Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1568: Huangfu Pearl?

The woman's eyebrows are like a willow, her eyes are like autumn water, her purple gauze dress is flying gracefully, and the dark and supple blue silk is coiled up high, making her look elegant and luxurious, which is ashamed of her image.

Looking at this purple-clothed woman, Wutian's inner world is like turning over the river!

Di Tian discovered Wu Tian's anomaly in the first place. He looked sideways. When he saw the blood on his chest, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but look at the woman outside the tower.

The purple-clothed woman was holding the token, and it seemed that she wanted to open the inner gate of the tower, but the gate of the tower opened automatically. She couldn't help but froze for a moment, but she quickly recovered her calm.

Putting away the token, she walked in one step at a time, and immediately appeared in front of the three Wutians.

At the same time, Wutian dissipated the light of **** feelings in his heart, and everything instantly became calm.

Entering the God and Demon Tower, when seeing the three of Wutian, the purple-clothed woman did not show a half-redundant expression, only glanced a little, and stepped forward, walking towards the stairs leading to the second floor, and quickly disappeared into Wutian. In sight.

"No heaven?"

Seeing Wutian indifferent, Ditian couldn't help but secretly transmit the sound, frowning slightly.


Wutian sighed deeply in his heart and turned around and stepped out of the stone tower.

Upon seeing this, Di Tian shook his head, then a smile rose on his face, and made a gesture of please to Feng Yonghao.

Then the two walked out of the stone tower one after another, and with a bang, the tower door closed tightly.


on the street.

Seeing that Wutian and Wutian are both very worried, Feng Yonghao was extremely puzzled and asked, "Two brothers, do you know Huangfu Mingzhu?"

"The Pearl of Huangfu?"

The two were slightly taken aback.

Feng Yonghao said: "It's the purple-clothed woman we met earlier."

"It turns out she was called Huangfu Mingzhu."

Wutian secretly slandered, and immediately said: "Brother Feng, can you tell the younger brother about Huangfu Pearl?"

"What do you inquire about her?"

Feng Yonghao was suspicious, wondering if it was an illusion, Wu Tian found a touch of jealousy in his eyes, which felt like jealous of Huangfu's pearl.

Wutian said in a calm voice: "I just see her unfathomable, extraordinary temperament, and it seems that she is also going to the gods, so I want to understand her situation."

"It turns out it's just like this."

Feng Yonghao suddenly realized, and then smiled: "In fact, everyone in the imperial city knows Huangfu Mingzhu, even if they haven't met her, they know her name."

"so smart?"

Wutian looked at each other with a hint of surprise on their faces.


Feng Yonghao looked admired and said: "The Pearl of Huangfu, the daughter of Lv Lan Tianshen, possesses a peerless pseudo-celestial body. After less than five hundred years of cultivation, he reached the ninth calamity of the ninth calamity, and he was just one step away from the false holy state , With such an enchanting talent, who else in the world can match?"

Wutian looked at each other with incredible faces!

Lu Lan's daughter!

Pseudo fairy!

Five hundred years of cultivation to the ninth calamity!

No matter which one of these three, it is enough to shock the world!

Steady God, Di Tian asked in a low voice, "Is Lu Lan Tian God a male or female?"

Feng Yonghao was stunned, looking at the two men as if they were idiots, and immediately thought that they had just come to the Imperial City, not knowing that it was normal.

With a faint smile, Feng Yonghao explained (.2.): "Lv Lan Tianshen is the mother of Huangfu Pearl. His father served in Tianyu. It is said that he is the commander of Tianting and rules all the heavens."

Wu Tian two people were shocked again to be speechless!

His mother is the ruler of the Northern Territory, and his father is the ruler of the Heavenly Court. Huangfu's Pearl is really as his name suggests. He was born a dazzling pearl.

"Since Huangfu Mingzhu has a prominent background, I don't think there is a need to enter the eight great gods!" Ditian asked.

Feng Yonghao said: "It is true, but I heard that although Huangfu Mingzhu is a daughter, she has a very strong personality. She never asked her parents for help during her cultivation process. It was her own efforts to achieve what she is today."

"It seems that she is not only a jewel, but also a woman of heaven."

Ditian sighed and couldn't help worrying about Wutian.

Although reaching Hengyu can directly resurrect Chu Yiyan, even the first generation of war gods of the nine heaven-defying war clans cannot break this shackle, and the degree of difficulty can be imagined!

Therefore, we must prepare with both hands.

This has always been a lawless thought.

But here comes the problem. Let's not talk about Huangfu Mingzhu's parents, just say that her own talent is not inferior to Tianzhu, and the character Feng Yonghao said will definitely become a big problem in the future.

Wutian saw the worry in Ditian's heart, and said with a smile: "Now I have found five reincarnations, and the remaining five people don't know where they are, let alone when they will find it. Therefore, the future I'll talk about it in the future!"

"If, I mean, if, if you find all reincarnations before you break through to Hengyu, what would you do?"

Ditian Voice, threw Wutian a difficult problem.

Wutian did not answer, but he already had the answer in his heart, but this answer was deeply buried in his heart.

Unconsciously, the two followed Feng Yonghao and appeared in front of a magnificent hall.

Above the main hall, in the center of the hall, there are three golden characters-Tianbao Pavilion!

Feng Yonghao explained (.2.): "This is the Tianbao Pavilion, and the main pavilion of the Northern Territory. There are so many rare treasures. As long as you have enough financial resources, there will be nothing you can't buy. It is also a god, and its strength is not inferior to the gods Lu Lan and Qin Ming."


The two were shocked.

Especially Wutian, fortunately.

Fortunately, I asked Zhan Luo Divine Sword to help him shield the aura of the Star Realm and his Heaven-destroying Battle Body, otherwise I am afraid it will be like Han Tian, ​​who will be seen through the imperial city when he first arrives. , No way into the ground.

Ditian asked: "Can you buy magic weapons and magic medicine?"

Feng Yonghao said: "These can't be bought, because whether it is our Heavenly Court, the Sanxiu Alliance, or the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, as long as someone becomes a god, they will be immediately sent to the heavenly domain, that is to say, our four domains, Except for Lu Lan Tianshen and others, other gods are not allowed to reside permanently."

The two suddenly realized, but there was a faint anger in their eyes.

Ditian said: "The old **** in the Universe Devil City lied to us!"

"Yes, before entering the heavens, he vowed to say that he has everything in the heavens, but now he doesn't even have magic medicine. As they said at Tongtianqiao, he is an out-and-out shameless old man!"

Wutian was indignant and could no longer believe the words of Qiankun Devil City with the consequences.

Suddenly, he moved in his heart and said, "Brother Feng, if you want to talk about Tianbao Pavilion in other places, I still believe that there is no magic medicine, but here is the General Pavilion of the Northern Territory. It is impossible that there is not even a magic medicine?"

Feng Yonghao smiled and said, "Of course there are. The northern region is vast. There are no 10,000 or 8,000 magic medicines that are born every year. However, once there is news of the birth of the magic medicine, Tianbao Pavilion will send people to rush it. Take it away at an irresistible price, but they don’t sell it."


Wutian two people puzzled.

"Because the price of magic medicine in Tianyu is more expensive." Feng Yonghao said.

"These guys are really no traitors and no business." Wutian despised.

Di Tian smiled lightly: "If they are not treacherous and cunning, how can they lay an indestructible world in the heavens?"

"The Confucian brother is justified. According to legend, in the early days of the Tianbao Pavilion, it was often suppressed by the Heavenly Court and the Sanxiu Alliance, but they persisted and gradually became one of the three major forces in the Heavenly Realm. This is enough to prove their extraordinary Where. Okay, let’s not talk about it, let’s go in, maybe we will meet some good treasures today."

Feng Yonghao said with a smile, and then took the two into Tianbao Pavilion.

Immediately, a staff member greeted him.

This is a woman in a red dress, and the breath that exudes from all over her body makes Wutian feel like a vast ocean, unfathomable!

The woman stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, you are busy with official duties, so how come you have never come to Tianbao Pavilion?"

"Hehe, I miss you, so I came to see you."

Feng Yonghao teased, obviously the two are already old acquaintances.

"Big Brother Feng can talk and laugh."

The red-clothed woman rolled her eyes, looked at Wutian and Wutian, a touch of surprise suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she asked, "Brother Feng, who are these two?"

Feng Yonghao smiled and said, "They are all my distinguished guests. You have to treat them well later!"


The woman in red was surprised and couldn't help but look carefully at Wutian.

This person who looks like a talented person, but only has the cultivation base of the seventh calamity. Although the big man next to him can't see through, he can distinguish it from the aura and is similar to the former. Such strength will be the strength of the law enforcement of the imperial city. VIP?

However, viewing Feng Yonghao's expression does not seem to be joking.

Feng Yonghao laughed and said, "Xiaofeng, don't underestimate my two little brothers. Although their strength is low, they have been approved by Master Cheng Yu to enter the realm directly. It is precisely because of this that I took them. Come and auction some items like Lingcui."

"The seventh calamity was approved to enter the divine realm?"

The red-dressed woman was startled, her eyes showed a hint of weirdness, and she leaned forward quickly: "Little girl Lin Xiaofeng, I have seen two sons, dare you ask them their first names?"

"Lee is not messy now."

"Under the Confucian scholars."

Wutian returned a gift.

Lin Xiaofeng smiled and said, "The two sons were selected at a young age ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and there will be no limit to their future achievements!"

"Miss Lin praised." Di Tian said with a gentle smile.

"Haha, Xiaofeng, that's nothing, let me tell you the truth, my two little brothers have two companions, both of whom are only in the sixth and first calamities, and they just came to the imperial city. Master Cheng Yu valued it and accepted apprentices on his behalf." Feng Yonghao laughed.

"In that case, aren't they the disciples of Master Lu Lan?"

Lin Xiaofeng exclaimed.


Feng Yonghao's head was full of smiles, as if he had become Lu Lan's disciple.

"That's not right, Lu Lan Tianshen is the ruler of the Northern Territory. How could he accept as his disciples two people who have only turned the robbery and the nine decays? Brother Feng, are you sure you didn't kid me?"

Lin Xiaofeng questioned.

Feng Yonghao said: "If it's just ordinary people, of course it's impossible, but both of them are the Five Elements Eucharist..."

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