Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9866: streak man

Chapter 9832 The person who wins streak

"Fool, you've done a great job!"

Ling Xiao touched Baili Qiulu's hair and said, "Okay, heal up with peace of mind. Next, there's the battle."

"But Master, people at that time were too strong!"

Yao Xiang frowned.

"Yeah! Very strong! As expected of the first person in Holy Light Blessed Land.

However, your master, I am not a vegetarian! "

Ling Xiao said: "Dare to hurt my sister like this, I must defeat him!"

Although at the last moment, Baili Qiulu almost killed Shiren.

But it is difficult to be sure that that is the full strength of the people of the time.

Apparently Shiren underestimated the enemy at the end.

As Ling Xiao thought, Chu Zhongtian, Hong Yi, Long Chen, Jin Yan, Mie Shi and others all had very solemn expressions.

People of the time gave the impression that the tiger was eating the sky and had nowhere to lay its claws.

It's just so weird.

"Hmph, I must defeat you to prove that I am the first in the Ancestral Dragon Realm!"

After Chu Zhongtian defeated Hong Yi, his confidence skyrocketed.

Nobody cares.

Even when people are strong.

He also felt that he had the power to fight.

"Oh, people of this age, it's really hard to handle!"

Xue Xue sighed.

Seems to be trying to figure it out.

How to win this.

"Okay! The first round is over, Ling Xiao, Jin Yan, Xue Xue, Chu Zhongtian, Long Chen, Shiren! Three points!

Temporarily tied for first place!

Rest for half an hour for the second round! "

Half an hour passed quickly.

During this period, Baili Qiulu's injuries were mostly healed.

At this time, the Red Mole Dasheng announced the start of the second round.

"The first battle of the second round, Ling Xiao vs. Jin Yan!"


Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment, and met Jin Yan so quickly.

But sooner or later we will meet.

Now encounter, nothing.

"Want to fight?"

Ling Xiao looked at Jin Yan and smiled.

"Forget it, save your stamina, I admit defeat!"

Jin Yan shook his head.

admit defeat.

This surprised everyone.

I thought that this would be a wonderful battle, but who would have thought that Jin Yan would actually admit defeat?

However, the warriors of the Blessed Land of Life are not surprised at all.

Everyone knows that Jin Yan has an excellent relationship with Ling Xiao.

Naturally there is no chance of a fight.

"Okay, in the first game, Ling Xiao won and scored three points.

The next battle, Hong Yi vs. Long Wuji! "

The battle is not one-sided.

It's not what people think.

Long Wuji is very strong.

Hong Yi was a little depressed after playing.

In the end, both were injured.

Hong Yi won with the advantage of Xiuwei.

Hundreds of rounds have been played.

This makes those who look down on Long Wuji.

Reacquainted with this person.

Although Long Wuji has lost two straight.

But the opponent is too strong.

In the third battle, Xue Xue faced Baili Qiulu.

Because Baili Qiulu's injury did not heal, she chose to admit defeat.

In this way, Xue Xue had two consecutive victories and Baili Qiulu had two consecutive defeats.

In the fourth battle, Chu Zhongtian faced Mie Shi, and in the end it was a crushing victory.

Destroyed the world with two consecutive defeats.

Chu Zhongtian won two games in a row.

But no one was surprised.

Chu Zhongtian even won against Hong Yi.

People have already placed him in the race for the top seed.

It's time to be famous.

In the fifth battle, Long Chen faced off against the real wanderer.

Also a solid victory.

Long Chen once again confirmed his strength.

In the last battle of the second round, facing the people of the time, Yaoxiang directly conceded defeat.

Can't fight.

Moreover, this battle if injured.

may lead to the next defeat.

Baili Qiulu is an example.

What's more, Yaoxiang really couldn't think of a way to defeat Shiren, so she could only give up.

The second round is over.

There are five people who maintain the winning streak, namely Ling Xiao, Shiren, Chu Zhongtian, Long Chen and Xue Xue!

Through these two rounds of battles, many people have already begun to predict the ranking of the last twelve people.

"In my opinion, Shiren is definitely number one in this ranking competition!"

"Yes, I agree too.

The second place may be that Chu Zhongtian, this is really a dark horse, and may even compete with the people of the time.

If he fights with the people of the time.

That's for sure! "

"The third one is hard to say, but I think it might be Long Chen!"

"It could also be Hong Yi, although Hong Yi lost to Chu Zhongtian, it was only because Chu Zhongtian was too strong.

Not because he is too weak! "

"It makes sense.

The top five should be Shiren, Chu Zhongtian, Long Chen, Hong Yi, and Xue Xue. "

"Ling Xiao scored six points in two rounds.

Can't he even make the top five? "

"His six points were not convincing.

Defeated the world, but the power of the world is not strong.

Jin Yan voluntarily admits defeat, and may not lose to Ling Xiao.

Overall, I still think Ling Xiao should be ranked ninth or tenth. "

"I agree!"

"After all, he is still a virtual saint!"

Many people judge so.

It also makes sense.

in the voice of the crowd.

The break time is over.

The third round begins.

Ling Xiao actually met an acquaintance again, and he was also his apprentice Yaoxiang.

Yaoxiang wants to cry but has no tears: "I admit defeat!"

It's been a three-game losing streak.

But she can't.

Originally, her strength was difficult to enter the top ten.

Ranked between eleven and twelve.

It was normal to lose to Xue Xue, Shiren, and Ling Xiao.

As a result, Ling Xiao scored three points again.

"I rub it, this guy is lucky too."

Everyone was speechless.

"No way, Yaoxiang seems to be Ling Xiao's apprentice.

It's okay to admit defeat! "

"You said, will he have the same good luck in the future?

In three battles, two people conceded defeat.

This luck is just against the sky! "

"No way!"

Not everyone believed it.

On the field, the second battle has already begun.

In this battle, Jin Yan faced Long Wuji.

Long Wuji did not admit defeat.

Still had a serious fight with Jin Yan.

Finally lost.

Three-game losing streak.

And Jin Yan achieved his second victory.

In the third game, Long Chen faced Hong Yi.

People are paying attention to this fight.

"I won't lose, I won't!"

Hung Yi told himself that he must win.

Unfortunately, he still lost.

Facing Long Chen, he felt as if he had met Chu Zhongtian.

directly suppressed.

Moreover, Long Chen's cultivation is not weaker than him at all.

It is also a third-order true saint.

Just thirty strokes, Hong Yi was defeated.

This made people even more stunned.

The expectations for Long Chen were even stronger.

For Hong Yi, he was even more disappointed.

Hong Yi himself is also depressed.

Lost again. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It's so embarrassing.

He stared at Ling Xiao, how could he have been humiliated if Ling Xiao hadn't taken away the secret tome of the Tao of Heaven.

In the fourth game, the time faced Xue Xue.

The battle was also very exciting.

Obviously, Xue Xue considered many ways to defeat Shiren.

And, in the battle has been fully played.

He just relied on the way of the holy pattern to deal with people of the time.

Delayed for hundreds of rounds.

In the end, people had to show their cards to defeat Xue Xue.

But it also allows people to see the hope of victory.

It further affirmed Xue Xue's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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