Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1009: Streaking at Moonlight (Part 2)

Upon seeing this, the little guy ‘showed’ a frog-like mockery.

The small body flashed, easily avoided.

Immediately afterwards, the little paws attacked again and again, only to hear the crisp applause sounded continuously. After a while, Sun Moxi's face was swollen like a pig's head, completely unrecognizable.

It wasn't over yet, I saw it waved its paw, and a golden light was fleeting. With a puff, one of Sun Moxi's arm was taken off directly, and blood spurted out like a spring!

Until then, the little guy stopped his hand and said with a smile: "Welcome to join the'naked' team."

&n--bsp; "Ah...you little beast..."


Sun Moxi screamed, just as he had just said the words, the other arm was taken off again, and blood was splashed in the sky!

The little guy smiled and said: "If you don't run'naked' anymore, Lord Frog will kill you directly."

Hearing this, Sun Moxi was full of ‘excited’ spirits, unable to even take care of his injuries, and quickly joined the camp of Xie De, master and apprentice.

The little guy and the insect king hung leisurely behind the three, as long as the three slow down, they will be rewarded.

Upon seeing this, everyone wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh.

This scene is indeed very funny, but the same people in the Yellow Palace are both prosperous and ruined. The embarrassing end of Sun Moxi's trio made their faces blank.

However, even Sun Moxi is not the opponent of the two shameless little beasts, what can they do?

Some people couldn't help but look up at the temple above the nine heavens, with doubts in their eyes. Why didn't the three giants of the palace master come forward to stop it now?

The other group looked at Leng Aoxue and Lu Jiyuan, hoping that they could stop the two little beasts and end this farce.

Secretly, Lu Jiyuan whispered: "Aoxue, the two beasts arouse everyone's resentment. If we come forward to stop them now, let's not let the Huanggong disciples look forward to our horse's head in the future, but we can still do it by buying a large number of people."

Leng Aoxue shook her head and said: "I don't agree. Our goal is the heavenly palace, and the yellow palace is just a starting point. There is no need to care about this and ask for trouble."

"Aoxue, are you afraid of them?"

Lu Jiyuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Leng Aoxue raised her head and looked at the familiar man in front of her, for some reason, she gave her a sense of strangeness.

She knows his "sex" personality, and he has always been "sex" indifferent and indifferent to the world.

But today I want to buy people's hearts?


Buying people's hearts was just an excuse for him. The real reason was that he had a murderous intent on Gu Yi and the others.

She is a smart person, and after thinking about it, she understands why.

Leng Aoxue shook her head and said, "I'm not afraid, but I don't want to do something meaningless. Jiyuan, you should reflect on it. Being too conceited is not a good thing."

"Aoxue, you..."

"I know that Gu Yi took You Hanyun to the top of the 65th Sacred Mountain, surpassing our record, and made you feel very uncomfortable. Like Xie Deshao, he felt jealous towards the two of them and wanted Get rid of them..."


Lu Jiyuan let out a cold cry, interrupting Leng Aoxue's words.

"You are not wrong, I just want to eradicate them. They are mortals and mediocre waste. What qualifications do they have to climb the top of the 65th Sacred Mountain?"

The conversation between the two was not deliberately hidden.

The little guy and the insect king were immediately amused.

The little guy sneered and said: "This idiot, really treats the little emperor as a mortal."

The insect king echoed: "It's really idiot, but it's also cute. Why don't we let him run naked?"

"Good idea, it just so happens that he is Han Erhuo's rival in love. If you let him run around in the crowd, bare buttocks, against the bird, maybe Leng Aoxue is angry, and say goodbye to him, then Han Erhuo. There is a chance."

The little guy laughed ‘rapely’.

Suddenly, it turned around and stood in the void, with one paw akimbo, and one paw pointing to Lu Jiyuan, and said pretentiously: "Hey, you, yes, that's you, quickly pull out your clothes and be naked with Sun Moxi and others. Run."

"What, even Lu Jiyuan dare to provoke?!"

Immediately, people were shocked and sweated.

Lu Jiyuan was the second disciple of the inner palace. Not only was he powerful, he was also a disciple of the deputy palace lord, and his status was unimaginable.

However, they didn't have the slightest fear. The look, the tone, and the posture were as if they were looking down at an ant!

Everyone's brains are messed up. Who trained these two superb beasts?

Lu Jiyuan was also confused.

Are they stupid by the donkey, and dare to provoke themselves?


Suddenly, he burst into laughter and mocked: "A magic frog, a beetle, and two ants at the bottom of the biological chain, do you really think that no one can control you?"

"It looks like Lord Frog is going to do it himself."

The little guy squinted, his eyes full of disdain, and he casually stretched out his little paw and shook it lightly.

Suddenly, Lu Jiyuan felt that the space around him was frozen, his body was imprisoned, and he couldn't even move his fingers!

"Little bug, pluck his skin, let his little bird come out and see the light." The little guy ‘rape’ smiles again and again.

The insect king also laughed, with wretched eyes, walked in front of Lu Jiyuan, and said, "Boy, dare to **** the'female' person with Han Erhuo. You really don't know how the word tragedy is written. Today, your grandpa insect Just let you sweep your face in front of Leng Aoxue."

"you dare!"

Lu Jiyuan drank coldly.

"In the world, there is nothing your grandpa insect dare not do."

While talking, the insect king slowly waved his claws.


The clothes on Lu Jiyuan's'chest' had a large opening.

The insect king immediately covered his nose and said angrily: "Damn, it smells, how long you haven't bathed, you can make your grandpa insect stink."

"Damn, Lord Frog can smell it too."

The little guy yelled angrily, and covered his nostrils, and said contemptuously: "The surface is bright and beautiful, but there is dirt and dirt inside. I really don't know how Leng Aoxue would like you."

"Boss Frog, you used the wrong idiom. It's not hiding dirt, but dirty." The insect king corrected.

"Go away, and use your poor IQ less to doubt Lord Frog, Lord Frog is a literate and well-trained frog, so naturally he won't say those foul language." The little guy disdainfully said.

"Educated and literate? Damn, who the **** is the little beast trained? Come out and see if I won't cut him!"

The people were filled with righteous indignation and injustice.

However, no one dared to speak out.

Leng Aoxue also had a frosty face when she saw her beloved being humiliated in public.

She stepped out and said coldly: "Hurry up, otherwise don't blame my ruthless men."

"Your servant is ruthless? Little lady, you'd better stay there honestly. For the sake of Han Erhuo's face, Lord Frog will not move you. If you dare to step forward, Lord Frog will still pull out your clothes. Let you run'naked' with them."

The little guy ‘shows’ a smirk in a frog style.

"This is absolutely possible." All the male disciples in the Yellow Palace howled in their hearts.


Leng Aoxue only spit out a word, only to feel a terrifying coercion, her body was imprisoned on the spot, and she couldn't even move her lips!

She was shocked, are they really just magic frogs and beetles?

What puzzled her the most was how could a mortal, a person of a hundred dynasties, a person of a divine transformation, have two such terrifying little beasts around him?

Leng Aoxue was imprisoned, and Lu Jiyuan's result was also desired. It was not an ordinary sad reminder.

A bubble of ‘child frog holy water’ was poured on his head, and he immediately followed Sun Moxi and ran over the Ninety-Nine Holy Mountain, just like a little sheep.

Upon seeing this, everyone really didn't know how to describe their current mood.

With all eyes in sight, he sprinkled ‘urine’ on Lu Jiyuan’s face and did such a nasty thing. He claimed to be a child frog holy water and said that he would cure all diseases and humiliate people without being so cruel.


Looking at the scene below, the three giants looked weird.

The law enforcement leader jokingly said: "Vice Palace Master, Lu Jiyuan is also your disciple anyway, are you just sitting back and letting the two little guys humiliate?"

The deputy palace lord said: "Although Lu Jiyuan is very indifferent on weekdays, in fact, he is more competitive and jealous than anyone else. Even if I teach him a lesson this time, I hope he can fully understand and truly understand the word indifferent. True meaning."

The palace master said: "Yes, if you don't think about jade, you can't become a weapon. If Lu Jiyuan doesn't sharpen it well, no matter how talented he is, his future achievements will be limited. On the other hand, Leng Aoxue is much better than him. He only fights for his goals. Everything is handled indifferently."

"No matter what, both of them are plastic talents, but Gu Yi, this son, behaves too strangely, Palace Master, should we inform Lord Tianbing and let him come and see?" The law enforcement leader said.

"No need." The palace lord waved his hand, his eyes twinkling strangely.

Inside the holy mountain.

Di Tian and Han Tian were in a daze when they watched the behavior of the little guy and the insect king.

Di Tian asked curiously: "Huo Ling, where did you learn these shameless tricks?"

Huo Qilin glanced at the two beasts contemptuously, and explained: "Who else can anyone else? Isn't that the dirty old man in the Universe Devil City..."

Upon hearing this, the two looked at each other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dumbfounded.

It turned out that when the little guys and the beasts were bored in the star world, they went to the Universe Devil City to brag and slap, and the result was that the Universe Devil City told the glorious deeds of the past.

For example, in the holy world, people from the Nine Great War tribes are forced to run naked.

These shameless tricks, if someone else hears them, they will forget them.

But for the little guy and the beast, it's like getting a treasure, all silently in his heart.

In the star realm, they want to experiment with the sword class to see how it works.

However, due to Xiao Wuhao's deterrence, he has never dared to take action. Now that he finally has a chance, he will naturally have a good time.

Di Tian sighed lightly: "It was already enough to make people a headache. Now that I am taught by Qiankun Devil City, I am afraid that I will not want to have a peaceful life in the future."

"But you also have to admit that it is indeed more relieved." Han Tianxie smiled. . --70818+dsuaahhh+24837921-->

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