"You, what are you doing?"

Seeing Chen Yu's movement, Sun Yan stopped. He originally wanted to take this threat to Chen Yu, but now, Chen Yu, he actually pressed it down and let He Hui wait for him?

"Crazy, you are crazy!"

Donglan's scalp exploded and she stared at Chen Yu, her eyes shaking.

That's He Hui and Li Changfeng. Before they formed the Feather Killing League, they were all passed on in the freshman.

Instead of running, Chen Yu proactively provoked each other?

Isn't this looking for death?

"Dong Lan, you don't have to be afraid. You can't imagine the strength of my brother Yu," said Jin Buhuan.

Chen Yu looked at Sun Yan and smiled slightly.

"Don't you want to notify them? Now I'll help you, you should thank me."


Sun Zheng was shocked, and then his eyes showed incredibleness.

"Did you deal with He Hui them?"

"Now that you know, you can die."


Suddenly, Sun Ying hadn't responded yet. As soon as Chen Yu had commanded, Sun Yan felt a whirlwind and his head flew up. Then, he thundered and smashed directly on the ground.

Sun Yan, dead!

"Me, my God!"

Dong Lan covered her mouth and couldn't believe her eyes.

When it comes to killing, killing, there is no hesitation for half a minute. The key is that it is so easy to kill. Is this really the king of luck in other populations?

"How's my brother?"

Dong Lan looked strangely strange and looked at Chen Yu, sighing sighingly.

"It seems we are all looking away. I didn't expect your strength to be so powerful? You actively called He Hui to come over, did you want to kill them all?"

Dong Lan asked.

Chen Yu smiled and didn't speak. But the more so, the more Donglan knew, how strong Chen Yu's intentions were.

"Well, let's not talk about that, then, that Donglan, you, you ..."

Jin doesn't change a little bit, and his face turned red with shame.

Dong Lan looked strangely in gold.

"You already knew Chen Yu's strength. You just did it on purpose?"

Kim didn't change his head and quickly waved.

"No no no, even if I don't know Yu Yu's strength, I want to save you."

After hearing Jin Buhuan's words, Dong Lan's heart warmed and she sighed.

"You didn't give up on me at that time, naturally, I wouldn't be indifferent, Jin Buhuan, I am now your woman!"

It seems to be to verify his words, Dong Lan hugged Jin Buhuan and kissed Jin Buhuan's mouth fiercely!

Attacked by this sudden kiss, Jin Buhuan's eyes widened and there was only one thought in his mind.

Lao Tzu's first kiss, gone? !! Donglan's lips are so fragrant and soft!

Chen Yu looked at it all, shook her head and smiled. Then, she stared into the sky, with a strong look of missing in her eyes.

Xuaner, wait for me! In the near future, I must set foot on the galaxy, let us never be separated again!

With a tight fist, Chen Yu stood there, motionless.

At this moment, Donglan and Jin Buhua are separated. Both of them had thick flushes on their faces.

"Feel, how do you feel?" Dong Lan asked a little embarrassed. Was I just too bold?

"Also, it's not bad, yes, no more?" Jin Buhuan whispered.

Dong Lan knocked Jin Jinhua's head fiercely, her face turned redder. Then, she looked at Chen Yu, her eyes were a little complicated.

"Everyone thinks that you two are madly dying. But who can think that Chen Yu is so powerful? Freshmen first, I am afraid that this name is not enough to show Chen Yu's strength."

Kim didn't change his chest and was very proud.

"That's natural. Who is my brother? Killing is like a chicken! If it's not my brother's low-key, what He Hui, Li Changfeng, are not my brother's opponent!"

At this time, Chen Yu did something, and found a clean open space and sat down.

"Wait a minute, He Hui, they should be here soon."

The three sat in the open space, quietly waiting for He Hui to come.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a figure full of people who came here, and the people headed by it were Li Changfeng and He Hui, of which Qian Yingyao was also in the team.

"Oh, Chen Yu, finally found you, yo? I didn't expect that you didn't run?"

He Hui laughed, with a smug look on her face.

The other people were also smiling and very relaxed.

Just a moment ago, they killed a dozen fierce beasts and got a lot of magic cores. Now is the time when they are in a good mood. As a result, they saw several people in Chen Yu, and they felt better now.

Only Li Changfeng glanced at the scene. When he saw the bodies of Jin Yanhu and Sun Jun, a sudden anxiety rose in his heart.

How could this be the scene?

"He Hui, you, why are you here? Don't come over! If you dare to come, I, my brother Yu will not let you go!"

Jin didn't change his face in horror, but deep in his eyes, there was a hint of slyness. Now he is not in a good mood, naturally wants to tease He Hui.

Dong Lan rolled her eyes, do you dare to pretend to be a little bit more artificial?

"Gold isn't changed, it's all this time, why are you still teasing them? They are all going to die," Dong Lan said helplessly.

He Hui froze, then sneered again and again.

"Oh, we are going to die? What a joke! Today, don't you want to leave here alive!"

After sweeping the eye, but not changing, in the eyes of He Hui, a touch of disgust appeared.

"I have a question and want to ask you guys."

At this moment, Chen Yu spoke faintly.

"what is the problem?"

"You guys, how many magic cores did you get?"


He Hui hesitated after hearing Chen Yu's words, and then laughed.

"Why, do you still want our magic core? I have 82 here, and we have more than 500 in total. How about it, do you want it?"

He Hui teased, "It's just that you want it, and it's useless. After all, dead people don't need these."

Chen Yu nodded. "You're right, dead, you don't need these, so give me all these things."

When they heard this, the crowd froze, and then all burst into laughter. He Hui bent down with a smile, and for a while, she stood up, looking extremely indifferent.

"Your fellow, you have embarrassed me three times and five times. I can't move you outside, but here? I want to let you know, He Hui, I'm not a mess! Give me death!"

Raising his hand suddenly, the real strength spurted out, turned into a long whip full of ten meters, facing Chen Yu's face, pumped it hard!

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