Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1291: Eight immortals cross the sea

"No! It's too difficult!"

At this moment, Tianjiao looked at Mo Yuanshi in front of him, sighed deeply, and resigned helplessly.

Subsequently, some people withdrew one after another. Even the people who persisted in it were just reluctant to support it. The carving knife condensed with true power was very unstable even if it fell on Mo Yuanshi.

When everyone finally withdrew, the sculptures left on the scene were simply terrible, and few of them were finished products!

Even the finished product is extremely rough.

Luo Hongfeng shook his head and gave the scores one by one, out of 100 points, while the highest was only 30 points.

"Oh my god, it's too difficult."

Someone said in shock that he swallowed hard. All of them here are among the hundred domains. Tianjiao, who stands at the top, is not arrogant and considers himself not inferior to others? But this time the test really hit them.

"Sure enough, rewards are not so easy to get." Someone said with emotion.

Looking at the crowd, Luo Hongfeng couldn't help but smile slightly.

Yeah, if the reward is so good, how could it be so easy to get it? Follow three days of learning with Master Chen! Just thinking about this kind of thing is enough to make people feel very excited.

If it wasn't for the legendary Master Chen, Luo Hongfeng wouldn't be embarrassed and rushed back from the outside.

Of course, she is selfish. This niece, who is an alchemy genius, and Gong Nian, are both four-star and third-order alchemists. If you have the opportunity to worship under Master Chen's door, it will be a great event for Song Ting.

And this is exactly why he chose Mo Yuanshi as a prop for martial arts!

"Are there any challenges?"

Luo Hongfeng closed her mind and said again. At this moment all Mo Yuanshi has been replaced.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to take this step easily. The situation just now is obvious to all. They made a secret comparison between themselves and those who just challenged, but found that the level of each other is only between the middle and the middle. For such a situation, even for them It is nothing more than humiliation.

"It seems that we can only look at the final prize." Someone laughed at himself.

"Oh, Rentai, do you dare to go?"

At this moment, Feng Sudong laughed, his eyes were full of provocation.

"They? How can they get on? Are they not going to be suppressed by us?"

Liu Bei pouted his lips, disdain.

"We can crush them in the battle for hegemony, and now they are still just defeated !!!"

The three lights smiled gently and slowly spoke.

"That's over, to the weak, we should have pity, not ridicule."

"It's useless to say more, come on!"

Song Ting drank lightly, and his wings flew into a high platform.

A few others looked at each other, and in each other's eyes, the flames of fire were ignited. The reward for the first place this time is really too generous! No one doesn't want to get it!

Liu Bei smiled coldly, stepping on his feet, the ground suddenly cracked, stepped into the vent shell, and rushed to the high platform instantly, which was very overbearing.

Feng Sudong raised his hair, then made a move with one hand, and suddenly out of nowhere, a blue stream suddenly emerged, resting on his feet, dragging him directly to the high platform.

The three lights did not see any action, and he saw his body suddenly covered by a huge light, and then floated directly to the high platform!

"His, deserves to be the first person of the younger generation of the four forces, this way of playing is really pulling the wind!"

"Yes, but this is also a kind of self-confidence. Otherwise, who would do this kind of thing?"

"I don't know, how will people from Baiyu College respond?"

"Hehe, the people of Baiyu College have been completely suppressed by the four major forces in these hegemony battles and demonstrations. More than Bai Yu College, and Song Ting and them are genius figures rarely seen by the four forces. Compared with this, Ren Tai seems too mediocre. This time, it is definitely no exception! "

Everyone talked, and no one was optimistic about Rentai.

"Damn! I'm here!"

Yan Bao shouted, was about to rush out, but was stopped by Ren Tai.

"You do n’t need it anymore. I ’ll go. Regarding the control of Zenith, you are not as good as me. If I lose, you wo n’t be able to go. Wait for my news here.

Step out, Ren Tai also came to the high platform.

At this moment, all of them looked at the five, and no one rushed up. They know that, for them, this demonstration battle has become a battle between the five leading forces of the young generation. Others, do n’t get involved!

"Chen Yu, what should I do if I lose Taiwan?"

Gong Nian was worried.

"If he loses, I will shoot." Chen Yu said lightly.

Yan Bao waited for a moment, looked at Chen Yu in surprise, then all shook his head, not paying attention to Chen Yu's words.

So arrogant, how do you know how shocking the battle between the five of them was! After you see the next test, presumably, you will put down your contempt.

All of them thought so.

"Just five of you? Let's get started!"

Luo Hongfeng glanced at the five of them, and nodded gently, and the battle of martial arts began again.

"Oh, Rentai, don't let us down." Liu Bei laughed.

"Huh, it's useless to say more, come on!"


In Ren Tai's hands, a carving knife was immediately condensed, and a sculpture was built on Mo Yuanshi. Controlling the carving knife carefully, Ren Tai focused his attention and carved the first knife.

For a moment, there was a slight tremor in his hand, and under his strong control, there was no problem.

"Mo Yuanshi is really different. It is really difficult to carve a piece of work! I don't know them, how are you doing?"

Looking around, Ren Tai suddenly felt shocked.

I saw that Liu Bei was sculpting, and his two fists actually coagulated directly into two one-meter-long knives.

On the other side, Feng Sudong has a rush of water between his hands and is constantly washing Mo Yuanshi.

In the palm of the three lamps, one after another the tiny lights were condensed, and the whole Mo Yuanshi was wrapped in it.

And Song Ting was shocked by her wings, and she used her wings as a knife to bombard Mo Yuanshi!

For a while, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Ren Tai was stunned in his heart, but Chen Yu frowned, and sighed softly.

"Rentai, I'm going to lose. It looks like I'm out."

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