Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 2174: Absolutely regret


Because from the current situation, it is not difficult to judge that the blood of **** in Wutian's body is dozens of times that of Ditian!

Maybe even more!

The bird saint quickly replaced with the new water of life.

This time, I persisted for thirty breaths.

Li Tian walked out of the small wooden building, saw Wutian's situation, and asked in surprise: "What's the matter?"

The bird sage said solemnly: "The blood of **** in Wutian, go to the ancient battlefield and bring the flower of hope."


Li Tian was shocked and said: "How could he be in the blood of hell?"

"I don't know, you hurry up!"

The bird roars.

Li Tiandao: "Don't worry. If you want to go, you must first ask God Father’s current coordinates. Also, if God Father is in Reincarnation City now, I will be able to come back later, but if God Father is in the central battlefield, I will at least wait until tomorrow. To come back."

Because of the space-time mirror, it can only recover once a day.

"Then take Wutian to the ancient battlefield together."

The holy way of birds.

"Let me ask first."

Li Tian took out the astronomical order and sent a message to God Father.

When he was in the ancient battlefield before, he and Ditian, and the little guy, exchanged the imprint of divine consciousness with God the Father.


God the Father came to reply and asked Wutian how is the situation? It also includes his current coordinates.

"Not optimistic!"

Li Tian replied with the four words of Father God, put away the celestial phenomenon order, took out the time-space mirror, and said in a deep voice: "Bird Saint, Father God is really on the central battlefield, but the most terrible thing is that Ye Tongmei went to find Father God. "

Bird Saint said: "Why would she go to the Father God?"

Li Tiandao: "Obviously, I don't want Father God to save Wutian."

Bird Saint said solemnly: "With Ye Tongmei here, we can't send Wutian to God Father."

"Yes, although the Father God is present, a strong man like Ye Tongmei can make rapid changes, and Wutian has no mobility now. If you let me take him with him..."

Li Tian paused and said, "To be honest, I can't guarantee his safety, and I don't even think that God the Father can help."

Bird Saint said: "Then you go there alone."

Li Tian frowned, really, he didn't want to take risks.

But after hesitating for a while, I finally chose to take the risk: "If I go alone, I won't be able to come back until early in the morning. You have to hold on."

The Bird's Sacred Heart sank and said, "There are still five or six hours before the early morning. With Wutian's current situation, I am afraid that I will not be able to stick to that time, because I don't have so much water of life."

Li Tian frowned and said, "What should I do?"

Niaoshengdao: "Go to Xuanyuanao, he can refine a teleportation altar, it only takes about ten years, but in the small wooden building, not an hour."

Li Tian asked: "Can the water of life last for one hour?"


Niaosheng shook his head and said: "The last time I detoxified Di Tian, ​​I used more than 60,000 drops, plus the usual use, plus the useless now, it is estimated that there are about 180,000 drops left."

Li Tiandao: "How long will it last?"

"Every time you change the water of life, the situation of no sky will be stable, and the rate of life energy consumption will gradually slow down, but I estimate that it can only last for half an hour at most."

Saint Bird said solemnly.

Li Tiandao: "I'm going to find Xuanyuanao!"


He began to teleport, and in a blink of an eye, he descended over the Sky Extinguisher Clan, shouting: "Xuanyuanao, come out!"

"Li Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

Xuanyuan Phoenix's cold shout sounded in the mountains below.

"Phoenix, don't be rude."

Xuanyuanao's voice followed.


In the next instant, Xuanyuan Ao fell in front of Li Tian, ​​and said in doubt, "Is something wrong with me?"

Li Tian immediately explained the situation of Wutian in a simple and clear manner.

"Blood of Hell!"

Xuanyuanao's pupils contracted.

Li Tian said solemnly: "Wu Tian's situation is not optimistic. You must refine the teleportation altar within half an hour."

"Half an hour?"

Xuanyuan Ao frowned, obviously embarrassed.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said: "You first ask God Father, God Father is also a refiner, maybe he has a ready-made teleportation altar on his body."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this?"

Li Tian patted his head, quickly took out the celestial phenomena order, and sent a message to the Father God.


After receiving the reply from God the Father, his face was full of disappointment.

Xuanyuanao asked: "What?"

"Father God said that all the teleportation altars he refined have been given to others.

After all, Dongzhou is at war with the three major territories, and altars are used in many places.

He also told me that he has no time to refine the teleportation altar now. "

Li Tian said solemnly.

"How come there is no time?"

Xuanyuan proudly was surprised.

"Ye Tongmei!"

Li Tian said every word.

Xuanyuan Ao knew what was going on as soon as he heard this name.


Xuanyuan waved his hand proudly, leading Li Tian, ​​and instantly descended on the square of the ruling palace.

Looking at Wutian in the pool, Xuanyuan proudly shouted, "Sage Bird, take me to get the materials!"

"Li Tian, ​​the water of life is for you. Once the life energy is exhausted, it will be replaced immediately."

Niaosheng handed the jade bottle to Li Tian, ​​and led Xuanyuanao to the Resource Hall.

Li Tian looked down at the jade bottle, his eyes flickered.


He turned his gaze to Wutian again, and whispered: "If it weren't for the creation of God, I would definitely kill you now. After all, killing the father's hatred is not shared."

Xuanyuanao and Niaosheng returned soon.

"Don't worry, I will definitely refine the teleportation altar within half an hour."

Leaving a word, Xuanyuan Ao entered Xiaomulou.

Niaosheng also took the jade bottle from Li Tian and continued to take care of Wutian.

at the same time.

On a huge peak in the central battlefield.

God the Father stood on the top of the mountain, holding the celestial order in his hand, his eyes gloomy as water.

Old Su, Old Xi, Old Qiu, and Old Ge stood side by side behind God Father, looking solemnly at the void ahead.

Where they looked, there was a beautiful woman standing against the wind.

This person is Ye Tongmei.

There was a grim sneer on her face.


The second palace lord brought Ni Yeye back to the palace.

When she learned from the second palace lord that Wutian had already drunk the wine in the wine jar, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

After a little understanding of the situation, she revived and teleported the altar, and she came here almost when Li Tian sent a message to the father.

Indeed, as Li Tian expected, she came here to hold God the Father.

She stepped forward and fell away from the father's father, and said: "Old thing, if I guessed correctly, the message just now should be from a companion of Wutian!"

Father God clenched his hands and said in a deep voice, "Why would you do this?"


"Ha ha……"


Ye Tongmei laughed madly.

"You actually asked me why?"

"Don't you find it ridiculous?"

"I did this, of course, to make you desperate for life!"

"Didn't you once said that you want to protect the world?"

"Now you tell me that you can't even protect your grandson, how can you protect other people?"

"Knowing that my grandson is dying of blood from hell, but I am unable to rescue him, are you desperate and angry now?"

"Yes, I like to see you look desperate and angry."

"I'm telling you, now it is Wutian, and soon will be the little demon god, and your two grandsons that you are proud of will be my tools for venting anger."

"I said, I will make you regret for life, regret the original decision, I will do what I say!"

Ye Tongmei seemed to be mad, smiling very madly, and resentment in her eyes.

Father God sighed: "Why are you? I admit that I was indeed sorry to you at the beginning, but you shouldn't involve two innocent children."

"In your eyes they are innocent, but in my eyes, they should all be killed!"

Ye Tong Meisen said sternly, cold all over.

"In that case, then I have nothing to worry about."

Father God took a deep breath, and there was a murderous look in his old eyes.

Ye Tongmei glanced at Old Ge and Old Qiu.

The two of them understood, their eyes were violently cold, and they fisted towards the father's back.

"Old stuff, didn't you expect that the old Ge and Old Qiu you trust the most will be our eyeliner in Dongzhou?"


Ye Tongmei laughed again, with inevitable sarcasm.



Two screams sounded in this world, interrupting Ye Tongmei's laughter.

She was full of anger, full of disbelief!

It was not the Father God who screamed, but Ge Lao and Qiu Lao!

Look at Lao Su and Lao Xi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, both of them are standing behind Ge Lao and Qiu Lao. The big old hands seem to have fallen into the sea of ​​anger between Ge Lao and Ge Lao from behind.

At the corner of his mouth, there was a deep sneer.

As for the screaming Ge Lao and Qiu Lao, Lao's eyes, like Ye Tongmei, are also full of incredible!


Old Su and Old Xi simultaneously pulled out their big hands, both holding a godhead.

It is the godhead of the two old men!

The blood hole with the big fist on the back is even more bloody!

With a wave of his hand, Old Su took out a sealing box and sealed both godheads.


Old Xi clenched his hands into fists, and blasted his heads with all his strength on the heads of Old Ge and the two of them suddenly had their brains splashed, and their souls were torn apart!

Bang! !

The two old Ge, who were still vigorous before, are now two headless corpses, falling in a pool of blood.

Old Su raised his head to look at Ye Tongmei and sneered: "You think we really don't know, do you know that Elder Ge are spies?"

Old Xi sneered: "A few days after Wu Tian entered the ancient battlefield, we found out the identities of the two Ge Lao, but we still wanted to use them, so we didn't kill them."

"No heaven?"

Ye Tongmei was taken aback.

Father God said: "Yes, the capture of the three princes and the four old Gu is all the credit of Tian'er. If you go to provoke him, you will not end well. You will definitely regret it!"

"This **** little beast, and your **** old thing, should be broken into pieces!"

Ye Tongmei's face suddenly became distorted, full of spite, and became extremely hideous!


A terrifying aura roared from her.

She is now born like a demon, fierce and powerful!

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