Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1114: Are you eligible?


The entire square looked at Chen Yu dullly.

In an instant, Chen Yu became the focus of the audience!

"Me, lying down, can this happen? Two escorts in a row?" Someone muttered to himself when he saw the scene.

Yan Shou opened his mouth wide, and looked at Chen Yu next to him, his mind was sloppy.

This, is this fake?

He originally thought that Chen Yu was going to die in the second round, but never expected that Chen Yu would be escorted directly!

Waking up, Su Qin was also shaking, looking at Chen Yu, the resentment in his eyes was intertwined with shock.

"No, that's impossible! How could this little hybrid be escorted?"

She had been awake before and knew that An Qi was going to kill Chen Yu. He had expected that An Qi would kill Chen Yu and be ashamed of her.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Why is this **** **** escorted! Why!"

Resentment, shock, and frantic madness in Su Qin's heart, so that her features are completely transformed!

Ran Le and Wan Zhengqing, who were very calm before, never looked at the calm image just now, they all looked at Chen Yu in shock.

Second round of escorts!

How is this possible? Even Bo Qiu does not have this qualification. The only person who can do this is the adult!

Area director, Ye Heer!

Is it possible that this guy has a relationship with Ye Heer?

For a moment, both of them were shocked and looked at each other. They could see each other. That was so shocking!

Although they are begging servants, under one person, over ten thousand people, even if they are other weaker inspectors, they see that all three of them are pleasant.

But compared with Ye Heer, they are nothing!

If Chen Yu really has a relationship with Ye Heer, then in terms of status, Chen Yu is completely above them!

Human kid, can he become Ye Heer's servant?

This is simply incredible!

An Qi shuddered, stood there blankly, blankly.

This, this **** wrong! Why did things turn out like this? He is a Tianjiao figure. In the entire twenty-segment area, he is a person standing on the apex of many Tianjiao!

How could anyone still have status above themselves?

"No! There must be something wrong here!"

Shaking his head fiercely, An Qi bowed again.

"Sir, in the future we will have to fight on behalf of 20 areas and other areas to determine the final ranking of the servants! Even if he is escorted, we must also determine the ranking of the servants, we can't embarrass the 20 districts!"

"So I suggest that Bu Yeyu, even if he has become a demon servant, still have a ranking battle!"


After hearing this, Bo Qiu frowned fiercely.

To be honest, when Ye Heer told him to **** Chen Yu, even if he was surprised, a human child, how could Ye Yeer look so different?

What's more, he also knows Kara village. A small village of human races is very garbage in the whole dark forest. If there is any horrible evil in it, he will never believe it.

Thinking again and again, Bo Qiu nodded.

"Well, in this case, when the battle is over and you can qualify, you can challenge Inuya."

An Qi looked happy, and immediately nodded.

Now he found his opponent and smiled sensibly.

"I'm going to kill Ye Yuyu. Are you going to give up now or let me kill?"

An Qi's opponent suddenly trembled and smiled charmingly.

"You're really joking, where am I your opponent? I give in, I give in."

The man bowed.

An Qi nodded and turned to look at Chen Yu, comparing the movement of wiping his neck.

"Hey, Bu Ye Yu, I'm going to kill you. Do you think you can run away? Even if you are escorted, I won't let you go!"

Chen Yu laughed softly and sighed.

"Huh? What are you sighing?"

Chen Yu slowly said, "You didn't have to die, but you didn't expect you to die yourself."

For Chen Yu, An Qi is just a ant, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't pinch himself. His goal is to enter the broken soul mountain, rescue Lei Guanyu, and find out what the aliens are for.

So just now, after hearing that he was escorted, he didn't plan to compare with An Qi, but did not expect that An Qi actually killed himself and took the initiative to find him.

He stunned and laughed loudly.

"Oh, interesting, kill me? You're here! You **** come! If you don't kill me today, you're a bitch! Oh, I'll rip your stinky mouth when I get there, let You know, I'm not so offensive. "

Ran Le shook his head helplessly.

"That's right, An Qi is like this. Once he becomes furious, it will become vulgar and unremarkable.

Wan Zhengqing looked indifferent, and said, "I also want to see what kind of qualifications this human child has, and get better treatment than us."

They both said that they were all curious about Chen Yu. But beyond curiosity, more is contempt!

Both of them are extremely arrogant and never think that there are people who can be above them!

Now Chen Yu's treatment is even better than them, naturally they are dissatisfied.

But at this moment, Chen Yu's face had cooled down.

"Your mouth is smelly."


An Qi frowned and laughed.

"Oh, how about that."

Chen Yu shook her head. "No, after all, I'm not interested. I care more about a dead person."


The words fell, Chen Yu moved!

Like a flash of thunder, for a moment, Chen Yu had disappeared into place and appeared in front of An Qi!

With one hand out, Chen Yu's hand slammed against An Qi's neck!

what! !! !!

An Qi's smile suddenly freezes, leaving nothing but horror.

He, why so fast!

Just now he didn't even see exactly how Chen Yu appeared in front of him!


Although shocked, An Qi's response was extremely fast. At the moment, he directly punched Chen Yu's hand and severely bombarded it.


The fists and claws intersected, An Qi suddenly made a terrible cry, and saw his hand in horror, starting with his fist, then his forearm and forearm, bursting into pieces and turning into a mist of blood!

how can that be?

Chen Yu's complexion didn't change at all. After smashing An Qi's arm, he kept on digging forward, holding An Qi's neck directly and lifting it up! Like a demon!


Numerous inspections on the platform made them all stand up abruptly, staring at the scene in front of them, and their eyes were filled with incomparable shock!

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