Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1086: Tian Jiang

For the first time, Wutian opened the Tianmai and grabbed the two Ditian to prevent them from kneeling.

Then, a middle-aged man appeared in the middle of the city.

He is seven feet tall, looks handsome, and is dressed in a suit of purple and gold robes. His majesty reveals inviolable majesty!

"This is a great emperor-level powerhouse!"

Wutian's eyes condensed, and there was a deep sense of shock and fear!

This person is the genius of Xilingzhou!

The majesty of the emperor is terrifying. If it weren't for the celestial veins, they would surely prostrate like the others in the city.

"Meeting Lord Tianjiang!"

Two very respectful voices suddenly sounded.

It is from the Palace Master and Deputy Palace Master of the Xuan Palace.

I heard that the complexion of the people in the city changed suddenly, and they didn't know until then that the person who came was actually Lord Tianjiang from Xilingzhou.

For a while, everyone bowed down and looked reverent and in awe.

Tian Jiang ignored everyone, and even the two giants in the Profound Palace didn't take a second look. With a big hand, three figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

The three of them are Lao Yu, Di Li, and Ji Wuhui.

After a short recovery, Lao Yu has recovered from his injuries.

But Di Li and Ji Wuhui were both bruised and bloody, and the great jihadists in their hands were clammy, and their edges were split into the air!

Suddenly appeared in the sky above the city, both Di Li couldn't help but froze, and when they saw the heavenly generals in front of them, they immediately put away the great jihadists, respectfully worshipped, and said in unison: "Meeting Lord Tianjiang."

Old Yu also bowed his hands.

"You are so aggressive, what is the matter?"

The heavenly general glanced at the three of them, his expression calm, his tone indifferent, and not irritable.

Ji Wuhui preemptively spoke, pointing angrily at Yu Lao, and filled with indignation: "My lord, Yu Huo instructed the three of Gu Yi to destroy the foundation of my Ji family, kill my children of Ji family, and ask the adults to be the subordinates!"

The general raised his brows and scanned the city under his eyes, his pupils shrunk slightly, then looked at Yu Huo, and said blankly: "Yu Huo, what Ji Wuhui said is true?"

Yu Lao looked open, neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "The subordinates do have a good impression of the three Gu Yi, but they have never instructed the three to do anything. All of this is made up by Ji Wugui. He wants to murder his subordinates, please sir. Mingjian."

Di Lidao: "Master Tian, ​​Di can testify on this."

Tian Jiang carefully looked at the expressions of the three.

After a few moments, he felt confident.

The general said: "Yu Huo, tell me the ins and outs of this whole thing."


Lao Yu nodded, and before long, Ji Boyun explained how to entrap the Wutian trio and their counterattack for Lu Jiyuan.

Ji Wuhui said angrily: "How can you do such a despicable thing because of nonsense and the people of the Ji family are open and upright?"

With disdain on his face, Old Yu looked at the general and said, "My lord, the heavenly soldier Shi Jiaoyun of Fengmen City, and the three powers in the Yellow Palace, all know these things. If the adults don’t believe them, you can call them right away. Ask to understand."

The Tianjiang waved his hand, looked at Ji Wuhui, and said, "What else do you have to say?"

When Ji Wuhui heard this, his face was blue and white, and he gritted his teeth for the last time, and said, "My lord, even if Yu Huo has said it is true, but my brother is also the commander of Xuan Gong law enforcement, how can he offend only a few disciples? Yes, please let the adults call the shots."

"What an idiot."

Old Yu murmured and said lightly: "Ji Wugui, have you forgotten the rules set by the gods? The emperor committed the same crime as the common people. As the chief of the Xuangong law enforcement, Ji Boyun knew the law and broke the law and was punished! And you Now that you actually said this, according to the old man, in the name of your foster father, you didn't put the Lord God in your eyes at all."


Ji Wugui was extremely angry.

However, he had just said his words, and Mr. Yu shouted: "Shut up to the old man, Xiyu City Underground Palace belongs to Xilingzhou and is under the jurisdiction of the Lord, but you ignore the rules set by the adults and blindly ask the adults to be the masters of your brother. , With this behavior, aren’t you putting pressure on Lord Tianjiang in the name of your foster father Cheng Yu Tianshen?"

Old Yu directly put a big hat on him, making Ji Wugui feel so angry that he shouted, "You're less bloody!"

"Blood in the mouth?"

Old Yu sneered: "Ji Wuhui, you touched your conscience and said, did you know that Lord General has approved the Gu Yi three to enter the eight great gods, and only then came to Ximing City to kill them personally?"


Ji Wuhui glared at Lao Yu, just about to speak, but was interrupted by Di Li, disdainfully said: "Ji Wuhui, the law enforcement officer has already told me everything, do you still want to quibble?"


Tian Jiang looked at Di Li puzzledly.

Di Li looked down at the city below and shouted, "Bring me up."

The voice fell to the ground, and two burly men rose into the sky with the law enforcement agent.

Seeing this person, Ji Wuhui's eyes immediately showed a strong murderous intent!

The Tianjiang glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, and the great emperor came out under pressure, and Jiang Ji Wuhui, Yu Lao, and Di Li were all imprisoned.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, the law enforcement officer flew in front of him uncontrollably, and immediately he directly started a soul search forcibly.

After a while, the soul search was over, there was no suspense, and the law enforcement officer was killed on the spot.

However, the general lowered his head and remained silent.

After a while, he raised his head, scanned the three of them, and said, "For a long time, how about Ji Boyun and Gu Yi, who are the parties involved? Where are they now?"

Hearing this, Lao Yu immediately showed a touch of sadness and anger on his face, and said to the general: "My lord, the subordinates came out of Xinghe, and after they have notified you of the matter here, they have used their spirits to investigate them. An unusually terrifying aura was sensed outside the city. If his subordinates didn't guess wrong, it must be Ji Boyun who blew himself up as a quasi-great jihadist and died together with Gu Yi."


The heavenly general raised his eyebrows, and his divine thoughts surged out of the city like a tide.

Ji Wuhui's face also turned pale in an instant, and his spiritual thoughts also extended.

As a result, the distance was far beyond the reach of his spiritual mind.

The same goes for Lao Yu and Di Li.

Only the heavenly general, he is a great emperor, the scope of divine thoughts is beyond imagination.

After some investigation, the Tianjiang nodded and said: "I did sense the aura of the quasi-great jihadists who exploded, but I was a little surprised, how could there be five residual auras in that place?"

"Five Ways?"

The three of them frowned.

"One of the auras seems to be familiar, by the way, it is the demon soldier Zhao Shuangjin!"

There was a sudden burst of brilliant light in the eyes of the general!

"Zhao Shuangjin is dead?"

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then, their faces rose up in deep disbelief!

"No, I'm going to see it in person."

Tian Jiang said, the voice fell to the ground, and it has disappeared without a trace.

Lao Yu, Di Li, and Ji Wuhui, each carrying their own thoughts, teleported and quickly caught up.

Seeing the four giants leave, Wutian frowned and worried.

Thousands of counts, why didn't Zhao Shuangjin count?

If Nie Caixue were to wipe out Zhao Shuangjin's breath before, then this would not happen at all now.

Ditian saw Wutian's worries, patted his shoulder lightly, and comforted: "Don't worry, only Lao Yu knows about the fact that we are still alive. If we wait for Lao Yu to ask us, we can just find an excuse. Just prevaricate."

Wutian sighed and nodded.

Han Tian suggested: "Should we go and have a look?"

Di Tian said: "Don't, if we follow, it will attract the attention of the general."

Han Tian said: "Then what are we going to do now? It's impossible to wait here for the result!"

Ditian smiled and said: "Now what we have to do is to relax and talk to Su Ying by the way."

"What are you looking for Su Ying for?"

Wutian and the two were puzzled.

"Of course it was to drag her into the eight great gods." Di Tian smiled.

When the two heard this, they became more and more confused.

Di Tian smiled and said: "You think, the three of us just ‘dead’, and Lao Yu immediately found three of us. Isn’t it a coincidence?"

Wutian two people carefully pondered, it really is such a thing.

Di Tiandao: "So, we have to find another person to travel with. When the four of us are together, I think no matter how smart the sky is, it will not be possible to suspect us. Of course, even if there are only three of us, the sky may not doubt it, but If you take precautions, there will always be no mistakes."

Han Tian shook his head and sighed, "Smart people are different. They think more comprehensively than us."

"Can you not speak so sourly?"

Di Tian rolled his eyes.

Han Tian smiled.

Then the three of them walked towards the city.

Han Tian whispered: "Seriously, I didn't expect that the old man Yu had such a powerful mouth, and he would take up everything, so Ji Wuhui had no chance to speak."

Di Tian smiled and said: "After all, he is the great sage of the old Dzogchen, and he is also a heavenly soldier. He is very knowledgeable. When it comes to intrigue, Ji Wuhui is not far behind."

Han Tian whispered: "Di Tian, ​​the general has already known everything. Tell me, will you kill Ji Wuhui later?"

"No." Di Tian shook his head.

"So sure?" Han Tian was surprised~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't you see it? After forcibly searching for the souls of the law enforcement officers, Tian Jiang was silent, which means that he was weighing the pros and cons. After all, Ji Wuhui’s backstage was not an ordinary one, and Tian Jiang would also have concerns. Besides, we are all dead, God. There will be no need to kill Ji Wugui for us, thus offending Cheng Yu. "Di Tiandao.

Han Tian said: "If you say it is reasonable, it is hard to guarantee that Tian Jiang will not doubt it. We are very likely not dead."

Di Tian smiled and said: "Don't worry, when the Heaven General sensed the quasi-great jihadist self-detonation, he already believed that we were dead, because in his heart, with our insignificant strength, it is impossible to survive. The question that Tian Jiang is most concerned about is how Zhao Shuangjin died. As for us and Ji Boyun, I am afraid he has already left him behind!"

Han Tian said, "Lao Yu is the only insider. In other words, as long as Lao Yu doesn't let go, nothing will happen to us?"

Di Tian nodded and said: "It's like this, I think, with Linghua Tianshen's identity token, Yu Lao dare not say anything, so the overall situation is basically set..."

The two of them were whispering, but there was no way, their brows were furrowed, and they were silent. ()

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