Heavenly Martial Art

Chapter 1409: Ocean

"This... should be the ocean. Δ┡『Δ 『Novelㄟ" Yang Chen confirmed on the third day, looking upward, intoxicated by it.

He is now in the water, with many fish swimming around him that have not yet cultivated their spiritual wisdom. There are also some marine plants scattered around, making the surroundings very beautiful.

Yang Chen has never seen the ocean. He has only heard that in the most ancient times, the creatures in the ocean were the kings of the entire world. In the end, humans relied on the mermaid clan to rise. As for the appearance of the ocean, he only knew a little about it from ancient books. Few people have seen the real ocean.

There is no sea in the human world.

Caiyi walked out of the Baji Liuhe space and looked around: "Yes, this is indeed the sea. We are in the sea. It seems that we have reached the cold water zone."

"Could it be that the entire cold water zone is just a sea?" Yang Chen was puzzled.

"Yes, looking at you, has it been that you have never seen the sea?" Yang Chen shook his head bitterly.

Where is the sea in the human area? He couldn't help laughing. At first, he really didn't know that the cold water zone was actually a sea.

Now that he was in the sea, Yang Chen had to turn on his true energy to prevent the sea water from approaching.

"Where are we now?" Yang Chen's soul dispersed and he couldn't help but be surprised when he didn't find any living beings.

"Ask me, I'll ask who's going." Cai Yi rolled her eyes angrily.

"..." Yang Chen had no choice but to observe his surroundings. When he did, he only felt a slight coldness all over his body. This coldness forced him to increase his energy protection.

In addition, he only felt that the water around him seemed to be rotating back and forth in a whirlpool. However, he was at the bottom of the sea, so the arc of the whirlpool was very large. It was difficult for them to observe clearly without careful observation. That’s all.

"Let's look up." Yang Chen took Caiyi and went all the way upstream.

The further you go up, the more exaggerated the rotation of the sea water becomes. Yang Chen can even clearly see a huge vortex spinning above. This rotation is absorbing and releasing large amounts of seawater.

"Such a strong power." Yang Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath. This vortex contained very terrifying power. He felt like he was being sucked in. If his strength hadn't greatly increased and reached the peak of the Tianwu Realm, he might not have been able to resist it. The power of this vortex.

"What on earth is this whirlpool?" Yang Chen had never seen the power of the ocean and couldn't help but wonder.

"This is a whirlpool under the sea. I don't know whether our luck should be good or bad." Caiyi rolled his eyes.

"How do you say this?" Yang Chen was confused.

Caiyi said: "This undersea whirlpool is similar to the natural disasters of you humans, but the difference is that the whirlpool exists for a long time and can block the sea water. The other end of this whirlpool is the ocean in the cold water zone. In other words, we go out from here , can be considered as entering the cold water zone in the true sense."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to get out here." It was not difficult for Yang Chen to judge.

"Of course, the fundamental reason why the Golden Crow's teleportation formation here is not exposed is because the vortex absorbed it. Under normal circumstances, even the emperor will not come in to cause trouble for things like underwater whirlpools. We If you are lucky, there is nothing terrible hidden in this undersea vortex. If you are not lucky, if you encounter a top-level undersea vortex, even if you are a powerful emperor in the spirit plate stage, you will never come back." Cai Yi said. .

"Is it that exaggerated?" Yang Chen took a breath.

"Hmph, do you realize that you are young now? To tell you the truth, the cold water zone is the only ocean in the monster area, but the area of ​​this ocean is not actually very large. There were rumors that in ancient times, there was an aquatic monster looking for the ocean. The end of the ocean, but the end of the ocean was not found. Instead, we left the ocean in the cold water zone and found a larger ocean, and in that ocean, there lived a group of even more terrifying creatures. How terrifying are these terrifying creatures? , no one knows, but everyone knows that the water tribe monster has a level of strength at the gold level!"

When Caiyi said this, he paused for a moment and turned to look at Yang Chen: "Can you imagine the strength of the Jin Zunqi? After the aquatic monster of the Jinzunqi came back, he never talked about another creature at the end of the ocean and directly The ocean area was re-divided, greatly reducing the area in their cold water zone, and then ordering future generations of monsters to never cross the line that should be in the cold water zone to avoid provoking the creatures on the other side."

When Yang Chen heard this, he was suddenly startled and couldn't help but be surprised.

There is another creature, what creature?

It's really hard to imagine that even the monsters at the golden level can be so afraid.

"It is rumored that the ocean is huge and boundless, and the terrifying power contained in the ocean has not been thoroughly studied by our demon clan for so many years, so these undersea whirlpools are nothing, there are more terrifying ones, even the giant python that reaches the sky dare not What to do, this is why the Giant Python wants to occupy your human area. For the environment of the monster clan, your human territory is really a rare geomantic treasure." Caiyi said.

Yang Chen nodded. If he really followed what Cai Yi said, then the human territory could indeed be regarded as a rare geomantic treasure.

"So, we are pretty lucky to be in this vortex." Yang Chen clicked his tongue.

"Good luck or bad luck depends on whether you can go out." Cai Yi's expression was solemn, not even the slightest bit joking.

"How do we get out?" Yang Chen asked.

"I don't know the length of this whirlpool. We have to break through the whirlpool before we can enter the cold water zone. If we can't break through, the power of the whirlpool will kill us both sooner or later. Do you know what the concept is?" Caiyi sermon.

"Of course I know." Yang Chen nodded without relaxing at all.

"In that case, let's go for it!" Cai Yi's eyes were focused.

The next moment, the two of them took action together.

Caiyi spread out his colorful wings, and Yang Chen was also surrounded by thunder and lightning. The moment they entered the whirlpool, the two began to fight with the surrounding environment.

The water in these whirlpools rotates back and forth, making it difficult for them to find their direction. If they are not careful, they may be driven into the whirlpool of water.

Of course, Yang Chen and Caiyi did not dare to neglect. While protecting themselves, they separated the whirlpool of sea water to avoid being involved in it.

However, the passage of this whirlpool was extremely long. The two of them protected themselves while moving forward. After a hundred breaths of time, they still did not see the end.

But the energy of the two of them was rapidly depleting...

Yang Chen asked himself that his energy was still enough, but after Caiyi persisted for a hundred breaths, her complexion became extremely pale, but she clenched her teeth and didn't say that she was exhausted.

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