Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1302: What is called arrogance!

"Who is this? How dare you be so reckless and appear here?"

"What a courage! Is there a star boat floating on our heads? Don't you put us in your eyes!"

"Oh, I want to see, what big people can come out in the meeting? Want to press us hard?"

Seeing the star boat in the sky, many arrogant figures immediately became angry!

They are basically the top group of people in the entire hundred domains. Still others dare to be above their heads, this is naked contempt!

But many big brothers, looking at the star boat in the sky, frowned, looking at each other, and there was a strong shock in their eyes.

The reason is because there is a word above the star boat!


"Is this the one in the legend?"

One of the big men swallowed and was stunned.

"It should be true. Who can dare to put us in this place, except for that one?"

Looking at the star boat in the sky, the man's voice was extremely dignified.

"Hidden family, the first of Baiyu, proud family! How come they came here?"

Sun Wuya looked up at the star boat in the sky with a look of surprise.

"Aojia! It turned out to be Aojia? Why did they come here?"

Gong Liushui and Gong Nian, the heart shrank fiercely, and suddenly endless worries raised.

Why is Aojia here? Did they already know that Ao Tianzong was killed by Chen Yu?

No, it's impossible! So how could a proud person know the secret thing?

This time, it must be because of the battle for hegemony, never because of Chen Yu!

The hearts of the two were extremely embarrassed and their palms were sweating.

Awesome home! It was almost like a quiet deep water. No one knows what kind of monsters are lurking beneath this deep water.

Because for so many years, no one has been able to explore the bottom of the proud home. Previously, there were masters who had condensed their minds, and the trouble of going to find Aojia was like throwing a stone into the river, but with a few gurgles, there was no audio.

And this makes people even more awe of Aojia.


A strange wave spread throughout the audience, and then from the star boat, a figure fell from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.

This man was carrying his hands on his back, wearing a whole body of blue clothes, and embroidered a proud word with special gold thread on his chest!

The man's face was expressionless, and anyone who saw Tian Tianjiao or a big man in the eye was all high above him.

"Who are you? Don't you know where it is?"

Tianjiao asked coldly.

"I'm not worth asking me, you."

The comer glanced at the Tianjiao and talked back slightly.


As soon as Tianjiao was about to speak, he was interrupted by a word from Sun Wuya.

"Back aside, here you haven't spoken yet."

Sun Wuya drank the Tianjiao, and then he looked at the man, bowed gently, and arched his hand.

"I'm the president of the Bailv Alchemy Association. Sun Wuya, I don't know if he is?"

The man glanced at Sun Wuya.

"President of the Alchemist Association? This status is barely qualified to know my name."

The head was so high that the comer still had his hands on his shoulders, looking like a courtier and looking at Sun Wuya.

"My name is Aofeng. The transcendental great consummate is a close servant of the proud family son."


In a word, many of the big brothers were suddenly shocked, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

Proud home!

Sure enough, it is proud!

There were many suspects just now, no doubt at this moment.

Suddenly, all the big guys all bowed down and worshipped deeply in pride.

"It turned out to be the messenger of the proud family.

"Mr. Aofeng is coming here, and it really surprises me."

"That's the case. We always hope that I will have the opportunity to visit Aojia's house, but I have no choice but to walk. I did not expect that Mr. Aofeng would come in person. It really surprised me. Don't leave today until this time After the conference, I must wait for Mr. Aofeng to pick up the wind. "

. . . . . .

Everyone laughed and said, with immortality flattering.

"No need, the door of Aojia, you are not qualified to enter. As for eating? How can I return to Aojia after I eat these garbage?"

Aofeng said faintly, without giving face to many big brothers. But everyone's faces still smiled.

Seeing this scene, many of the Tianjiao in the courtyard stayed.

"This man is so hanging? Nothing is wrong with such words?"

"Yeah, just a guy with a great transcendental realm, dare to be so proud in front of so many big men? What is the origin of this proud family?"

There has been much discussion.

Song Ting and Liu Bei looked at each other, then trembled.

"Awesome! I see! That's that awesome!"

"You mean!" Liu Bei was startled too, and couldn't help but take a breath.


Only the proud family can have this confidence. Otherwise, how can an extraordinary world be so successful, how could they dare to be so proud and so proud in front of so many big men, that their fathers and grandfathers must still be stubborn?

"I don't know, why is Mr. Aofeng here today?"

Sun Wuya smiled and said that he was not angry at all just because of what happened just now.

Aofeng glanced at the crowd, and finally stopped at Chen Yu.

"I came here just for him, Chen Yu!"

Pointing at Chen Yu, proud wind faintly said. Everyone's attention immediately focused on Chen Yu.

not good!

Gong Liushui and Gong Nian, my heart was shocked!

"Chen Yu? Aojia, for him? I don't know what it is for?"

Sun Wuya wondered. Chen Yu, how could it be related to Aojia?

"Chen Yu, don't you kneel and confess your guilt? Kill me Aojiao Tianzi, and immediately kneel down and let me interrupt your limbs and take you back to Aoji's house to be punished."


In a word of Aofeng, all of them were stunned, eyes widened and looked at Chen Yu suddenly.

Kill, kill the proud family?

hiss! Why are you so brave, kid? !! A proud family, even if it is a dog, how can outsiders move, this is tantamount to hitting Aojia's face!

"You thought this thing was impervious, but Aotian had passed your name back to Ao's house before his death. My owner had a word and ordered Chen Yu to self-defeate and follow me back to Ao Family convicts! Orders Gong Nian to travel! "

Cold words spread throughout the courtyard in an instant.

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