too big!

"Hongxuan, I already said that Chen Yu is very strong."

Gong Nian laughed, looking proud.

Hongxuan was shocked, with a complex look on his face.

Nima, my mother thought you were joking, where is this strong, this **** is metamorphosis!

"Chen Yu has gone in?"

Hongxuan asked.

Liu Jian nodded. At present, Hongxuan and others no longer say more, and directly begin to crack the entrance formation method with full force, and want to enter the mythological relics.

Chen Yu, who had already entered it, could not help staring at the sight in front of her.

Mythological ruins are almost the size of a great country. And the scene is also extremely shocking.

As soon as Chen Yu came in, he saw the ruins of scorched earth. The air seemed to have the smell of gunpowder, even after ten million years.

As far as I can see, I can feel a deep sense of death, without any vitality.

A large tree with a height of 1,000 meters was traversed into two sections and lying on the ground, the surface was all that kind of wrinkled bark, glowing black.

There are unknown beast bones, huge ribs in a row, half buried in the ground, and half popped out into the sky, which is more than a hundred meters high, just like a hill. Above the bones, all kinds of marks can be seen, apparently after experiencing a fierce battle.

There are also dry river channels, with countless bones at the bottom and a lot of holes on it, and there are deep pits, which seem to have suffered severe attacks!

What happened here?

Seeing all this, Chen Yu's eyes flashed.

Everything here shows a problem! That is, in an extremely distant era, in the solar system, absolutely unimaginable wars have occurred!

Ok? That is? !!

When thinking for a while, Chen Yu suddenly felt a movement of heart, and glanced at the ground involuntarily, and immediately frowned, fell from the sky, and walked into a small corner.

In front of him was a small bowl, grayish brown, split in half from the middle, and falling to the ground.

On the other side, there is a thin figure of white bones, and the whole body's bones are obviously broken. It seems to be vicissitudes under the encroachment of years.

But even so, this boney finger still fell on the small bowl, as if at the end of his life, he was writing with all his strength.

Picking up the small bowl, Chen Yu saw the writing on it, and her pupils shrank suddenly, her body shook fiercely, and she took a deep breath.

"This, this is !!!"

The crooked small letters on the small bowl were shocking.

"The end of the myth, Cang Yu Tianzun, Meng Po, and finally wait for you! Our time, no ... more ..."

Looking at the bones on the side, Chen Yu's pupils kept shrinking.

Is this Meng Po? !! !! !! He knows me? !! !! !!

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