Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1310: The group belongs to your family? !!

"I, I go!"

Guan Leer's eyes widened, and the whole person was stunned. Anyway, I am also a born character, although it can not be considered as great, but it is not a man who can move easily.

But just now, when Chen Yu mentioned her, she didn't even resist!


It was completely suppressed by Chen Yu ’s aura, and there was no feeling of resistance! It seemed that her biological instinct told her, just be obedient!

This kind of thing happened for the first time!

"What the **** is this guy?" Guan Leer watched Chen Yu sit in the driver's seat, very curious.

Of course she did not expect that Chen Yu was Chen Wudi! Because there are too many people who imitate Chen Yu now!

Chen Wudi has become a national idol. She can see the imitators almost every day on the street. Even, the TV station has specially organized imitation shows, inviting many imitators to compete together to see who imitates more. Among them, there is naturally no shortage of powerful people.

So from the depth of consciousness, Guan Le'er never thought that Chen Yu is Chen Wudi, but she also noticed that it seems that this guy in front of him is a little different.

When thinking about it, Guan Le'er was shocked and shouted in fright.

"You, what are you doing!"

Chen Yu, he turned his hands on the core of this car!

Well, but the core of the Zenith car, once damaged, the car is completely finished. After all, this formation was discovered from the ruins. Today's people can only imitate it, but they have no ability to repair it.

"It's nothing. Your car's formation is too rubbish. I'll change it."

Chen Yu said lightly.

"Change, change the pattern? What are you talking about? Do you know how that pattern came? If you break him, my car will be useless, you, I Cao!"

Guan Le'er said, immediately scolding loudly, he saw that the previous formation method had been completely destroyed in Chen Yu's hands, and the entire car stopped directly!

"It's over! My car! My car!"

Guan Le'er yelled in wailing, but the next moment, she froze.

After seeing Chen Yu erase the original formation, his hands were anxious, and complicated lines were re-branded on the core!

She has never seen these lines, but she can feel the extraordinary among them.

"Hey, Le, why did you stop suddenly?"

In the intercom, Lu Dong's inquiry came. When the car was just racing, they didn't pay attention to the walkie-talkie. Only when Guan Le's car stopped, did Lu Dong and Meng Qin notice it.

"No, it's okay, then, you guys run first, I, I should be able to catch up right away."

I do not know why, Guan Le'er looked at this formation, said badly.

"Oh, sit down, we are going to drag."

Chen Yu laughed, with one hand covering it, and a golden glow on his palm.

"Cut, when I was racing, you didn't know where, even if standing, I didn't ... ah! I Cao! Drive slowly!"

Before speaking, Guan Le'er screamed in astonishment, sitting on the seat with his buttocks, and couldn't stand up.

No way, it's too fast! The strong wind pressure directly caught Guan Leer, who was caught off guard, on the seat! Even her face was blown out of shape.

After opening the top cover of the car, Guan Leer reacted, looking at Chen Yu and Gong Nian with a smile on his face, his eyes stared round and round, extremely shocked.

No way, now they are too fast! Scary fast!

The top speed of this car is only 1,000 kilometers per hour, but now, under the control of Chen Yu, it has actually reached 3,000 kilometers!

Fully tripled!

really? Am i dreaming? How is this **** possible?

"Oh, it hurts!"

Gave a slap on his face, and Guan Leer covered his face and screamed, only to find out that he really wasn't dreaming!

"Here, how fast is this car ..."

Guan Leer, who reacted, sulked.

"Nothing, your conversion rate is too low, I redesigned the formation, and your true power is too weak, so only I got on."

Chen Yu said lightly.


Like a thunder, it suddenly exploded in Guan Le'er's ear!

Redesign the formation! This, this guy, can actually design the formation of Zhenli cars? This, this is going against the sky!

Although Guan Le'er loves to play, she has watched her elders do business since she was a child. This sensitivity is still there. As long as Chen Yu's formation can reach more than 50%, it is a sensation throughout the country Big things, if it can reach more than 60%, then the profits are simply unthinkable!

"You, your formation, what conversion rate can you achieve?"

When asked this sentence, Guan Leer could feel himself shaking.

"It's not too high, after all, it's just what I hurriedly carved."

Chen Yu frowned, leaving Guan Le'er's heart a little cold.

"This formation method can only reach 85 percent. If you want to exceed 90 percent, it will not work."

I Cao! ?


Guan Le'er's heart, which had just sank, was lifted up instantly, and the whole person was wide-eyed and agitated.

"Hundred, percent, 85 ?!"

Nima, isn't that high? How high is that? Isn't it 100% enough? At the same time, Guan Le'er looked at Chen Yu, his eyes brightened, and he was going to eat Chen Yu directly!

Found a treasure! Really picked up treasure!

I never expected that I would meet such an expert this time!

If we can invite him to our house, then in the future, the development of our house will not be too scary! We even have the opportunity to cooperate with Xiancao Group! Even if we ca n’t invite you, and have a good relationship with her, it will definitely be a great thing for our family!

"Hey! Leer, what's the matter! I Cao! Did your car take aphrodisiac, why is it so fast!"

At this moment, the communicator in the car rang again, and Lu Dong's shocked voice came, interrupting Guan Le'er's fantasy.

Just when the car was racing, Lu Dong and Meng Qin saw Guan Leer stop. They were a little puzzled, but didn't think about it, but after a few seconds, they just felt a shadow drifting out of their side. When the reaction came over, Guan Le's car was long gone!

"Hey, Le, why ... drip, drip ..."

The sound of the communicator disappeared after a few noises.

The speed of Chen Yu's car was really too fast, and because of Chen Yu's formation, the communicators were directly destroyed.

"Hey, you and I will go to the banquet. Today, some people from Xiancao Group will come here! These cars are made by them!" Guan Leer invited.

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