Chapter 2677: Recover the source of evil spirits

They immediately jumped into the Jiyin River, intending to find the source of the evil spirit from the Jiyin River.

This is a great achievement, who doesn’t want it?

Human beings jumped into the river of extreme Yin, which made these ghosts worry. If the source of the evil spirit is taken away by humans, it will be equivalent to missing a sharp weapon against humans. How could these ghosts take advantage of humans like this?

It is precisely because of this that these ghosts are jumping towards the Jiyin River like crazy, intending to catch the humans who just broke into the Jiyin River.

Yang Chen took advantage of the opportunity and fished in troubled waters. He looked like he wanted to hunt down humans and jumped into the river of extreme Yin.

After jumping into the river of extreme Yin, it will be much easier to fish in troubled waters.

The entire Jiyin River is filled with a huge amount of evil energy. With so much evil energy, it is difficult for the soul to find out what is going on in it.

Previously, Yang Chen was able to detect the movements of Black Wind Underworld General in the River of Extreme Yin, and it was also because he knew the evil spirits very well, so it was not easy for these evil spirits to block his sight.

Now entering the River of Extreme Yin, Yang Chen began to stretch out his hands and feet.

A large amount of evil energy will make it difficult for people to capture where they are in the Jiyin River. As for the location of the source of evil energy, it will be even more difficult unless they are prepared in advance.

And the most important thing is that if you are negligent and the body protection is not enough, the evil spirit may immediately invade the body, causing the mind to become unclear.

However, humans have supernatural grass to protect their bodies, so they can be exempted from these.

But humans don't need it. With so much evil energy, even if he can't suppress the ancient evil energy now, it can flow freely in his body and then be expelled by him, which is still easy to do.

In this invisible river, Yang Chen's soul spread out and observed his surroundings.

From this observation, Yang Chen noticed that many ghosts had penetrated deep into the Jiyin River, and in addition to these ghosts, many humans also broke in.

The turmoil just now has caused many people to seize every opportunity and enter the River of Extreme Yin.

This is a good thing for Yang Chen.

The more people, the better, and the bigger the noise, the better, which will give him many opportunities to take advantage of.

Now, Yang Chen's soul scanned and began to search for the source of evil energy hiding in the dark.

It's hard to find for others, but it's different for him.

Yang Chen searched around carefully, and found that the source of the evil energy was right in front of him, unable to hide and escape.

"The source of this evil spirit is really smart. It seems that it has extraordinary spirituality and is hiding in such a hidden corner. If the soul cannot have an effect in this extremely Yin river, it may not be easy to find the source of this evil spirit." Yang Chen said to himself.

With this thought in his mind, Yang Chen swam unimpeded in the River of Extreme Yin, directly aimed at the target, and using the will of time and space, he reached his destination with two flashes.

On the way here, Yang Chen saw several humans and ghosts fighting in the river of extreme Yin.

But now the source of the evil spirit is obviously more important, and he has no time to worry about it.

Yang Chen now looked at the source of evil energy in front of him.

When the source of the evil energy saw someone finding him, it immediately transformed into the form of a cheetah and ran straight towards Yang Chen, exuding anger and acting viciously.

Seeing this, Yang Chen narrowed his eyes and released the evil energy in his body on the spot.

As soon as this large amount of evil energy appeared, it suddenly moved towards the source of the evil energy.

The source of the evil aura felt this, and his whole body trembled. Under the threat of Yang Chen's evil aura, he began to gradually become calmer, and even lowered his head, seeming to give in.

This made Yang Chen very surprised. He didn't expect the source of evil energy to be so obedient in front of him.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not strange. This source of evil energy had just fought with the Black Wind Underworld General, and had lost a lot of power. Now he was recuperating, and he was shocked by his powerful evil energy. How could he not surrender obediently?

I have to thank the Black Wind Underworld General. If it weren't for the Black Wind Underworld General, it would not be easy for me to successfully suppress the source of the evil energy.

Of course, the main reason why the source of the evil spirit succumbed to him was because the two were compatible, and the source of the evil spirit had no natural hostility towards him.

"Submit to me and I will treat you well..."

Yang Chen slowly wrapped the evil energy around the source of the evil energy.

The source of the evil spirit was obsessed with Yang Chen's evil spirit. He felt that the two had the same power, and his mood became more and more relaxed. In the end, he had no more ideas and was taken into the Demon God Tower by Yang Chen.

Seeing this, Yang Chen showed joy.

Now that the source of the evil energy has been collected into the Demon God Tower, it is done. There is nothing else to worry about.

However, when the source of evil energy was put into the Demon God Tower, Yang Chen felt that the power of the evil energy from the source of evil energy was much smaller. This surprised Yang Chen.

"So that's it. Once the source of the evil energy leaves the Jiyin River, its power will be greatly reduced? No wonder these underworld ghosts never take out the source of the evil energy." Yang Chen thought.

No matter how powerful the source of the evil energy is, once the source of the evil energy is taken out and placed, there will eventually be a way to slowly deal with the source of the evil energy.

But the ghosts in the underworld do not do this. Instead, they keep the source of the evil energy in the river of extreme Yin. The reason is that once it is released, the power of the source of the evil energy will be greatly reduced.

"No, it's not a single decrease, but a continuous decrease. It's been decreasing..." Yang Chen became more solemn.

He believed that if this continued, the source of the evil spirit would be lost and become a useless thing.

"What on earth is going on?" Yang Chen hurriedly put the source of the evil energy back.

Once it is put back in this way, the power of the source of the evil spirit will slowly recover.

Yang Chen understood.

"I see……"

Yang Chen took a deep breath: "The source of evil energy and the river of extreme Yin are connected to each other. The evil energy of the river of extreme Yin needs to be replenished by the source of evil energy, and the source of evil energy also needs the circulation of evil energy from the river of extreme Yin. The evil energy that enters the source of evil energy The more evil energy there is, the more evil energy the source of evil energy will feed back. In this way, the source of evil energy can last forever and become a true source of the essence of 'evil energy'."

"If the source of evil energy is taken out and there is no circulation, then the source of evil energy will gradually lose its effect. Once there is a source of evil energy, evil energy will be born continuously!"

Just like well water, the more you pay, the more you work.

"So, there must be a place with a long-term evil environment to maintain the source of this evil energy?" Yang Chen quickly understood what was going on.

Then the most suitable place seems to be inside your own body.

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