Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1004: Decline

Essence, the Wutian three are naturally not lacking, but one million essences are a lot of wealth for a person at the bottom of the heavens. ~~~~

It just so happens that what they are playing is the lowest level of people, if they refuse, it may arouse Liu Lili's suspicion.

"The mission is complete, let's go back!"

After completing the assessment so quickly, Liu Lili is now in a very good mood, like a beautiful blue butterfly, with a sweet laugh, heading towards the portal.

Walking out of the portal, the Wutian four immediately saw Sun Monan standing not far away, with his arms folded, his head down, and his brows furrowed.

Leng Aoxue and Sun Jiyuan have disappeared.

A white-clothed man with thieves and scowls, he is Sun Monan's companion.

When he saw Wutian four, this person immediately ran to Sun Monan and whispered: "Brother Sun, look, how come they came out of the first battlefield?"

"Don't bother me, I don't want to listen to anyone except Liu Lili's news." Sun Monan said without looking up.

The white-clothed man hurriedly said, "Brother Sun, she is Liu Lili!"

"Liu Lili?"

Sun Monan immediately raised his head and turned to look around. He saw four familiar figures walking straight in front of him and walking outside the hall.

"You stop me." Sun Monan shouted.

As if the Wutian three hadn't heard, Liu Lili glanced at him contemptuously, without saying a word.

His eyes sank, Sun Monan coldly yelled, "Stop them for me."

Dozens of young men and women immediately stood in front of the four with a sneer at the corners of their mouths.

The Wutian trio frowned.

Han Tian whispered: "These people's fanfare, don't the four law enforcement officers care about it?"

"In their eyes, we are just clowns. If they are in a good mood, as long as they don't kill people, they won't bother. If they are in a bad mood and walk heavy, they will all be punished." Liu Lili whispered.

"Punishment also depends on the mood, it is really interesting." Han Tianxie smiled.

Wutian glanced at the four law enforcement officers, and sure enough, there was a hint of playfulness on their faces.

"No matter where you go, you can encounter such assholes."

Wutian shook his head.

If you change to the sword class, you will definitely stop it at the first time, instead of watching a monkey show like them.

Sun Monan strode over, looked at Wutian three people coldly, fixed his gaze on Liu Lili, and said gloomily, "When did you go to the first battlefield?"

"It's about you?" Liu Lili raised an eyebrow.


Sun Monan's eyes were gloomy, his words reached his lips, but he suddenly closed it back.

Then, I looked at the four people up and down, and finally the corners of his mouth caught a thick ridicule. He gloated and said: "If you say that you will team up with me, you just won't listen, but you want to join these junks. It's all right now. A trip wasted an opportunity for no reason."

Liu Lili sneered: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, because we have completed the assessment task."

"Haha, only the four of you still have the ability to complete the task? Don't be kidding." Sun Monan laughed rampantly, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world, he couldn't stop it.

The other dozens of people also sneered.

"I said Ditian, how long will I have to endure?" Han Tian said.

"This kind of boring behavior makes you angry, and your xinxing needs to be tempered." Di Tian shook his head slightly, glanced at the dozens of people in front of him, and narrowed his eyes slightly. He started and said calmly: "Get out of the way."

The simple, peaceful words made the pupils of dozens of people shrank sharply and instinctively retreated to the sides, even they didn't know why they did it.

"Let's go! Our opponents are not these small characters, but the geniuses of the underground palace and the heavenly palace, and the heavenly court." Ditian voice transmission.

"That's right, it's a waste of time to care about these people." Han Tian secretly slandered himself.

The eyes of the three people flashed, and they went straight away.

Liu Lili glanced at dozens of people with dull expressions, then looked at the backs of the three of them, and there was a suspicion in her beautiful eyes.

"What a weird thing." Liu Lili muttered without thinking. While chasing the three of them, he said proudly: "Sun Monan, you have to work hard, this lady is waiting for you in the Yellow Palace."

"Did they really complete the assessment?"

Sun Monan murmured.

Suddenly, he realized a very important question. His dozens of companions had been blocking a few people in front of him. How did they leave?

Looking up, I felt angry for a while, and shouted: "What are you doing?"

With a drink, dozens of people resembled a bolt from the blue, and they regained their senses!

"what happened?"

They stared at each other, not remembering what happened before.

Moreover, they were surprised to find that their underwear was soaked in cold sweat!

Seeing dozens of blank-faced companions, Sun Monan's anger didn't strike anymore, and he yelled angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze? Please take them back to me soon."

"Sun Monan, enough is enough, otherwise don't blame me for not giving your big brother face."

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded, and one of the law enforcement officers spoke.

Sun Monan was so excited that he hurriedly summoned dozens of people, turned his head to look at the four law enforcement officers, but only promised: "The four big brothers are the little ones who are confused for a while. I hope the four big brothers will forgive me."

The law enforcement officer said indifferently: "If they really complete the assessment task, the grievances between you and them can be settled in the yellow house. Then there will be your elder brother secretly assisting, I believe it will be more beneficial to you. If not, wait for you to become a yellow man. After the palace disciples, squeezing them to death is as easy as squeezing the ants, do you understand? Go to the battlefield if you understand, and don’t let your brother’s expectations be disappointed."

"Thank you, Brother Chengyi, for your suggestion."

Sun Monan bowed his hands to thank you.

Then greeted dozens of companions and rushed towards the portal.

After dozens of people entered the battlefield one after another, the law enforcement officer said to the other three companions: "Have you noticed before that the red-haired man seems to have suddenly changed."

"Have it?"

One of them smiled disapprovingly, and said faintly: "Sun Monan's companion only has a cultivation base from the half-step divine transformation stage to the early adult stage, and the red-haired man has the strength of the consummation stage, and naturally cannot bear his. Oppressed, it is normal for them to retreat."

"In that case, it seems to be just my illusion."

The law enforcement officer shook his head and smiled, but didn't care.


at the same time.

In the registration hall, there was also a heated discussion.

It takes only half an hour at most for a few people to sign up, come out of the battlefield, and return to the hall.

However, it took only half an hour to complete the assessment task. Not only did those who laugh at them fell into deep disbelief, but even the old woman who had been calm after the counter couldn't help but raise his head and began to look at the few people seriously. Come.

After a while, she showed a kind smile and said: "You can complete the assessment task in half an hour, Di Tian, ​​Liu Lili, you two are very good."

Obviously, she attributed all this to Ditian and Liu Lili, and Han Tian and Wutian were just drenched in their light.

As for the two people who were ignored, Wutian didn't care about the result at all.

"Thank you senior for the compliment."

The two arched hands.

Di Tian's face was indifferent.

Liu Lili was somewhat unnatural.

The old woman was happy to recruit two genius disciples at this time, and did not notice the change in Liu Lili's expression.

After thinking about it, the old woman said: "You go and clean up, and the old man will take you to the Yellow Palace in person."

"What, Mr. Yun actually wants to take them to the Yellow Palace himself?"

The hall suddenly boiled.

Everyone's eyes are filled with envy.

However, as the person involved, Di Tian frowned without a trace, he was thinking about the purpose of the old woman.

In fact, the purpose of the old woman is very simple, she wants to personally **** Ditian and Liu Lili to the Yellow Palace.

As for the reason, it is even simpler.

To complete the assessment in such a short period of time, it must be an invincible existence among peers.

This kind of people are unique and worthy of training.

Similarly, this kind of person will also be jealous of others, and if they are intercepted halfway, they will lose out.

However, the Wutian trio didn't know this, and they were even less likely to think that the old woman would personally **** them for such a simple purpose.

Of course, this can't be blamed on the three people's care.

After all, when they stepped into the cultivation path, they were faced with intrigue, so they had already formed a concept in their hearts that the heavens would not drop the pie for no reason. If it does, there must be some tricks in it.

Secretly, Ditian still intends to resign the old woman's kindness, and declined: "Senior Yun, you are busy with official duties, and the juniors really don't dare to delay the precious time of seniors, so if you personally **** this matter, forget it."

Liu Lili was anxious and secretly transmitted: "Di Tian, ​​what are you doing? Lao Yun is one of the best in the entire Huang Palace. She can **** her personally. That is a supreme honor. Why did you refuse? "

Ditian ignored him and continued: "Older Yun, it's actually not that the younger generation doesn't want to be escorted by the senior, but that he doesn't want this kind of special treatment, because the younger generation is afraid that he won't be able to keep his heart, and he will develop a sense of superiority over others.

With these words, Old Yun couldn't help but admire Di Tian again.

She said with satisfaction: "You have the strength to surpass those of the same realm and the state of mind that surpasses those of the same generation. You will surely have extraordinary achievements in the future. It's okay to take back what you said before, and hope that you can keep that ordinary heart forever. ."

"Junior, remember." Di Tian arched his hands.

"Take out the jade slips I gave you before." The old woman said.

The four of them took out the jade slips from their arms and placed them on the cabinet.

The old woman's skinny fingers were pointed out, and the four divine rainbows merged into the jade slip.

Suddenly, a small black sword was added to the four jade slips.

"This is a symbol of your status, remember to keep it carefully, and go." The old woman exhorted, and then waved.

"Junior farewell."

The Wutian trio arched their hands, grabbed their jade slips ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and turned and left.

"I'm furious."

Liu Lili stomped his feet, grabbed the jade slip, and angrily followed.

"Huh... it's unbelievable. The man named Di Tian would actually refuse Mr. Yun's escort."

"Yes, Yun Lao is in the Yellow Palace, but even the palace owner must respect the existence. On weekdays, it is difficult for us to say a word to her!"

"No, if I could let Yun Lao be sent to the Yellow Palace himself, it would be worthwhile to die, but he said a lot of reasons to reject him in a high-sounding voice. I really don't understand what his head is."

"Hey, don't talk about it, people are more angry than people."

The crowd was whispering. Some people said that Ditian was an idiot, some said he was an idiot, and some even said he was pretending to be high-minded.

In short, few really admire him.

There is one difference, that is, the initial disdain has disappeared, replaced by fear.

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