Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1013: Palace lord’s request

() One person kicked and Wutian finally felt more comfortable.

A smile flashed across his eyes, and he said, "I'm sorry, I just made an impulse, I didn't hold it back, and I forgot the three seniors. Forgive me."

After all, the three of them are giants of the Yellow Palace, and they still have to give enough face.

The three of them looked at each other and were really angry.

Kick all kicks, is there any use to apologize?

However, Wutian is now an emissary of the heavenly soldiers, and their status is comparable to them, and they have not made any actions that threaten their lives, and they are not going to turn their faces.

So he went down the steps given by Wutian.

However, they all realized a truth, when they want to recommend the messenger to the Lord Heavenly Soldier in the future, they can no longer be so rash, and they must first understand the other's character.

Wu Genius didn't have time to pay attention to the three people, and took a few steps forward, reaching out and grabbing the black gloves.

"It looks like this is the Nine Tribulations Transformation Saint Soldier given to me by the purple-robed woman, but she is very considerate, knowing that I am a physical training, and gave me a pair of gloves."

Wutian grumbled and looked carefully.

The gloves are as thin as a cicada's wings, as light as a feather, and unpretentious, but hidden in them is a terrifying and devastating force.

"Xiao Wutian, don't drop blood to recognize the Lord."

Xiao Wuhao's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Why?" Wutian asked calmly.

"In the glove, I sensed a very weird breath. You should send it to the star realm first and let me study it." Xiao Wuhao said.


Wutian pretended to put the gloves in his arms, but actually sent to the stars world.

Then he grabbed the purple token again and observed it.

On the purple token, there are three characters on the front, Fengmen City!

On the opposite side are the four words, angels of heaven!

Together, they are the heavenly soldiers of Fengmen City.

As for the words of the heavens, Wu Tian could understand the memories of Xie Deshao and Miao Shanshan.

Watching Wutian throw the token into the mustard bag very casually, the palace owner warned: "Gu Yi, the envoy order, is a status symbol of the heavenly soldier, and it is very useful, so you must be careful to keep it."

Wutian curiously asked, "What are the functions of these?"

The palace lord said: "A lot, it's very troublesome to say, you can dig it slowly in the future."

Wutian moved in his heart and took out the messenger Ling from the mustard bag, and secretly sent it into the star world, letting Xiao Wuhao study and study to see if there was any mystery hidden.

As for the magical charms, it is a kind of refining technique called golden body technique.

Wutian also sent it into the stars world, let Xiao Wuhao take a look.

Next, he stared at the mustard bag.

But before he reached out, the palace owner grabbed his hand with the sound of the mustard bag.

"what are you doing?"

Wutian raised his eyebrows.

"I still want to ask what are you going to do?"

The palace owner looked at him suspiciously, full of puzzlement.

"Nonsense, of course it's taking away what belongs to me." Wutiandao.

The palace owner was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Ignorance is really terrifying."

Seeing Wutian, the eyebrows are full of suspicion.

The deputy palace lord smiled and explained: "The contents in the mustard bag are rewards from Lord Heavenly Soldier."

"You pushed me into the fire pit and still want rewards?"

Wutian was unhappy at the moment, and was about to start robbing, but after thinking about it, he dispelled the idea.

"Forget it, give it to you, you just need to tell me why there is no physical training in the world, but the Lord of Heaven does it?"

This is what Wutian really wants to know.

Upon hearing this, the three pupils shrank.

After pondering a little, the palace master said: "You are an envoy of the heavenly soldiers. You can tell you about this, but you can't tell others."

Wutian nodded.

The palace master said: "The whole story of this matter must be discussed from the ancient times."

"Why don't you start when you first started?"

The deputy palace lord rolled his eyes and looked at Wutiandao: "The reason is very simple. The Emperor of Heaven ordered the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals to destroy all the physical refining techniques in the dunya. This order was only half a month away, except for the heavens. There is no physical refining technique, of course, it is not ruled out that some big people have hidden some in their hands."

"Why destroy?" Wutian was surprised.

The deputy palace lord shook his head and said: "There are different opinions on this issue. Some people say that it is because of the relationship between the nine heavenly warriors in the holy world. Others say that the emperor has found that the body refining technique is flawed and the world is not allowed to practice. In short, it is similar. There are countless rumors, and the real situation may not even be known to the heavenly soldiers or generals."

Wutiandao: "You mean, the only one who knows the truth is the emperor, or the giants of the universe?"

The deputy palace lord nodded.

Wutian heard the words, and felt weak.

Nowadays, even the heavenly soldiers are not opponents, let alone the giants of the heavenly emperor and heaven?

"It seems that only when the Tongtian Pagoda wakes up, ask him to understand."

Wutian murmured, thought for a while, and then said: "The last two questions, first, since the emperor has ordered the destruction, why do you still give me physical exercises? Second, is there any holy rank in the yellow palace? stone?"

The three of them glanced at each other, and there was a touch of puzzlement between their eyebrows.

The law enforcement leader said: "Actually, when I heard Lord Tianbing said before that if you were to her wishes, he would give you physical exercises. We were also very surprised."

The meaning is obvious, and they don't know the reason.

Wutian said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, as expected, where is the holy step forbidden stone?"

"There are holy steps forbidden stones. If you need them, you can go to Tianbao Pavilion in Fengmen City to buy...No, what do you want holy steps forbidden stones for? Could it be that... you are a holy step forbidden master?"

The law enforcement commander stared at Wutian.

The deputy palace lord and the palace lord glanced at each other, and looked at Wutian suspiciously.

Wutian smiled faintly, waved his big hand, and a forbidden talisman broke through the air, floating on the heads of the three.

Immediately afterwards, the Forbidden Talisman sprayed out patches of ice mist, and the temperature in this place suddenly dropped crazily!

In the next instant, the foreground of the three people's eyes changed drastically and appeared in a piece of ice and snow.

The cold wind howled, the heavy snow was flying, looking at the surrounding environment, the hearts of the three giants of the Yellow Palace could not help but a despair sprouted!

Suddenly, the ice and snow disappeared, and the familiar secret room appeared.

The despair in the hearts of the three giants also disappeared, but the turbulent waves were constantly surging and could not be calmed for a long time!

After a long time, the three talents walked out of shock, and when they looked at Wutian again, their eyes were full of awe!

"Gu Yi, what restrictions did you use before?"

"Gu Yi, how old are you this year?"

"Gu Yi, how many years have you been practicing prohibition?"

The three spoke at the same time, throwing a different question.

"The previous prohibition was the first-order ban on the sacred tribulation, the ice crystal domain, as for how old and how many years of training, I really don't remember, I guess...probably...maybe almost a thousand years!"

There was a wry smile at the corner of Wutian's mouth.

I can't even calculate how many years I have lived, and for the cultivator, time really has no concept.

However, the three giants were shocked and speechless.

It's almost a thousand years, that is to say, not a thousand years yet!

Regardless of this issue, even a thousand years.

For a thousand years, not only has he become a Saint-Rank Forbidden Master, he will also be able to understand the first-level Tribulation Saint Forbidden!

This kind of speed and this kind of talent is too amazing, right?

Forbidden teacher, there is no such thing in the Yellow Palace.

Some of them have practiced for thousands of years, and some have practiced for tens of thousands of years, but their achievements today are nothing more than imperial banned masters.

There is only one sacred master forbidden, but the first-order extreme sage forbidden to understand thoroughly not long ago.

The first-order extreme sacred ban is equivalent to the early stage of the heavens. Compared with the first-order sacred ban, which is comparable to the first-order robbery, the difference is not sporadic!

The three were both shocked and excited.

Shocked is Wutian's talent in restraining the way.

Excitedly, I didn't expect such a terrible forbidden teacher to appear among the disciples!

"Palace Master, Vice-Palace Master, how should we arrange Gu Yi?"

The law enforcement commanded Chuanyin Road.

Yes indeed!

Gu Yi's strength is stronger than them, and he can't be regarded as a disciple at all.

However, such a stunning enchanting evildoer, if he does not stay in the Yellow Palace, it is really a loss to the Yellow Palace.

Suddenly, the palace lord had a flash of inspiration and thought of an idea.

He shook his head and looked at Wutian, with a sincere tone, and said, "Gu Yi, if you agree to stay in the Yellow Palace as a disciple, I will give you a hundred forbidden stones."

"One hundred? Palace Lord, are you crazy?"

The deputy palace lord and law enforcement leader exclaimed.

The market price of a sacred stair forbidden stone is about ten million essences, and a hundred forbidden stones, a total of one billion essences, can't afford it with his personal financial resources.

Unless the assets of the Yellow Palace are used.

However, the Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace had orders first.

The three major underground palaces, the six profound palaces, and the nine yellow palaces. All palace owners cannot use the assets in the palace privately, but can only use them to train disciples in the palace. Offenders have no room for negotiation, and there is no mercy!

The palace lord did not respond to the two deputy palace lords, staring at Wutian closely, waiting for his reply.

Wutian is also shocked.

His purpose in coming to the Yellow Palace was originally to go through the Yellow Palace, enter the Profound Palace, and then enter the Underground Palace. He didn't need him to stay.

However, he would not say this.

If you borrow the little guy, it's an idiot if you don't take advantage of it.

Pretending to think for a while, Wutian said lightly: "There is no idiot's lunch in the world. You left me in the Yellow Palace. There should be a reason for it!"

"Oh! To be honest, our Yellow Palace in Fengmen City has not appeared in many years. It is a genius who can make the three giants of Xuangong attractive. Therefore, we have fewer and fewer resources now, and we can even say , Has reached the point where the mountains are exhausted."

The palace lord sighed deeply and said bitterly.

"How come?" Wutian was surprised.

In his opinion, the heavens are vast in geography and rich in resources, how could it be so miserable that the palace owner said?

It seems that I have seen Wutian’s doubts ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The palace owner explained: "The areas under the jurisdiction of the Nine Yellow Palaces are basically poor and remote areas, and the resources are not much. The disciples of the Nine Yellow Palaces are the lowest. Tens of millions of dollars, the daily expenses are extremely staggering, and they are simply unaffordable. Therefore, every 100 years, the Profound Palace will grant us a large amount of resources, but it is conditional.

Wutian suddenly realized, and asked: "What conditions?"

"Every hundred years, the better the talents of the Yellow Palace disciples who enter the Xuan Palace, the more resources they will obtain. If they are lucky and are valued by the three giants and are accepted as direct disciples, then only one person's resources will be enough for our Yellow Palace expenditure. a hundred years."

The palace lord said, looking at Wutian, his eyes shined brightly.

Because in his opinion, the unique talent of Wutian in the way of restraint would definitely be valued by the three giants in the Profound Palace.

For Wutian, it was a great opportunity to blackmail.



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