Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 2002: Invincible


Seeing the sour look of the two, Wu Tian shook his head and laughed, and said, "Don't worry, I will give you a big gift after everything is done."

"Big gift?"

The two of them looked at each other with breath.

Wutian now has the wealth of a continent, and there are more than 300,000 drops of life water, but the real rich man, there must be a lot of great gifts that can be said from his mouth.

He smiled and said: "Then we will wait and see."

Li Tian ridiculed: "When the time comes, don't take out one or two essences to fool us."

"Am I that kind of person?"

Wutian shook his head and laughed, then took the two and the three beasts and left the star realm.

When they appeared in the sky above the Eastern Continent, everyone below looked up one after another, and there was an indispensable hatred in their eyes!

Wutian turned a blind eye, and directly raised his head to look at the trio of Divine Python Tianzun in the distance.

Taking a step forward, he came to the front of the three, and said, "I have seen three seniors."

The three of them looked at him complicatedly and did not say a word.

Li Tian, ​​Divine Breath, Dragon Horse, Red Rabbit, Big Tiger also came here one after another.

Li Tiandan smiled and said: "The **** python Tianzun, haven't seen you for many years, don't come here without problems!"

Now, he is also a Dzogchen Tianzun, and he no longer needs to bow his eyebrows and bow to the **** python Tianzun as he did before, and respectfully respect him.

The python Tianzun looked at him deeply and said: "Have you known Wutian's identity a long time ago?"

Li Tian said lightly: "Of course I know, and my cooperation with Wutian is still very happy."


God Python Tianzun raised his eyebrows and frowned, "What do you mean?"

Li Tian smiled and said, "It's boring if it's clarified. I'm not in the mood to explain it to you slowly. Just think about it yourself. This time I came to the Holy Realm to pick up the little python."

The python Tianzun frowned.

Wutian looked at the two masters of the Three Realms and smiled lightly: "I also came to pick up the little guy."

The two also frowned.

Wutian said: "Why, don't you want to hand over the little guy to me? Or do you still doubt that I want to use the little guy?"

The Lord of the Three Realms was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Hehe, don’t let anyone know it, unless you don’t do it yourself, you say that I am arrogant and that I am unreliable, and I can accept it, but I am very upset by saying that I want to use the little guy and people of your race. ."

Wutian sneered.

The Lord of the Three Realms said solemnly, "Isn't it?"

Wutian sneered and said, "You too see you too much. I need to use you? Originally, because you are the guardians of the little guys, I really wanted to make friends with you and even explain the mystery of life and death to you. Not only do you not appreciate me, but you also slander me behind your back. Interesting?"

The two people's faces sank.

The python Tianzun said in surprise: "What did you say? Have you understood the profound meaning of life and death?"

Wutian said indifferently: "Xuanyuanao and the patriarch of the Nine Great Wars clan know about it."


"He really understands the meaning of life and death?"

The two masters of the Three Realms were shocked.


They regretted it.

The **** python Tianzun glanced at the two with his left light, his eyes flashed slightly, and smiled: "Little brother Wutian, I have long heard that you are an outstanding young man.

Unfortunately, I never knew that you were still alive, otherwise I would invite you to the Anaconda Realm as a guest in the morning.

Knowing your identity today, you must give me a face no matter what, and go to the Anaconda world for a drink.

By the way, Li Tian, ​​don't you want a python? Go back with us now, I will never stop you and the python in the future. "


The Wutian three looked at each other.

The speed of this old guy turning his face is really faster than turning a book!

Li Tian Chuanyin said with a smile: "Wu Tian, ​​thanks to you this time, thank you."

Wutian smiled, and said to the **** python Tianzun: "Senior kindly invites him. If the younger generation refuses, it will appear that the younger generation does not know the general situation, but Senior, I will bother you to wait a while."

The python Tianzun hurriedly waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you take care of your personal affairs first, I'm not in a hurry."

Wutian looked at the two masters of the Three Realms, and said lightly: "Two, I don't know how you are thinking about it?"

The master of the Three Realms said: "Second brother, you immediately transmit the sound to the eldest brother, let him leave the customs immediately, come out in person, and bring the little master by the way, and I will stabilize Wutian."

"it is good."

The Lord of the Second World responded.

The Lord of the Three Realms looked up at Wutian and said with a smile: "Wutian, we did misunderstand you before, but you have to admit that we have no malice, or else we won't keep keeping secrets for you."

"Keep it secret?"

The python Tianzun was taken aback and asked: "You have known Wutian's identity a long time ago?"

The Lord of the Three Realms nodded.

However, nothing was mentioned about helping Wutian rob the godhead and body.

Because once this matter is exposed, Xuanyuanao will undoubtedly be offended.

The **** python Tianzun is impermanent on the surface, but he is contemptuous in his heart.

Wutian smiled and said: "I have always been grateful for this, and it is precisely because of this that I did not completely fall out with you."

"Farface is a bit serious. You and the little master are like brothers. By all accounts, we are a family. How can a family say two things? Everyone, right?"

The main road of the Three Realms.

"Ha ha."

Divine breath, Li Tian, ​​the dragon horse and the three beasts smiled but didn't want to interrupt.

The python Tianzun looked at him with a smile.

The Lord of the Three Realms didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said: "Wu Tian, ​​since we have all talked about it, why not let the unpleasantness go away with the wind?"

Wutian was a little dazed.

To be precise, it was because of the speed at which the Lord of the Three Realms turned his face that he couldn't adapt.

This is true of the God Python Tianzun, and so is the Lord of the Three Realms. Why are these old monsters so thick-skinned? Is it because you have lived for a long time and have realized the profound meaning of human invincibility?


Just then.

A white figure appeared.

call out!

But a golden light took the lead to cut through the sky, and fell on Wutian's head, firmly grasping his white hair, and said angrily: "You bastard, are you finally willing to see Lord Frog?"

Wutian helplessly said: "As soon as I regain the star realm, I will come to pick you up immediately, what else do you want?"


The little guy froze for a moment, his small body flickered, floating in front of Wutian, and said in surprise: "You said the star realm has been taken back?"

Wutian nodded.

The little guy said angrily: "Your sister, why don't you call Lord Frog for such a big thing?"

Wutian smiled bitterly: "After I came back from the battlefield of God, I immediately started doing it. How can I tell you when I have time?"

The little guy snorted coldly: "Don't make excuses for me. I think you bastard, it must be because we haven't been together these years and gradually forgot about me."

Wutian rubbed his forehead, his face full of helplessness.

The little guy rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Then tell Master Frog, how did you take it back? Where is the old dog Xuanyuan now? Master Frog will go and abuse him now."

"Abusive him?"

Wutian was taken aback, and said in doubt: "Do you have that ability?"

The little guy said proudly: "Just kidding, after refining that divine body, Lord Frog is now Dzogchen Heavenly Lord, and abuse of him is really no different from dog abuse."

Wutian rolled his eyes, and said impatiently: "Okay, I know you are great, the details, and I will explain slowly when I meet Ditian and the others."


The little guy nodded and saw the spirit and Li Tianhou on the side, his golden eyes lit up and he ran to talk to them.

Wutian shook his head and smiled, then looked up at the white figure.

This is a middle-aged man dressed in white, with extraordinary charm in his eyes and gray hair on the temples, giving a sense of vicissitudes of life.

The man in white is also looking at Wutian.

Without refining the godhead, without refining the divine body, he stepped into the Dzogchen Supreme at a young age, and also realized the profound meaning of birth and death. This kind of enchanting talent is truly unprecedented, and there is no one to come.

This is the evaluation of Wutian by the man in white.

Wutian arched his hands and said: "I have seen Senior, presumably Senior is the Great Realm Master?"

"Yes, it's me."

The Great Realm Master nodded and smiled: "Wu Tian, ​​I used to hear the little master mention you, but I was just busy practicing, and I have not had time to receive you. Please forgive me for any negligence."

Wutian smiled and said: "The Lord of the Great Realm is polite, it should be the younger generation visiting the house."

The Great Realm Master smiled and said, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Why don't you go to the Space-Time Shensuo and sit for a while?"

"Really simple."

Wutian was quite speechless, shook his head and said: "The younger generation should not refuse the invitation of the great realm master, but the younger generation has already agreed to the invitation of the **** python Tianzun. Please forgive me."

The Great Realm Master glanced at Anaconda Tianzun, and smiled: "Wu Tian, ​​are you still worried about the second and third brothers? I didn't know about it until the second brother gave me a voice message. I just know that they have done such a **** thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Brother, you..."

The two masters of the Three Realms looked at him a little unhappy.

In fact, the great realm master had known it a long time ago, and it was also because of the great realm master's instruction that they began to alienate Wutian.

But now, it is really despicable to blame them all.

The Great Realm Master stared at the two men fiercely, and continued: "Wu Tian, ​​if it is really because of this, I am here to apologize for both of them."

"Big brother, don't stop, we apologize ourselves."

The two hurriedly said.

The Lord of the Second Realm said: "Wu Tian, ​​I'm so sorry, please look at the face of the little master, and forgive our ignorance."

The Lord of the Three Realms said: "Wu Tian, ​​from now on, Space-Time Shensuo will be your home, and you are welcome to come back anytime."

The two played an emotional card.

"Wait, what ignorance? What are you talking about? Why do you want to apologize again?"

The little guy turned around and looked at a few people suspiciously.

The three masters looked at Wutian at the same time, with pleading expressions in their eyes.

They are suggesting Wutian, don't tell the little guy.

Because once the little guy knows about this, he will definitely be furious, and maybe even turn his face with them.

Wutian pondered.

The hearts of the three great masters hung up.

Wu Tian Yuguang looked at the nervous expressions of the three people, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

A little later.

He looked up at the little guy and smiled: "It's just a little thing."

"is it?"

The little guy looked at him questioningly.

Wutian said in a bad mood: "Go play with you, don't mess around here."


The little guy glanced at Wutian with disdain, and then continued to break up with the spirits.

The three big masters all sighed in secret, and then gratefully looked at Wutian.

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