Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2454: The Battle of Qing Lan Star (1)

Ning Yuhe said, "No matter what the situation is, the most urgent task is to prepare for the challenge."

Ning Tianyin couldn't recover, and said, "Master Yuhe, how many people do you think they have lost?"

Ning Yuhe said: "I don't know, but judging from the situation of the three evil stars, the loss is certainly not small. It stands to reason that at least Zixia must be severely injured or dead, but this doesn't explain why she attacked suddenly."

Ning Ziran said solemnly: "Don't think so much, get ready to fight."

Ning Tianyin's face was pale, and gritted his teeth angrily: "Bitch Zixia, I want to see how you died this time! Everyone listens to my orders and fights!"

The Ning family has been waiting for Zixia to be killed by the three evil stars, and then aggressively attacking Julanxing, so they have been preparing for the battle, but they are not in a hurry.

It's just that preparing to attack becomes preparing to defend.

Soon, a large number of warships passed through the air like meteors, appearing above the Qing Lan star.

In the huge battleship headed by Zixia, Zixia held a positioning compass with nine compass circles on it. The complex pointers kept spinning, exploring the energy distribution of Qinglan Star.

Although this compass is not as good as Rong Ke's magic star, it can also roughly detect the dense aura of the strong on the planet, and quickly lock the position, and a large number of warships gallop away.

Yang Qingxuan's fiery and golden eyes quickly saw the ground, a large amount of retreat light flickering, and powerful energy breath penetrated the clouds and continued to pass up.

Zixia stared down and shouted: "Shoot!"

All warships immediately turned their directions, used large-scale attack formations, and released their attacks at any cost.

"Boom! Boom!"

Powerful beams of light, colorful, released from various large arrays, rushing to the earth densely.

A huge barrier covering tens of thousands of miles immediately appeared below.

"Bang! Bang!—"

Various energies exploded on the enchantment, turning into circles of brilliance, spreading in all directions.

On the surface of the planet, it immediately became a world of brilliant light.

Everyone is watching quietly, knowing that the moment the barrier is destroyed, is the experience of life and death, this planet will soon become a sea of ​​killing, and countless creatures will be wiped out.

Yang Qingxuan stood at the bow of the ship, looking down quietly.

Whenever there is a big battle, there must be calmness, calmness, and emotion.

Zixia stared down and suddenly said, "Master Asuka."

A thin old man came up from the back, his face was full of inscriptions, his hands were in front of him, and circles of complex patterns were also exposed on his arms.

Yang Qingxuan glanced, like some mysterious ritual rune.

Asuka said respectfully: "Master Zixia."

Zixia said: "Let's start."

Asuka said: "Yes." He looked out of the battleship, made seals with both hands, and then muttered a word, a strange power came from his spell and handprints.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank slightly and found that the battleship was trembling slightly, caused by space shocks.

Asuka is performing a certain summoning technique.

Soon after, huge void vortices appeared around the tens of millions of battleships, and breath-taking evil spirits came from them.

A strong man in the Jiang family was surprised: "Dark Aggregate?!"

Everyone was amazed. In the dark energy of the universe, some terrifying monsters gathered, absorbing various dark energies, and they swallowed and killed each other. They also appeared on major planets from time to time, causing extremes. Catastrophe.

These monsters do not have a unified image, abilities, or characteristics. They are all species living in the dark, constantly swallowing and growing up.

Some warriors practice a certain secret technique and sign contracts with these dark aggregates to summon them to fight.

There are thirteen vortexes summoned by Asuka.

A monster with a weird appearance, full of evil spirits and dark energy soon emerged from it, and it looked very scary, as if the creator squeezed it at will, and some were directly a stick with an eye and a mouth on it.

The realm of these dark aggregates is extremely strong, reaching a thousand realms, all open their mouths, spraying black light downwards, it is the extremely awe-inspiring dark energy in the universe, like a waterfall continuously pouring down. , Falling on the enchantment, blackening the entire world of light.

Soon, the enchantment was also blackened by this dark energy, and cracks began to burst under the bombardment of countless battleships.

Ning Tianyin said in shock: "Dark Aggregate? Unexpectedly there are people who practice this secret technique in God's Palace."

Ning Yuhe said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid it won't last long. Let's fight!"


Finally after a few breaths, the barrier was shattered by the huge array of light waves.

The terrible bombardment pressure, and the dark energy arrived, rushed to the earth.

"Boom! Bang!—"

In a few moments, the flowers bloomed on the ground, and several layers were directly cut off.

Countless martial artists who were not strong enough, under the attack of this first layer, turned into powder and ashes, with no bones left.


Countless killing sounds sounded on the ground, and beams of light rose to the sky, facing the attack of the large array.

These Wuxiu's body skills are flexible, and the large-scale attack is relatively slow, basically difficult to hit.

Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the halberd fell in his hand, feeling the cold metal aura on the halberd, and the murderous aura in his body also condensed and climbed a little bit.


Zixia gave an order.

From the countless battleships rushed out a large piece of Wu Xiu, and the oncoming fight together.

Under the control of Asuka, the thirteen dark aggregates stopped releasing dark energy, but instead made a single attack to kill the Ning family.

Suddenly, the sparsely blasted ground below violently oscillated, and an extremely strong earth elemental force surged out, piercing through the light flower of the large array of attacks, it turned out to be a huge earth. The hand of the elements is as large as a radius of thousands of miles, just like the hand of this planet, grasping the countless warships.

The dense attacks fell on the hands, only shattering parts, not at all injuring the core.

Zixia shouted: "Go!"

Thousands of escaped lights hurriedly flew out from all the warships, rushing in all directions if the birds and beasts scattered.


With a loud noise, the planet's hand suddenly squeezed, squeezing all the tens of millions of warships in the palm of the palm, exploding a huge energy ring, and rushing in all directions.

Those slower warriors who evaded were immediately involved, and they were directly turned into pieces.

The planet's hand was clenched into a fist in the air, and the figure above flashed, and a Ning family warrior appeared, his hand pinched the seal of the tactics, and his face was full of hideous colors, staring at everyone.

A cold light flashed in Zixia's eyes, and the Dingwen sword came out instantly, cut off to the warrior, and sneered: "I told you to pretend to be -B, die!"

The countless sword patterns formed by the sword Qi, row upon row, pushed past like water waves.

But there was a "bang" in the air, which was blocked by a sharp blade of light and was directly smashed to pieces.

//No more today, good night everyone.

//happy New Year.

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