Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 2053: 3 Prince 1 ...


Luoyan City.

A luxurious private room in the restaurant.

The little guy was sitting on the dining table, while Wutian was enjoying tea in the tea room next to him.

He had already inquired clearly about the identities of the four Lu Peng.

At the beginning, the restaurant guy refused to say, but when he took out a few heavenly **** medicines, he immediately looked like a little sheep, and answered every question.

Speaking of the identities of the four Lu Pengs, I have to mention the four superpowers of Dongzhou first.

They are: Forbidden Teachers' Association, Treasure Building, Refining Tool Pavilion, and Drunken Dream Building.

As the name suggests.

The Forbidden Division is the gathering place of the Forbidden Division.

Only the forbidden division can enter the forbidden division.

The rest of them, no matter how talented you are, or how good your understanding is, you can't get in.

The same is true for the Refining Pavilion, which is filled with refining masters.

The nature of Treasure House is the same as Tianbao Pavilion. It only deals with business and does not participate in any disputes.

As for the Drunk Dream Tower, you can tell from the name that this is a place of entertainment that is drunk and lavish.

These four powers are spread across the major cities of Dongzhou, but they are the four giants of Dongzhou, and their background is unfathomable.

According to the folks.

Luoyan City also has these four forces.

Of course, it's just the division of the cabinet and the branch.

Speaking of this, the identities of the four Lu Peng have been revealed, they are the young masters of the four major forces in Luoyan City!

It is precisely because of their noble status and tough backstage that they dominate Luoyan City on weekdays, and other talents dare not speak.

Even the city lord has to give them a bit of thin face.

Not because of them, but because their parents have friendship with the city lord.

It’s just that the lord of Luoyan City would never have thought of Lu Peng giving him a green hat.

Wutian thought about it, and couldn't help but laugh.

If this matter is learned by the city lord, I don’t know what a storm this Falling Goose City will set off. I really look forward to it!

After eating and drinking, the little guy walked into the tea room, sat down opposite Wutian, raised the tea cup in front of him, and said with disdain: "It's just the young master of the branch pavilion branch. Not wrong."

After speaking, he raised his head and drank it. After putting down the tea cup, he lay on the seat comfortably, his face full of comfort and enjoyment.

Wutian smiled and said: "These four people are nothing to worry about, but the forces behind the four can be used."

The little guy was taken aback and asked: "You already have a plan?"

Wutian said indifferently: "Does such a simple matter still need a plan?"

"You have to do it!"

The little guy rolled his eyes at him, yawned, and said, "Whatever you want, anyway, I'll just do my best."


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.


The little guy shouted.

"Two adults, it's me."

The dude's voice came in.

The little guy said: "Come in!"

The door opened silently, and the man ran into the tea room with a look of flattery.

Wutian held the tea cup, took a sip, and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

The guy smiled flatly and said, "Two people just came to the restaurant to inquire about your whereabouts. I'm afraid they have ulterior motives, so I came up to tell them."

Wutian play taste: "Will you be so kind?"

The guy said sincerely: "Customer first, service first, this is the consistent purpose of the shop."

"Okay, don't be so hypocritical."

Wutian casually threw him a supreme magical medicine.

The guy's eyes brightened, fearing that he might repent, he quickly took in the space bracelet, and then he nodded and said, "Thank you for the rewards of the two adults. If there is anything else you need, please let the two of you give orders. When it arrives, the younger one will not disturb the two of them to rest."

After speaking, he turned and ran away with joy.

Wutiandao: "Wait."

The man stopped and asked in doubt: "Two adults, do you have any more orders?"

Wutian asked, "Where are those two people now?"

The man said: "They are still in the restaurant, as if waiting for you."

Wutian raised his eyebrows and said, "Did they say their names?"


The man shook his head.

He pondered a little, Wutian said: "Let them come up!"


The guy answered, turned his head and ran out of the private room.

The little guy frowned and said: "We just came to the ancient battlefield and have no friends at all. Who do you think these two will be?"

Wutian smiled and said, "I'll know when they come."

Da da……

After ten breaths.

A rush of footsteps sounded in the corridor outside.

Soon, two old figures appeared in front of the private room.

"Two brothers, I finally found you."

"It really makes us easy to find!"

As soon as the two entered the room, they couldn't help but say excitedly.

"How come these two sentences are so familiar?"

No sky mumbled.

Suddenly, he remembered.

Not long ago, when the two city guards came to give him gifts, they also said the same thing, without missing a word.


With a whisper, Wutian asked: "Who are you, what are you looking for?"

The two old men closed the door and looked at each other, and their bodies and faces changed rapidly.

Soon, two middle-aged men appeared in the sight of Wutian.

"Is it you?"

There is no surprise.

The little guy was also very surprised.

That's right!

These two are the two guards who came to give them gifts.

Wutian looked at the two for a moment and asked, "Why are you guys?"

"Two brothers, please forgive us for our deception."

"Two brothers, we are all forced!"

The two guards knelt on the ground with a puff, begging.

Wutian and the little guy looked at each other, got up at the same time, and walked in front of the two.

The little guy said solemnly: "Tell me clearly, otherwise, I will kill you now!"

"Brother, in fact, that gift was not given to you by us. It was the guard commander who wanted to plant and frame you."

"Yes, the guard leader is afraid that Lei Ying's parents will trouble him, so let the two of us, in our own name, give that thing to you."

The two said.

Wutian squinted his eyes slightly, secretly thought a little, looked at the little guy and said, "Take out that brocade box."

The little guy nodded, and with a thought, the brocade box appeared out of thin air.

Wutian grabbed the brocade box in his hand, turned and walked into the tea room, sat on the seat, and said to the two guards: "You get up first."

Then he opened the brocade box, looked at the colorful spar inside, and started to think.

The little guy also returned to the seat, cold light flickering in his golden eyes.

The two guards got up and looked at Wutian and the little guy's expressions. They didn't dare to enter the tea room. They stood at the door of the tea room, bowed their heads, trembling, as if facing the abyss, their palms were secreting cold sweat.

A little later.

Wutian finally raised his head, put the brocade box on the coffee table, and said, "You two come in and sit down and talk."


The two hesitated.

The little guy shouted: "I told you to come in, didn't you hear?"

The two of them trembled and hurriedly walked into the tea room and sat side by side on the right seat.

Wutian smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, as long as you can honestly tell what you know, I won't do anything to you."

"Yes, yes, we must be honest."

The two nodded like garlic, and they were finally relieved.


The two of them told you the whole story in detail.


This spar is what the guard leader grabbed from Thunder Eagle.

The reason why the guard commander was so painful to cut his love and tried his best to transfer the spar to his hand was purely a helpless way out.

In fact, when he was meditating on the previous day, he also thought about the probabilities, but the guard leader and Yu Quanhui killed people and killed him, but he was unexpected.

But in contrast, the appearance of Feng Tang made him even more surprised.

Wutian said: "You just said that Yu Quan, taking advantage of you, crushed your godhead, and also shattered your head and soul, right?"

The two nodded.

Wutian said again: "Then Feng Tang happened to show up and saved you, right?"

The two nodded again.

Wutian didn't say anything more, and waved: "You can go now. As for helping you get revenge, I will seriously consider it."

Hear the words.

The two were very anxious, but they were not easy to urge.

"Brother, we have nowhere to go now, so we will live in this restaurant for the time being. If you have any questions, please let me scream."

"We will follow along."

Both of them are smart people. In this situation, we can only advance by retreat. If UU reading www.uukanshu.com continues to entangle, it will arouse the other's disgust.

At that time, let alone help them get revenge, maybe even kill them on the spot.

"Got it."

Wutian nodded.

The two looked at each other, and with a bitter heart, they left the private room.

After the door was closed, Wutian's eyes flashed, turned his head to look at the little guy, and smiled: "From their words, have you found anything?"

The little guy rolled his eyes and said, "Say if you have anything, let it go if you have a fart, don't play dumb riddles."

Wutian smiled faintly and asked, "The two have broken godheads, broken souls, and broken heads. Under such circumstances, how can they be rescued?"

The little guy said angrily: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course you want Heavenly Soul Grass, Faerie Flower, and Heavenly Sovereign-level healing medicine.

"Yes, with this kind of injury, only the Heavenly Soul Grass and the Fairy Spirit Flower can save them, but you are still wrong. They are not taking the Heavenly Sovereign-level healing medicine, but the water of life!"

There was a bright light in Wutian eyes.

"water of life?"

The little guy frowned.

Wutian nodded and said: "Yes, I understand the profound meaning of life and death, and my perception ability is stronger than you, and I am very familiar with the water of life, so I just sensed the breath of the water of life in their bodies."

"water of life!"

The little guy put down the tea cup and looked at him suspiciously.


Wutian sighed deeply, shook his head and said, "We all look down upon Feng Tang. Not only do we have supreme-level Heavenly Soul Grass and Faerie Flower, but also rare water of life. He is not an ordinary person!"

The little guy squinted his eyes, shot out wisps of light, and said, "You mean, this Feng Tang is probably one of the three princes?"

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