After hearing Meng Qin's words, Guan Leer nodded.

How could it be simple? This time, it is said that there are many second generations from many big families, with thousands of people! These people are all thinking of becoming the great students of Xiancao Group. There are only a few places.

However, these are the places where thousands of people are competing for. The pressure can be imagined, how big it will be!

So this small gathering is actually more like a small ring game. All the participants want to defeat their opponents to show their existence!

It can be said that the smell of gunpowder at this party will be very heavy!

In fact, this is indeed the case in the current Dragon Kingdom. In this era of great changes in the world, no one can stand alone. After all, in the past, everyone competed for money, but now, it is strength!

Especially the children of the big family, if they want to gain a firm foothold, they must keep up with the tide of the times.

Therefore, in the whole Dragon Kingdom, the practice is very vigorous.

Moreover, the state encourages this approach. After all, when you have a high vision, you will know your smallness and the vastness of the universe. In the universe, if you want to gain a foothold, you can only become stronger and stronger!

. . .

It didn't take long for a few people to reach the place of the banquet.

After entering, Chen Yu frowned, with some surprises.

Here at this moment, many young people have gathered, and everyone's face has a proud look, which is obviously different.

"These are the people who participated in the guidance meeting. They are the younger generations of the major families, and they are all very strong. The elders of the major families are chatting in the room over there. I heard that after a while, , The big names of Xiancao Group will come here. They will come out. "

Guan Leer explained beside Chen Yu's ear.

Chen Yu nodded.

Time is not very urgent now, and Chen Yu is just taking this opportunity to take a look at the current earth, or the flood continent, what kind of situation it is.

This is a conference venue. Chen Yu and Gong Nian, together with Guan Leer, shuttled among the people, making people look at each other.

Everyone looked at Chen Yu in astonishment, but then don't overdo it. No surprises at all.

Because in the venue, imitating Chen Wudi's pretending person, they have met several!

"Oh, another imitator." When Chen Yu walked over, some people laughed dismissively. These are people who are extremely confident in themselves.

Now after the great fusion, the children of many large families have made a qualitative leap in strength. Between them, there are also two factions. One faction is the incomparable worship of Chen Yu, thinking that Chen Yu is a myth.

Another group of people thinks that Chen Yu is just a forerunner, and she will definitely be able to surpass him in the future. She is disgusted at giving up herself and imitating Chen Yu's behavior.

So after seeing Chen Yu, someone regarded him as a copycat, and was very disdainful.

In this regard, Chen Yu was helpless, and the side of the palace read a smile on his face, feeling very interesting.

"Yo, isn't this Guan Leer? Why, you've finished your car, come here? Hehe."

Just as a few people were talking, a woman came over. This woman was very hot, with long wavy hair, she draped over her shoulders, and looked at Guan Le'er's eyes with a slight provocation.

"Liu Hongyan!"

Guan Le'er's face chilled instantly. The Liu family, who closed the house with them, was deadly, secretly and secretly, not sure how many times they had fought each other.

At this party, Guan Leer and Liu Hongyan also regarded each other as their main competitors, and they didn't like each other.

"Yo? Why, did you find another imitator? Why, on this occasion, don't you have long eyes, and all cats and dogs are brought here? It's ridiculous."


Chen Yu's complexion suddenly gloomed.

"Liu Hongyan, close your stinky mouth! This is my teacher. If you dare to disrespect him, I will tear you!"

Guan Leer roared.

In her eyes, Chen Yu helped her to change her exercises and had a kindness to rebuild her. This teacher, he shouted convincingly!

Both Meng Qin and Lu Dong were stunned, looked at Guan Leer in surprise, never expecting that under such circumstances, such words would be said.

"This fun, why are you so foolish!"

At the moment, the two looked at each other and were a little angry. The Guan family is also a big family. How can their teachers be treated at will? You know, the juniors of big families like them, who can become their teachers, must pass the assessment in the family.

When Guan Leer said in this kind of situation, it was tantamount to certifying Chen Yu. If he wanted to change it in the future, he wouldn't be able to change it.

"Teacher? Just him?"

Looking at Chen Yu, Liu Hongyan froze, and then covered her stomach and laughed.

"Ah, Guan Le'er, are you still dreaming, admiring Chen Wudi, has you reached this point? Find a imitator similar to him and recognize a teacher? Why, do you think he is Chen Wudi himself? Hehe, it ’s so funny. "

Laughing, Liu Hongyan suddenly smiled, and his expression was instantly indifferent, almost like a change of face.

"Exactly, at this guidance meeting, let's discuss it now. How?"

Liu Hongyan provoked.

Guan Le'er frowned, and said, "Okay! Than than, am I afraid of you? Waiting for you to find teeth!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience showed a lively look.

"Guan Leer, solve it within three strokes."

At this moment, Chen Yu suddenly spoke faintly.

Guan Leer nodded, then nodded.

Liu Hongyan looked at Chen Yu for a moment, sneer.

"Oh, three tricks solved me? Great tone! I want to see, how did you kill me with three tricks?"

Lu Dong looked at Chen Yu and said coldly, "Do you know what you are talking about? Leer and Liu Hongyan are both of the same strength. No one can win. You let him win by three moves, not pit music. What ?! "

"It's okay." Chen Yu found a chair and sat down, drank the red wine on the table, and spoke lightly.

The wine on earth really has a taste.

"You!" Seeing the appearance of Chen Yu, Lu Dong and Meng Qin were both upset.

"Hehe, Lu Dong, Guan Le'er is going to be out of luck this time! Liu Hongyan is very unusual."

At this moment, a young man who was innocent and wearing a pair of black-frame glasses came over with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this person, Lu Dong's face changed and he laughed.

"Li Shao, which gust brought you?"

The visitor is not someone else, it is the young people of Li family this time, Li Chengdong!

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