Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1319: Welcome Mr. Chen back! !! !!


After hearing these two words, everyone's pupils shrank fiercely, and even their breathing became tense.

Who is this man who dare to say such unscrupulous words at the Li family?

"Destroy the door? Oh, I was really underestimated by Li Tianqiang! A kid, dare to say such words in front of me! I'll see how well you are capable!

Li Tianqiang stepped out, his long hair danced wildly, and the whole body's clothes were stirred up.

At this point, his true power was fully operational. He is confident and confident, because just two days ago, Li Tianqiang broke through again and has become a point of great success! After that, it is transcendental realm!

The transcendental powerhouses are only available in the Immortal Group within the entire Dragon Kingdom! There is no one other than Xiancao Group!

It can be said that Li Tianqiang is already the deserved first person outside Xiancao Group!

Many big brothers, seeing Li Tianqiang look like this, all have their pupils shrunk fiercely.

Today's commercial reception, is it going to be a blood feast!

"Well? Do you think that this imitator looks a lot like that person?"

An old man looked at Chen Yu, frowned fiercely, said in confusion.

"His! That's true when you say so! I have seen Chen Wudi far away. I have seen many imitators before, but those people are all superficial, but they can be seen at a glance. It ’s not Chen Wudi, but this guy! Why, when I saw him, I felt a little trembling? ”

"What! You, you feel the same way? Me, me too!"

"Me, I also have ..."

For a time, many big guys all looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes!

If only one person has this feeling, it can be explained, but so many people have this feeling, then! !! !!

"Boy, I want you to die!"

Suddenly, everyone was shocked by a roar of Li Tianqiang, and at this time, a sound of wailing sounds suddenly sounded in the sky, so that everyone stopped and looked up.

Even Li Tianqiang paused and looked at the sky.

On the sky, a circular aircraft hovering quietly in the sky. On its shell, a huge "Chen" character is printed on it!

Seeing this word, Li Tianqiang's pupils suddenly shrank!

Within the entire Dragon Kingdom, there are only one such aircraft, and the word "Chen" can also be printed!

Dongchuan, the Chen family!

Xiancao Group, here it is!

"It's Xiancao Group! They're here!" Exclaimed a big man.

At this moment, every figure came out of the aircraft and stood in the air. Everyone's body exuded a horror like the sea.

"That is the second leader of Xiancao Group. Ye Dong, known as the wise man, comes!"

"His, that's Qian Meng! Known as Chen Wudi's right hand!"

"And that one, that woman is a student of Chen Wudi. Now the first strong in the Dragon Kingdom, Prajna Ruri!"

"Look, the man with the sword is not just another student of Chen Yu, Huangpu Juetian! The other two are Chen Yu's other two students, Yun Luofeng and Qingfu City! What a luxurious lineup! "

Everyone was exclaimed, extremely shocked.

Many of the arrogance in the field at this moment were all flashing eyes and strong worship.

Top of the Dragon Kingdom!

This is the real top of the Dragon Kingdom!

After the Great Fusion, ancient ruins have emerged endlessly, and the level of practice on the entire flood-waste continent is rapidly increasing. The major forces are floating up and down. I do n’t know how much the original power that shook the world. In the past two years, it has been wiped out, and how many forces , A strong rise, and the Li family is one of them.

However, the eternal point is that the Xiancao Group and the Dongchuan Chen family still stand at the highest point, staying still, long-standing, suppressing everything!

In the past two years, no one, after gaining great power, considered that the world was invincible and proactively provoked the Chen family, but without exception, they were all killed by the Chen family!

Since then, there is no longer any person or force, dare to have any disrespect for the Chen family!

"Is this the Chen family? It's amazing, so domineering!"

Guan Le'er, Lu Dong, and Meng Qin looked at several figures in the sky, their eyes kept flashing, and their faces were worshipped.

"Extreme, this is the ultimate!"

Liu Hongyan looked at the sky with a slight obsession.

"Ye Lao, Mr. Qian, you've arrived so soon, Shu Tianqiang missed it!"

Li Tianqiang completely ignored Chen Yu, ascended to the sky, came to a few people, and bowed deeply, his expression was extremely respectful.

"Huh? Master Li, why are you so aggressive?"

Seeing Li Tianqiang's appearance, Ye Donglai was a little confused.

Li Tianqiang gritted his teeth and yelled, "Ye Lao, my brother was just killed by a Chen Wudi imitator. I am about to take revenge!"


Hearing these words, Ye Donglai and others were all stunned and looked at each other with some shock in their eyes. Li Tianfeng's strength is already very strong. A Chen Yu imitator can kill Li Tianfeng?

"Ye Lao, rest assured, I will kill this guy, and I will never let him discredit Chen's invincible reputation!"

Li Tianqiang somewhat pleased, and then looked at Chen Yu, who was still sitting there, on the ground, his eyes were full of murder.

Following Li Tianqiang's gaze, several people from Ye Donglai also looked over and saw Chen Yu with his back to them, sitting quietly there.

Although I did not see the face, but! The breathing of Ye Donglai and others were all quickened, and his face suddenly became extremely shocked!


Several empty sounds sounded, Ye Donglai, who was still standing in the sky, waited for someone, and immediately came to the ground, standing about ten meters away from Chen Yu, staring at the eyes, the back facing himself Figure!

"His! Isn't everyone in Xiancao Group going to watch it, and they have to do something to this imitator!"

"It's over, this kid is finished, the Xiancao Group will start, this kid, there is no possibility of surviving anymore!"

Everyone talked.

"This is it!" Li Tianqiang looked overjoyed, Xiancao Group took the lead for his Li family. This time, he won!

"Haha, Guan Le'er, isn't he your teacher! This time the people of Xiancao Group shot, he's dead!" Liu Hongyan looked overjoyed and laughed arrogantly at Guan Le'er.

Suddenly, the hearts of the three of Guan Le'er were all slammed. Lu Dong felt a kind of tightness.

But the next moment, something that shocked everyone happened!


A muffled sound was heard, and Ye Donglai waited for everyone, all kneeling on the ground, and spoke with great excitement.

"I'll wait and welcome Mr. Chen back !!!"

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