Heavenly Lord Asura

Chapter 1208: Hard work for 0 years

Ancient city!

Training room No. 75. ⊥,

At this moment, Su Jun suddenly felt very uneasy in his heart, as if something big would happen next, which made him unable to calm down and cultivate.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel like I think too much.

Today's Divine Realm is the world of Tiangong, who dares to attack him?

Shaking his head, he dissipated the distracting thoughts in his mind, but when he closed his eyes, with a bang, the stone gate of the training room was slammed open by a huge force.

The Soviet army was startled and hurriedly opened his eyes and saw a woman in feather clothes stepping into the training room.

The Soviet army immediately shouted: "Who are you!"


Without any words, a terrifying coercion gushed out of the feather-clad woman, covering the entire training room, and the Soviet army was directly imprisoned in place, unable to move.

The Soviet army was furious: "Who are you!"

"Haha, Senior Soviet Army, long time no see."

At this moment, a faint laughter sounded, and the feather-clothed woman stepped aside, and a big scared man was immediately seen.

"It's you, Li Buluo!"

The Soviet army spoke coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Wutian glanced at the training room No. 75, the layout is exactly the same as the training room No. 1, but the elemental energy is worlds apart, then looked at the Soviet army, jokingly said: "Looking at you, it doesn't seem to welcome me! "

The Soviet Army said gloomily: "You traitor, everyone is punishable, who will welcome you?"


Wutian shook his head indifferently, walked slowly to the front of the Soviet army, looked down at him condescendingly, and asked, "Do you remember Yetian?"

Su Jun said: "Light and dark divine body, who doesn't remember."

Wutian smiled and said: "Just remember, how you treated him back then, now I will double ask you to get it back. By the way, there is Shizhou. When I find him, I will immediately let him go to the Yin Cao Difu to accompany you. "

The Su Jun sneered: "It turns out that the little beast is your friend, but even if you have ten courage, you dare not attack me because Mo Xin will not let you go."

"Don't dare?"

Wutian sneered, and his three fingers were like swords, reaching the forehead of the Soviet army, and said lightly: "Go to **** and confess slowly!"

"Wu Tian, ​​stop."

But at this moment, a lingering voice suddenly sounded.

And, it sounded in his mind.


Without a surprise, he hurriedly looked around, but as a result, except for Sikong Yanran's three daughters and Bai Kuang's couple, he found no trace of Ye Tian at all.

Ye Tian said: "Don't look for it, I'm still in the seal of the ninth area."

Wutian wondered: "Then how can you communicate with me? Could it be that... you have successfully refined the ancient city into a second life carrier?"

Ye Tian said: "Yes, I have succeeded two hundred years ago. Everything in the ancient city is under my control. If I want to, I can trap everyone to death. Even if Lu Lan and Qin Ming come, it can't help me. "

"So awesome!"

There is no day of surprise.

Ye Tian said: "For the details, we will talk slowly when we meet in the future. Now I am sending you a voice transmission to tell you not to kill the Soviet army."


Wutian was extremely puzzled.

Ye Tian said: "I will kill him personally, including Shizhou."

"That's it."

Wutian suddenly realized, and said: "Okay, just rely on you, yes, how about Ditian and Han Tian? How are they? Also, listening to your tone, it seems that you won't come out for a while?"

Ye Tian said: "Big Brother and Han Tian have also been successfully refined, but our current strength is too weak, even one-tenth of the power of the three magic soldiers can not be activated, plus there is nothing outside, so I intend to practice in retreat here."

Wutiandao: "That space is formed by a seal, and the elemental energy in it should not be enough for your cultivation!"

Ye Tian said: "Yes, but we can forcefully plunder the elemental energies of the eight spiritual veins through the three great soldiers. To be honest, it is dozens of times richer than the training room No. 1."


Wutian was taken aback for a moment, and then he was refreshed, and asked, "Do you know where the spiritual veins of the gods are?"

Ye Tian said: "Well, just below the ancient city, there are a total of eight, all of them are god-level spiritual veins, but you should not pay attention to them now. When you leave later, it will not be too late to be detained into the star realm. Okay, no I told you, I'm going to retreat."


Wutian replied, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

The spirit veins of both the **** realm and the star realm are at the **** level, but why the elemental energy of the star realm is stronger than the **** realm?

After contemplating for a short while, the doubt in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by a color of enlightenment.

the reason is simple.

The first point is that the space of the **** realm is larger than the star realm.

The Divine Realm is vast and boundless, and the Star Realm is only 200,000 miles in radius. Even the first region of the Purgatory Mountain Range is hundreds of thousands of times larger than the Star Realm.

The second point is that there are more creatures in the Divine Realm than in the Star Realm, and there are hundreds of thousands of humans alone, let alone countless flying insects and beasts, and if the Star Realm is not counted as a blood mane ox, there are only a few hundred people. .

The third point is that there are no spirit extracts in the gods, but there are more than a million imperial medicines in the stars!

The combination of various factors makes this treasure land of cultivation that countless people dream of coming to, inferior to the current star realm.

And, as time goes by and accumulates more, the star realm will continue to widen this gap.

This is also the reason why he gave up the cultivation room No. 1 to Huangfu Mingzhu. For him now, cultivating in the cultivation room No. 1 will slow down his cultivation speed.

During this period of Wutian pondering, Mo Xin, Liu Yan, and the most powerful emperors rushed to the training room on the 75th, but Baisha stopped them outside.

Seeing Wutian motionless, the faces of several people were a little confused.

"I suddenly changed my attention, I don't plan to kill you today..."

After a while, Wutian finally spoke. At the same time, he stretched out his five fingers and pressed them on the head of the Soviet army. He smiled coldly and said, "But if you want to break into the realm of the pseudo-emperor, I am afraid that you will have to cultivate for hundreds of years. ."

The voice fell to the ground, accompanied by a heart-piercing wailing, like a torrent of invisible power, madly pouring into the sky spirit cover of the Soviet army, the sea of ​​consciousness shattered on the spot, but not completely shattered, but the dense cracks were not very much for decades Difficult to recover.

More importantly, cracks appeared on the soul, like a spider web!

This is the most deadly, such a heavy damage, if there is no Earth Soul Grass, it will not be restored for hundreds of years.


The Soviet army spurted blood arrows from his mouth, and his scalp and skull were also torn apart by strength. The blood flowed down his extremely distorted face, looking terrifying and terrifying!

"Keep your life well and don't die in the hands of others."

Wutian said expressionlessly, and then turned and walked out of the training room, glanced indifferently at Mo Xin and the others, and under everyone's awe-inspiring gaze, they took Baisha and walked away.

As soon as I walked out of the ancient city, I met Huangfu Mingzhu, Ni Yeye, Jiang Moshan, and Lin Ruiqing.

Looking at Mrs. and Mrs. Baisha with fear, Ni Yeye frowned and said, "Asshole Li, where are you going?"

Wutian said indifferently: "Don't follow me, because with me, you can't get anything you want."

"You know what I want."

Ni Yeye squinted his eyes slightly, and bursts of light burst out.

"What do you think?"

It's vague that Ni Yeye is unpredictable without answering questions.

After speaking, he stepped forward, ready to leave.

Suddenly, Jiang Moshan crossed the front and said, "Brother Li, thank you for your kindness."

Wutian smiled and said: "It's just a matter of raising a hand."

Jiang Moshan smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said: "For you, it is indeed a simple effort, but for me, the training room No. 2 is a dream that will never be realized in my life. Therefore, Jiang Moshan will definitely remember this kindness. "

Wutian smiled faintly.

Jiang Moshan said: "By the way, Brother Li, there is one thing that has troubled me for many years, can you please answer me?"

Wutian said: "Do you want to ask, why do I say over and over again, there is a life and death battle between us?"

"Yes, and since there is still a deadly battle between us, then we are even enemies, but why do you still give me the training room No. 2?" Jiang Moshan nodded and said in confusion.

Wutiandao: "You are the first person I admire, so I don't want to kill you, but due to certain factors, we must make a break between you and me, but your current strength is too great. Weak, it's not worth my shot. That's why I gave it to the training room No. 2. I hope you can catch up with me before the holy war starts."

"What factor?"

Jiang Moshan frowned. He really couldn't think of other factors besides Ji Wuhui ordering him to come and eradicate this person.

Wutiandao: "When the time is up, you will naturally know that when we are friends or enemies, it will be between your thoughts."

"Is it an enemy or a friend, between my thoughts?"

Jiang Moshan thought about it, but couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, and he was very confused.

Wutian didn't mean to explain, he nodded to Huangfu Mingzhu, and then strode away.

Upon seeing this, Huangfu Mingzhu hurriedly asked: "Now you don't have a training room, where are you going to practice?"

"Went around the Purgatory Mountains, luck, maybe you can run into a few wild animals."

He answered without looking back, and immediately disappeared into the sight of several people with Baisha~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Lin Ruiqing said: "At the beginning, Big Brother Li intercepted more than a million Baifengji's spirit extracts, and forged a **** feud with it, so he ran to the Purgatory Mountains. Isn't it a show of death?"

Ni Yeye narrowed his mouth and said, "How could he die? I think he went to Baifengji."

Huangfu Mingzhu nodded and said: "Yes, there is a man and a woman next to him, even Sister Mo Xin is jealous, no one can threaten him in the current state of mind."

They didn't know that Bai Kuang was the old rooster that killed all sides.

Mo Xin knew that Bai Fengji was in Wutian's hands. After all, she personally caught it that day and handed it over to Wutian, but she didn't know that Bai Kuang was Baifengji.

Moreover, because there was no explanation beforehand, this matter was not allowed to be leaked out, so everyone in the gods thought that Baifengji was in the Purgatory Mountains now.

Therefore, many people who went to the mountains to capture the spirits, including the most powerful emperors, did not dare to go too far, lest they encounter this terrifying demon king. --6+15977791-->

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