Chapter 1952: 12 states, Yuntianmen?

Is this bull demon the thunder and lightning beast just now?

Yang Chen couldn't help but think so.

The fact is, even if he doesn't want to admit it, it is indeed the case. This bull demon is the thunder and lightning beast just now.

Yang Chen was confused at first and couldn't figure it out, but after a short time, something happened to him.

"Could it be that the bull demon accidentally ate this thunder sphere and turned into the thunder and lightning beast that I couldn't recognize just now?" Yang Chen said to himself.

I'm afraid this is really the case, otherwise there is no way to explain the reason why the bull demon cannot maintain the thunder and lightning around it when the lightning sphere comes out of the bull demon's body.

Being able to keep thunder and lightning surrounding him all year round, Yang Chen took a breath of cold air.

Even he can't do it.

And the most critical point is that this lightning sphere is likely to have a greater significance. Why do you say that? Because this bull demon itself is probably not in the demigod stage.

At least, when Lin Boyu first caught the bull demon, the bull demon was not in the demigod stage.

Otherwise, Emperor He Tan would not fail to remind him.

The reason why the bull demon he saw had reached the demigod stage was probably the reason why he had been imprisoned here for so many years.

Time is very long, ten thousand to twenty thousand years, and it is not difficult to make a breakthrough. But what shocked Yang Chen was that this bull demon had always been restrained under the Thunder Cloud Pond.

In this state, there is no way to make a breakthrough in ten thousand or twenty thousand years, let alone one hundred thousand years.

There is no supply of spiritual energy, and there is no way to practice special cultivation. In addition, the environment in his hometown is in a mess. It is not easy to become a great emperor. The demigod stage is also a rare thing in history.

Even for him, it was only after he went to the Twelve States that his cultivation began to progress rapidly. In this world, even if he could break through the invisible shackles, the speed would be much slower.

The fact that the bull demon was able to break through the demigod stage under heavy constraints is an intriguing thing in itself.

For a very ordinary bull demon, if it does not mutate, it can be said to be the limit when it reaches the Yuanwu realm.

So the key reason should be the lightning sphere.

"Could it be said that with this thunder sphere in the body, it can gradually increase the strength of this bull demon?" Yang Chen thought in his mind.

He doesn't think there are such good things in the world for no reason. Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Thinking of what happened to the bull demon when he left this thunder and lightning sphere, Yang Chen almost understood: "This thunder and lightning sphere does not allow people to slowly improve their cultivation, but it will integrate a large amount of thunder and lightning power with others. The thunder and lightning power will They are all innate powers. The more they are integrated, the cultivation level will naturally gradually improve. However, it also means that the cultivation level itself comes from the thunder and lightning sphere. Once the thunder and lightning sphere is separated from the body, it seems impossible for him to achieve it. The existence of the demigod stage will definitely collapse and fall immediately."

He didn't kill the bull demon, but the bull demon left the thunder sphere and died on the spot.

This also made Yang Chen fall into deep thought.

He was extremely happy to get the thunder sphere and wanted to refine it.

However, looking at it now, if you want to refine it, you really have to use your brain.

"Speaking of which, what on earth is this?" Yang Chen was puzzled.

"This should be the Thunder Core!" A voice that Yang Chen wasn't too familiar with appeared.

The owner of the voice turned out to be Huang Xing from the third house.

Yang Chen said in surprise: "Senior Huang Xing, do you know this Thunder Core?"

"Thunder Core, that's amazing. The core power of the Sky Thunder Pool is this thing." Huang Xing said: "To put it simply, if you hold this thing, you can basically replace the Sky Thunder Pool."

"Is that true?" Yang Chen just thought that the Thunder Cloud Pond was very similar to the Sky Thunder Pond. Now that he saw it, it was really the case.

yellow I will definitely refine a super powerful puppet armor for you."

Although Yang Chen was a little moved, he quickly denied it and said: "Senior, there is no need. This thunder and lightning sphere has other great uses for juniors."

"You." Huang Xing was a little depressed.

Taoist Shenhuo sneered: "Huang Xing, stop daydreaming. If I leave this Thunder Core to you, it will certainly allow you to make a good top-level puppet armor. But if it is given to Yang Chen, Yang Chen can do even more things." A lot. Don’t waste your natural resources."

"Tah." Huang Xing was extremely dissatisfied.

Yang Chen is now meditating on how to solve the Thunder Core issue.

Soon, he made up his mind and made up his mind.

"The bull demon can't control this thunder core, but that doesn't mean I can't control it either. If a man breaks it, he will break it. What's mine is nothing." Yang Chen snorted coldly.

In this way, the matter of Leiyunchi was solved by him.

Yang Chen holds the Thunder Core and returns to Chang Lin Peak.

When he returned to Changlin Peak, Yang Chen also took his relatives and planned to go to the Twelve States.

After leaving this time, it was naturally impossible to leave his relatives here. His sister, Caiyi, and the fish people were all taken to Changxing Mountain by him.

As for Emperor Huawu, he had deep feelings for the Beijing Sect and the Zhongdu area. Even if Yang Chen told him about the Twelve States, he didn't have that much ambition due to his age, and finally rejected Yang Chen's invitation.

Yang Chen could also understand Emperor Huawu's choice. Finally, he took a group of family members and let him enter the Demon God Tower first. Then he and Ye Kun went straight to Changxing Mountain.

"This is the teleportation array..." Ye Kun and Yang Chen stopped in front of the teleportation array.

"Yes, but Senior Ye Kun, you have to teleport with me. This teleportation formation is extremely mysterious. Different stages of teleportation will lead to different places." Yang Chen said.

Mu Taiqing had a very deep intention when he made this thing.

Ye Kun responded: "I understand. You and I can be prepared to get separated when we arrive in the Twelve States together!"


Yang Chen and Ye Kun stood together and then entered the teleportation formation together.

The moment they entered the formation, light was born, and within a short time, Yang Chen and Ye Kun disappeared from the place without a trace.

There was a tearing headache, but Yang Chen's current cultivation level was no longer what it used to be, and he easily got through this stage...

Immediately, when Yang Chen appeared again, he had already arrived at a beautiful place like a paradise.

Peach blossoms are flying here, peach trees are growing one after another, the breeze is blowing on your face, it is extremely cool, and combined with the sound of musical instruments coming from the distance, it makes this place extremely beautiful.

But Yang Chen had no intention of admiring it and quickly glanced around: "Senior Ye Kun?"

"Don't worry, I'm...this is a place called Yuntianmen!" Ye Kun's voice lingered in Yang Chen's mind, but the person never appeared.

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