Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1001: It's all women's fault

Feng'men' city is extremely large.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that it is more than a thousand times larger than the Star Realm.

Of course, the second space is not counted.

Inside the city, the buildings stood tall, like giant climbing beasts. Needless to say, the prosperous level of Wutian was thousands of miles away, and the noise could be heard.

At the'gate' of the city, there are two young men in white clothes guarding them, showing the breath of'exposure' all over their bodies, and they are both in the Wushuang consummation period.

Moreover, on their ‘chest’, there are two small black ‘colored’ swords engraved on them.

And Xie Deshao and Miao Shanshan were talking with them.

Miao Shanshan is okay, there is nothing but awe.

However, Xie Deshao's face was full of flattery.

"It turned out to be a disciple of the inner palace." Wutian whispered.

"What disciple of the inner palace?" Han Tian puzzled.

Wutian explained: "The yellow palace is divided into the outer palace and the inner palace. The strength of the outer palace disciples is inferior to that of the inner palace disciples, and the resources obtained cannot be compared with the inner palace disciples. As for the identity, the outer palace The sign on the disciple’s chest is a small black "color" sword, while the disciple of the inner palace has two small swords, the law enforcer has three, the law enforcement leader and deputy palace lord have four, and the palace lord has five. handle."

Ditian said: "In this way, only the inner palace disciples are eligible to participate in a competition held every 100 years?"

Wutian nodded and said: "Yes, if we want to enter the profound palace, we can only become inner palace disciples. To become inner palace disciples there are two primary conditions. First, the minimum cultivation level must reach the half-step unparalleled stage, and second, Kill 10,000 people in the same realm of casual repair alliance."

Han Tian raised his eyebrows and asked, "Confused," "Can't we go directly to the underground palace?"

Wutian shook his head and said: "No, no matter how strong your cultivation is, you must follow the steps. Of course, if you are valued by a big figure in the underground palace, you can make an exception, but these so-called big figures never show up in general. , So it’s basically hopeless."

"It's a **** trouble." Han Tian cursed.

Ditian smiled and said: "The trouble is a little troublesome, but there is also an advantage. We rise from the bottom step by step and will not arouse others' suspicion."

"Do you have any plans?" Wutian looked at it.

There is a scheming military adviser, and he doesn't bother to use his brains.

"The plans are here."

Di Tian pointed his head and smiled mysteriously.

At this moment, Miao Shanshan glanced back inadvertently, and she happened to see the Wutian three in the distance. Her expression was stunned, but she quickly recovered her calmness, and she turned her head to continue chatting with the two guards.

None of the three of Xie Deshao found anything unusual.

"Ahem." Wutian gave a dry cough, jokingly: "Di Tian, ​​I think Miao Shanshan really has a crush on you."

"Stop nonsense." Di Tian's face turned black.

Wutian said amusedly: "I'm really not talking nonsense. There are regulations in the Yellow Palace. The orders of the Yellow Palace disciples cannot be rejected by ordinary people, otherwise they will all be regarded as members of the Sanxiu Alliance and will not be amnesty!"

Han Tian suddenly enlightened: "I understand. Two days ago, we refused Xie Deshao's invitation, and because of Miao Shanshan, he hated Ditian very much. Therefore, whether we are from the Sanxiu League or not. He would regard us as members of the Sanxiu League. As a disciple of the Yellow Palace, Miao Shanshan is naturally impossible not to know this, and she pretends not to see it at the moment, obviously, she is helping us in secret."

Wutian teased: "You are wrong, Miao Shanshan is not helping us, but Ditian."

Han Tian'showed' the original look, and smiled evilly: "Di Tian, ​​to be honest, Miao Shanshan's appearance is still pretty good. You need a figure, a cheek, and a chest. ......Although it's not big, but it's okay, why don't you just follow her!"

Di Tian directly ignored it and started teleporting, passing by the few people behind Xie De without knowing it, and entering Feng's Gate City.

"Hey, it's not common to let Di Tian deflate!"

Han Tianxie smiled, suddenly frowned, and said ‘confused’, “Wu Tian, ​​why did the two of Xie Deshao return to Feng’s Gate city so quickly?”

Wutian explained: "They have a treasure called the'door' of space, which can span a distance of 100 million miles at a time. The'door' with the realm is a principle. It is a sexual consumable, but the price It is more expensive than the boundary'door', and the market price of a space'door' is about one million'essence'."

Han Tian said: "I'm going, it's so expensive, and then again, since I mastered Teleport, the world's gate has never been used again. To be honest, I really miss it. When will I grab a few? Have fun."

"How many fans to grab? Xiao Wuhao, blockade the star realm."

Wutian shook his head and gave a secret command, teleporting at the same time as Han Tian, ​​easily entering the city.

When Miao Shanshan couldn't help but look back again, there was no trace of the three of them, and she couldn't help but breathe. At the same time, she felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

"Two elder brothers, then we are settled. In any case, we will help the younger brother find the whereabouts of the five people."

Xie Deshao arched his hands to the two inner palace disciples, looked at Miao Shanshan beside him, raised his brows, followed her gaze, and found that there was nothing strange. He said in a puzzled way: "Sister, what are you looking at? Why are you always absent-minded?"


Miao Shanshan shook her head, and then said: "Brother, didn't you tell me not to trouble those five people anymore?"

A gleam of light was fleeting, and Xie De showed a little smile on his face, and comforted: "Junior sister, you are too worried, I am looking for their purpose, just want to ask about the situation of the barren forest, there is no harm in it."


Miao Shanshan nodded, but there was a hint of suspicion in her eyes.


Feng ‘gate’ in the middle of the city.

A huge palace stands tall, majestic and magnificent.

This is the registration office of the Yellow Palace.

The Wutian trio looked at the palace, walked into the'door' of the palace side by side, and entered a spacious hall.

"Friends, are you here to sign up too?"

Immediately, a naturally beautiful blue-haired ‘female’ with a face like a lotus greeted them and looked at the three with a smile.

The Wutian trio looked around, and saw that there were crowds of people in the hall, and their figures were making mistakes. To say nothing, there were thousands of people.

Everyone gathered in twos and threes, whispering and whispering.

Looking around, Di Tian puzzled: "The girl is talking to me?"

The blue-haired ‘female’ nodded.

Ditian smiled politely and asked, "Yes, we are here to sign up. I don't know what the girl is doing?"


The blue-haired'woman' was taken aback, and couldn't help looking at Wutian and Han Tian behind Ditian, frowning without a trace, and muttering secretly: "The man with colorful long hair was in the early stage of the 100 dynasties, and the white-haired man even breathed a little. Not at all. It should be an ordinary person. Ordinary people also came to sign up. It was really the first time I saw it. However, I don't know the strength of the red-haired man. I guess he is a strong one."

The blue-haired ‘female’ said with a smile: “Little ‘female’ Liu Lili, she has grown into a mature stage and wants to team up with three friends to go to the first battlefield.”

Wutian secretly transmits: "The first battlefield is a battlefield dedicated to ‘door’ to test applicants."

Di Tian nodded without a trace, expressing his understanding, and then smiled: "Miss Liu, you have also seen it. My two friends are lowly in strength. If you team up with us, you may be implicated."

"This sentence is indeed correct. One is the period when the gods turn into perfection, one is the first stage of the 100 dynasties, and one..."

A handsome-looking young man in purple clothes, walking out of the crowd, spoke lightly with disdain, but when his eyes came into contact with Wutian, his eyes widened and fell out.

Looking at Wutian for a while, he burst into laughter.

"Haha... Ordinary person, you are still an ordinary person, haha... Ordinary people also come to sign up, it's really a big wonder in the world, haha..."

The laughter was particularly harsh.

For a time, Wutian became the focus, and the people in the hall moved their eyes.


There was a noise in the hall.

"Really ordinary people..."

"This is the first time in my life I heard that ordinary people came to sign up..."

"Even ordinary people come to sign up. Has this world changed?"

"No, ordinary people should be like ordinary people. Don't do all unrealistic daydreams..."

The sound of discussion, ridicule, and sarcasm are endless, resounding through this place.

Originally, noise was forbidden here, but at this moment, everyone couldn't help but sneer at the ‘‘desire’’.

Wutian, as the person involved, has not changed at all, his face is calm and his expression is calm.

At the beginning, even the divine might of the gods had been personally faced, so what else to care about?

These people's faces are in his eyes, but they are just children's players, and they can't make him take it seriously.

The purple-clothed man looked at a few people contemptuously, turned his head to look at Liu Lili, with a bright smile on his face, pointed at Ditian, and said: "Miss Liu, although this person is strong, she has two A drag oil bottle, when faced with a brutality into a casual repair alliance, it will not only be difficult to protect itself, but also drag the girl. On the other hand, there will also be a full-term cultivation base. If you and I join forces, I can guarantee that it will definitely go smoothly. Become a disciple of the Yellow Palace."

Liu Lili's eyebrows frowned, and a disgusting'color' appeared in her eyes, and said lightly: "Sun Monan, put away your face for this lady. It makes me sick."


Sun Monan's eyes sank and he was about to attack.

But at this moment, the people all around began to kindly advise.

"Girl, Sun Monan is right. If you are with them, entering the battlefield will only be dragged down."

"Yes, Sun Monan is also pretty good, you might as well team up with him, so it will be good for you and him."

"Yes, don't make a life-long decision to regret for a while."

Hearing these words, Sun Monan raised his head and ‘tightened’ his chest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his eyes were arrogant and he looked like a villain.

Liu Lili also hesitated. Although Sun Monan had bad intentions with her, he was alone after all. As long as he was careful to take precautions and join hands with him, the chances of success would undoubtedly increase.

However, Sun Monan’s ‘sex’ is not known to others, but she knows very well that she is a person who uses all means to achieve her goal.

After thinking about the previous exam, Liu Lili's heart slammed, stepped forward, and stood beside Di Tian, ​​sternly saying: "I will go with them today, you disgusting beast, you can go Up."

Sun Monan's face suddenly became darker and "yin" said coldly: "I promise you will regret it then."

Then, looking at the three of Ditian, he sneered and said: "There are three of you. Remember me. I will let you not survive and die."

"Enough, I really think this is your home, I can do anything I want?"

At this moment, a cold, but extremely pleasing, delicate sound rang. . --70818+dsuaahhh+24709077-->

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