Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1050: What do you want me to remember?

How many, what?

Ji Zangling stared, opened her mouth, and looked at many big men.

I didn't fight, I thought my father would lose. And now they are still discussing, how many can they survive? Did you really hear me right?

At this moment, one person looked at Zang Feng, looking dignified.

"From the strength of the Tibetan Feng just now, its combat power has far surpassed me! Very powerful."

When I heard this, Tibetan Bell could not help but let out a nod. This discussion should be the most normal.

"Oh, it seems that I am not crazy yet."

But at this moment, the man spoke again.

"Although Zang Feng is not as good as Mr. Chen, I am afraid that it is not far behind. I estimate that at least one hundred strokes will be needed before it can be won."


I just took a breath away from the Tibetan bell and almost didn't let it go.

"No, I don't think so. With Mr. Chen's strength, I'm afraid it won't take hundreds of strokes. Only a few dozen strokes will be enough to get some Tibetan fronts."

"I don't think so. Mr. Chen's strength is beyond my imagination. Do you forget that Mr. Chen is so clever in the inaction realm?"

"You are all wrong, Mr. Chen ’s prestige is not at all encouraged by Zang Feng. In my opinion, about 30 moves, Zang Feng will undoubtedly lose!"

Alas. . . . . .

I was shocked, stunned, sluggish and so on, and kept intertwining in Chen Yu's heart. At this moment her brain was completely stunned.

He didn't even have one person who said his father would win?

This, why is this?

This Mr. Chen, is he so powerful?

"Look, they are going to face each other!"

I was thinking, and after a drink, I immediately let Zang Ling shake.

I turned and looked, and Zang Feng's body suddenly surrounded me with black flames. Each of the black flames gathered wildly toward the palm of Zang Feng.


In a strange wave, you can see that outside the body of Zang Feng, a black flame giant that is several meters high has suddenly condensed!

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, Zang Ling could not help shouting, so attacking the power, Zang Ling was confident and no one else could!

Huh, wait for my father to defeat Chen Yu, and see if you have any faces to talk about the **** there!

Grinding the little tiger's teeth resentfully, Zangling thought with anger.

"Boy, I'll see if you can take my hand! Big flames!"


With his palm pushed out side by side, he saw the fire-eyed giant glaring with anger, and in the palm of the huge flame there was a boom, a stout pillar of fire burst out suddenly.

如果 If you look closely at this pillar of fire, you will find that it is made of seven small black pillars of fire, interwoven with a spiral structure, full of penetrating and destructive power!

When Xia Xueli saw this scene, her face suddenly changed.

"When he and I just attacked, he didn't use all his energy!"

Many big guys are shocked. The power of Tibetan Feng's move far exceeds their expectations!

Ji Zangling took a look at everyone's expressions, and couldn't help but give birth to a smug, proud expression.

"Do n’t you all say that my father can't support a hundred moves? I want to see now, how many moves can Chen Yu take under my father's hands?"

I turned my head and looked at Chen Yu, but Zang Ling's smile suddenly froze.

The corner of Chen Yu's mouth turned out to smile? And in that smile, there was also disdain?

"Ink for a long time, you have this strength? Break me!"

With a stern sip, Chen Yu stared suddenly, standing still without moving, but punching forward with a punch.


The beacon of fire came to Chen Yu in an instant, and the seven small fire pillars condensed into a spot in the forefront, like a drill bit, with an intense heat wave and amazing penetration, and wanted to completely swallow Chen Yu!

"Hum, you want to use my flesh to slam my big demon's flames? Really!"

When Xi Zangfeng saw Chen Yu's hands, he couldn't help sneering, and everyone glared. He couldn't imagine that Chen Yu was so big. He must use physical body to resist the attack of Zang Feng!

But no one saw it. On top of Chen Yu's fist, a layer of golden scale armor suddenly appeared. No matter how the pillar of fire bombarded, it could not shake the slightest!

Bang bang bang!

A violent sound of blast, accompanied by the black flames of the sky, drowned Chen Yu's entire figure directly, and saw the original position where Chen Yu stood, raising a huge fire!

这 "Here, Mr. Chen, have you failed?"

Someone saw this and said unbelievably.

"Giggle, you told him so hard before, now my father can't hold it, it's a joke, and I don't know how you guys are going to be afraid of a human race like this? Now Are you being beaten? "

Zang Zangling covered her stomach and giggled, "Well, what thunder star domain is the first is not my father's enemy!"

Hyun waved his sleeves, and Tibetan Bell began to dominate.

"No, look at it!"

At this moment, the Tibetan students on the side suddenly shouted.


I turned my head and looked, and Zang Ling suddenly froze.

I saw a faint chuckle in the fire group just now.

"Is it just that kind of patience? Since that's the case, I won't lose any more time, let me lose!"


As the words landed, the whole fire regiment was suddenly violent, and then saw a golden figure, covered with dragon scale armor, punched out with a punch, and actually rushed towards the Tibetan front against the pillar of fire!

The entire pillar of fire was being compressed quickly under Chen Yu's fist, and it was completely destroyed in just an instant! At this moment, Chen Yu also came to the front of Zang Feng!


When I saw Chen Yu, Zang Feng was extremely shocked.

Big demon anger flame, this is an overbearing attack.

But Chen Yu, even in this more aggressive and crazy way, he has never seen anyone before, even meeting such a tyrannical means to break his attack!

"not good!"

After being shocked, Zang Feng looked at Chen Yu close at hand, and his heart suddenly raised endless anxiety, but he was very human, after all, he was a first-class master of thunder, and his whole body was madly surging. Hold your hands straight up.

"Black Flame Magic Knife! Cut Huang Quan!"


A black giant knife with a length of more than three meters suddenly appeared in the hands of Tibetan Feng. This is a huge magic knife transformed by the true power of Tibetan Feng.

On the sword, Hei Yan was dancing in the wind, making a sobbing sound, full of the sound of killing, and an unusually heavy sense of oppression suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone.

"This knife !!! So scary !!!"

When a big guy saw the knife, he stared in horror.


At this moment, Zang Feng's eyes glared, his palms tightened, facing Chen Yu, splitting his head!

"Boy, remember to Lao Tzu, the one who defeats you is the first warrior of the Demon Clan, Tibetan Feng!"


With a slash, the hearts of everyone seemed to fall suddenly with this sword, but at the next moment, all of them widened their eyes and stared at the scene in front of them.

I saw the black flame magic knife in front of Chen Yu thirty centimeters, and suddenly froze! The reason for all of this is because above the blade, two golden fingers are sandwiched on it!

Chen Yu smiled slightly, and sarcastically said, "What do you want me to remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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