Heavenly Martial Art

Chapter 1792: Prince of the Spirit God Clan

"The Mahayana stage is an independent stage. ΔΔ『E小『Ω ┡SaidWw W.1XIAOSHUO.COM Anyone who has passed the Nirvana stage and is reborn can enter the Mahayana stage. A strong person who reaches this level can be called Sanxian." Qi Ling said.

"Sanxian..." Yang Chen whispered, not understanding the meaning of these two words.

"It's just a loose immortal, it can't be called an immortal in the true sense!" Qi Ling said: "This stage is very mysterious. The strong ones after entering the Mahayana stage are waiting for their ascension. It's just that they can ascend. Yes, throughout the ages, there is only one master of my family."

"Ascension?" Yang Chen couldn't understand even more.

"Ascension is the Mahayana flying immortal mentioned just now. The Mahayana period is not divided into the early, middle and late stages. Entering the Mahayana period is an independent stage. After this stage, you will ascend to become an immortal. However, the word "becoming an immortal" cannot be used by anyone. I don’t know how to do it. It seems to be related to cultivation, but it also seems to have nothing to do with cultivation. Even the Mahayana stage is not much better than the Nirvana stage. What everyone is waiting for is a person who ascends to become an immortal. Once he becomes an immortal, then He will live as long as heaven and reach another state. That state is truly invincible and mysterious, making it difficult to tell the truth!" Qi Ling said.

"What exactly is an immortal?" Yang Chen was puzzled.

"If you could tell so clearly what an immortal is, I'm afraid many people would have become immortals throughout the ages." Qi Ling said.

"You just said that your master is the only person who has become an immortal throughout the ages? But why did I hear that the rise of mankind in the first place relied on the imperial artifacts obtained, but I have never heard of Senior Hua Qingfeng? And there is Senior Hua Qingfeng. Now, we humans should have been very powerful at that time." Yang Chen was curious.

Qi Ling shook his head and said: "The strength of a force does not depend on the strength of the leader, but on the overall background. Moreover, the history you know is only a small part of it. What I tell you is At the very beginning of history, mankind has gone through so many twists and turns. At the stage of the Emperor Artifact, we don’t even know which generation it is. Even the ancient historical books cannot record it all. How can I say it? But let me tell you. These will be recorded in ancient books no matter what, and if you search carefully, you will be able to find them."

"So that's it. Then tell me, what happened when the Spirit God Tribe came to our human city?" Yang Chen was puzzled.

"The king of the Ling God Clan back then was a master in the Mahayana period, because of the characteristics of the Ling God Clan. It was almost invincible in the Mahayana period, and no one was an opponent at all. It can be said that even all the Mahayana people in the four continents at that time It would be difficult for all the strong men in this period to get in. It is precisely because my master knew this that he rejected the opinions of all the strong men in the Mahayana period in the four continents to snipe the King of the Spirit God Clan from the very beginning, and chose to retreat alone!" Qi Ling sneered! : "As expected, those stupid people thought that they could defeat the King of the Spirit God Clan by joining forces, but in the end they fell into a trap and became the prisoner of the King of the Spirit God Clan. After that, the Spirit God Clan came all the way, unimpeded, facing all the continents His fate is either death or eternal servitude."

"It's just that at the most critical moment, when the Spirit God Tribe attacked humanity and even threatened to destroy humanity, my master succeeded."

When Qi Ling said this, his tone became much more excited: "My master had an epiphany overnight and achieved immortality!"

"Immortal way..." Yang Chen said: "What kind of style was Senior Hua like at that time?"

"With one person's power, he killed the King of the Spirit God Tribe and surrendered the vast majority of the Spirit God Tribe." Qi Ling said.

"The vast majority? Logically speaking, Senior Hua should know the principle of cutting the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will bring new growth, right?" Yang Chen said.

Qi Ling said: "How do you know what happened in it? My master has become an immortal, but becoming an immortal is important. The word "immortal" is of course crucial, but the word "ascension" is equally important. When the master becomes an immortal, this world can no longer accommodate it. He, his destiny is to leave here and ascend to enlightenment."

"Ascension..." Yang Chen knew that he couldn't understand this at this level, so he simply didn't ask so many more questions and just said: "In that case, at that time, Senior Hua just hurriedly solved the Spirit God Clan and left this world?" Isn’t it possible that the way to become an immortal has not left any inheritance?”

The weapon spirit nodded: "That's right. The master left in a hurry at that time. If there was really time to leave a legacy, mankind wouldn't have risen because of the emperor's artifact. If I had to leave something behind, it would be me."

"You?" Yang Chen was full of surprise. "Speaking of which, what level of artifact are you? Is it a king artifact or an emperor artifact?"

"I am not a king's artifact, nor a god's artifact. I am just a random painting by the master at that time, and then incorporated it into the picture of mountains and rivers. It's just that the master injected immortal energy into me, so I was different from other artifacts. Completely different, how should I put it, my power may not be as good as the Emperor's artifact, but in this world, I am unique. Even those Emperor's artifacts are not as good as me." Qi Ling said.

Yang Chen looked at the weapon spirit blankly, not knowing how much to believe the other party's words.

"What about Senior Hua after his ascension? What happened to the Spirit God Clan?" Yang Chen asked.

"That's right. After leaving, everyone pushed down the wall, and the Lingshen Clan became the target of siege by the four continents. With the Lingshen Clan's dying trend at that time, the four continents came together and were naturally suppressed one after another. But just as As you said, if you cut the grass without removing the root, it will grow again when the spring breeze blows. Apart from the owner of the Lingshen Clan, no one else can cut the grass completely." Qi Ling said.

"Is it possible that the Spirit God Clan finally revived?" Yang Chen took a deep breath.

"This is another story from another generation. Looking back, it should be hundreds of thousands of years ago when you humans were having internal strife and killing evil cultivators." Qi Ling said.

Yang Chen blinked: "During that era, could it be that the Spirit God Tribe made a comeback again?"

"That's right." Qi Ling said. "That's between me and the second-generation owner."

Yang Chen put his hands behind his back: "The second generation master...how did you and the second generation master solve it after the Spirit God Clan appeared?"

"Yang Chen, you underestimate the foresight of the master back then. Although the master passed away back then, he calculated that the Spirit God Clan would probably come back in the future, so he just left me. Do you know that the meaning of my existence is to seal The Spirit God Clan." Qi Ling said.

"But you only sealed one Spirit God Clan." Yang Chen said.

"Then do you know the identity of this Lingshen tribesman?" Qi Ling said proudly.

Yang Chen said curiously: "What is this person's identity?"

"This person is the prince of the Lingshen Clan back then, Peng Wanli!" Qi Ling said in a deep voice.

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