Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2264: Half-step world king, it's not over yet!

Both fists were shot at the same time, the volley changed, the right hand turned into all directions, and the left hand was a dynasty seal.

The two golden lights instantly superimposed on each other and slammed at Zhou Wenshan.

Jiang Feng, Jiang Guyin and others were all shocked and dull by this variable, they couldn't believe it.

Under Zhou Wenshan's frenzied attack, Yang Qingxuan not only survived, but also rushed into the thousand realms.

The power that Yang Qingxuan showed at this moment was exactly the half-step Qianjie Realm!

Even Zhou Wenshan himself was completely dumbfounded. He stood there blankly, watching the two tyrannical attacks before his eyes, and then reacted. With an angry roar, his fists fell out and hit the golden light.


The powerful force burst open, and Zhou Wenshanzhen's two arms were in pain.

Yang Qingxuan roared a few times, the golden law body swelled in an instant, took a step forward, picked up the Indra in front, and slammed down fiercely!


Explosive power exploded in front of Indra, and the Nine Rings instantly formed nine earth-type apertures, smashing the world severely.

Zhou Wenshan was shocked, and said in anger: "Impossible!"

Reaching out and grabbing it, the ghost claw slammed into the past, collided with the earth system aperture, and immediately burst.

Zhou Wenshan got a pain in his hand and hurriedly recovered.

Although he suffered a loss under one move, he was not an ordinary strong man. He immediately understood that Indra was unable to carry him, and as soon as his figure shook, he took more than ten steps back.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were full of golden light, and he grabbed Indra and rushed over.

A set of magic wand drop method was swayed, opening and closing, with every blow, the void exploded.

Zhou Wenshan was frightened, turned around, took out a golden war gun, and stabbed it straight.

Both of them are long weapons, one is fast and one is slow, one is steady and one is floating, one is tricky and vicious, and the other is righteous.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their eyes popping out.

The process of this battle is incomprehensible at all.

Zhou Wenshan, who has an absolute advantage in crushing, has also been pressing Yang Qingxuan to fight, but Yang Qingxuan, who is almost a man's arm blocking the car, not only really blocked the car, but also took the opportunity to break through and pick up the weapon to counterattack?

How can this be? It's totally against common sense!

The opponent is the quasi-king of the younger generation, a master of the two-star thousand realms!

Jiang Feng and the others shook their heads desperately, with a dreamlike sense of unreality. If everything they saw in front of them was true, then Yang Qingxuan's talent for strength would be too shocking.

The two fought with long soldiers for a while, and Yang Qingxuan fell into a disadvantage again and was constantly forced to retreat.

In fact, Zhou Wenshan's strength has always been crushing him, but he just broke through and wanted to defeat Zhou Wenshan in one go, but he obviously underestimated the opponent's strength talent, and Zhou Wenshan recovered after hundreds of moves. Come, immediately crush again.

Yang Qingxuan knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would definitely lose.

If you want to defeat Zhou Wenshan, you must have stronger power.

Moreover, the instability of the realm caused by the breakthrough just now began to emerge, but Yang Qingxuan was aware of a detail, the shock of the Vajra Prajna immortal body did not end with the breakthrough.

The power of his own realm is still moving forward slightly.

"What's the matter?" Yang Qingxuan's heart was shocked, hasn't he broken through yet?

"Impossible, if there is no breakthrough, where does the power at this moment come from? I am already half a step in the thousand realms, otherwise how to fight Zhou Wenshan."

Yang Qingxuan was thinking, the voice of the ghost hiding in his mind, "The breakthrough has not stopped, the half-step thousand realms are essentially only half the realm, many people can't step into the thousand realms at once, so they will stay in front of the thousand realms. It's a half-step Thousand Realms. Your kid is rushing to the Thousand Realms. A half-step Thousand Realms is not the end!"


Yang Qingxuan's arms softened by fright, Indra almost fell into the ground, hurriedly beat and retreated, becoming mainly defensive.

Guizang said: "Your situation is indeed rare, but it is indeed an impact on the Thousand Realms, but I think it is unlikely that you will rush through it. Your current environment will completely break through. Interrupted. Secondly, your breakthrough power is getting weaker and weaker, and it will soon cease. You can only stay at half a step and think again in the future."

"Damn it!"

When Yang Qingxuan heard that he had missed the opportunity, he couldn't help but yell at him, and went mad with depression.

Zhou Wenshan had already gone violently. At this moment, he suddenly heard Yang Qingxuan scolding him, yelling furiously, firing a gun frantically, and hitting Indra, shaking Yang Qingxuan stepping back.

"Is it true that if you really want to lose, there is no way at all?"

Yang Qingxuan's heart flew, using Indra and Vajra Prajna Immortal Body, although the strength is strong and the mountains are safe, it is not easy to lose, but it is almost impossible to win.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, as if he had thought of something. When the figure shook, he flew backwards carrying Indra.

"Want to escape? Even if you kneel down and lick my shoes, you won't want to survive today!"

Zhou Wenshan shouted angrily and ran after him with a gun.

"Escape? I want to completely knock you off the dust today. How can I escape?"

Yang Qingxuan stopped suddenly and turned around abruptly, making seals with both hands in the air.

The whole body burned violently, turning into an eternally burning body.

The ground fire that had been scattered around was once again induced by the fire tactic, and it surged from all directions.

"Hmph, it's still a fire-type supernatural power. I'm already poor, and I'm at the end of my life. I still have a hard mouth. I dare to pretend -B. I will pierce your mouth with a shot, explode your head, and make you die the worst!"

Zhou Wenshan screamed, and the spear light drew a golden light in the air and pierced it straight.

Yang Qingxuan's hands quickly formed seals, and the surrounding flames instantly poured into his palms, which were continuously compressed and lifted, and soon turned into a fire pattern.

"Hey! This is..."

Jiang Guyin took a breath, his face full of shock.

The fire pattern in Yang Qingxuan's hand is exactly the fire pattern of the ancient seal of the Jiang family. It is the fire pattern that condensed the lifelong fire system skills of more than 20 strong people and projected the Jingye Tianhuo to break!

Yang Qingxuan's performance is specious, very morphological, but somewhat different.

But this is unimaginable, unimaginable.


With a little gun, the golden light pierced into the fire pattern, which was greatly hindered, but it still penetrated.

Yang Qingxuan pressed both hands, causing the direction of the gun to change, which penetrated through his chest.

But because it was an eternal body, it didn't have much impact.

Instead, Chang Heng Gu Yan followed the gun to Zhou Wenshan.


Zhou Wenshan roared, gave up the gun, put his hands back, and shot them together, trying to completely shatter Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan's hands were sealed, it was the Emperor Yan Jue, and he shot it out.


The two head-to-head bombardment together again, the realm of cultivation is together.

//The state is recovering a little bit. I will go out to study for a week next week. The five chapters owed to everyone will be added in the second half of the year. During this period of time, I will maintain four more changes. , Love you, good night.

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