Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2176: Who is the stone statue in the barren land?

Yang Qingxuan walked towards the star stick step by step.

In the entire lotus world, the light flickered and interacted with each other. There were only moving lights and shadows, and the sound of Yang Qingxuan's footsteps. Besides, I could hear my heartbeat quietly.

The nine golden rings on Naindra suddenly rippled, emitting circles of golden luster, like countless lotus flowers flying out of the light, like dreams and illusions.

Yang Qingxuan stretched out his hand, only encountered a slight obstacle, then passed through the barrier, and caught on the star stick.

A black and yellow power, turned into a halo, agitated.

That kind of strong earth force once again suppressed everyone, like a giant mountain on their backs.

But Yang Qingxuan's spiritual consciousness was stunned, and his body was turned into loess a little bit by the great force of the earth system.

Yang Qingxuan was horrified. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that he couldn't. The palm of his hand was not sucked. This feeling was like the star stick has become a part of his body and merged together.

"How could this be?!"

Under Indra's pressure, Yang Qingxuan's body once again became the second stage of the Divine Desolate Ancient Astral Body, shouting desperately to counter this power.

But the consciousness flashed in his mind, and the whole person seemed to be completely torn apart, "Ah!" screamed.

The next moment, the feeling of severe pain quickly dissipated, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes and was surprised to find that everything around him had changed.

This is no longer a lotus space, Ziqing, Tu Chou, and others are gone, but an endless barren land, where thick earth and waste air flows in the sky, like the end of the world and the end of time.

"Could this be Indra's inner world?"

Yang Qingxuan felt the rules of the world, and was immediately convinced.

There are almost only earth elements in this world, it is a piece of pure happy "earth", and even the air is filled with that extremely heavy suppressive force.

In this vast and boundless space, it is not empty. In the place where Yang Qingxuan's eyes can reach, there is a huge stone altar over a hundred meters high, which looks extremely old and old. Wu's faint coercion spread from the inside, causing Yang Qingxuan's qi and blood to condense, as if there was dust clogging in the meridians.

Yang Qingxuan observed the next surroundings again, and confirmed that within a few hundred miles of his gaze, there was only such a building, and the rest was the empty and desolate land.

It proved that this altar is most likely the core of Indra's internal world, and it should be the only way to leave this place, and then he jumped up and flew onto the altar.

The top of the 100-acre altar was engraved with the entire complex formation, but under the erosion of time and waste, it has become blurred.

And most of the murals have fallen off.

Only in the center of the altar, there was a figure sitting on the ground.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and flew over to see the figure with clear eyebrows, the sharp edges and corners on his face showing out, and a kind of peerless temperament surging in the brows.

"Wang Wuxiang?!"

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and he found that this person had been petrified and lifeless.

Just a vivid stone statue.

Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes penetrated past, seeing the structure of the stone statue clearly, and he was immediately surprised.

Because this stone statue is exactly the same as the structure of the human body, the internal organs, bones, bones, and even the meridians of the true energy are all available, but they are all petrified.

"Does this really belong to the Wuxiang Heavenly King?"

In addition to this explanation, it seems difficult to find other reasonable explanations. It is impossible for any craftsman to carve the stone statue so completely real.

Yang Qingxuan searched for a long time on the altar, except for this stone statue, a large number of rotten formations and falling murals, no abnormalities were found.

However, Yang Qingxuan still found some information in those broken murals with fiery eyes.

This unphased king was the leader of a certain great power Tathagata, who later experienced a huge battle and gradually faded away.

From the incomplete information on the murals, it seems to be inferred that it is the demons who are fighting with it.

After defeating the Demon Race, the power of the Wuxiang King quickly disintegrated, and later experienced a series of changes, and finally disappeared in the long river of history.

From the appearance of the seated stone statue, it looks exactly like the person in the mural, and it can be judged that it is an invisible king, but it is hard to tell if the deity is seated here.

The mural has fallen off too badly, and the remaining residual information cannot be extracted.

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and his eyes hurriedly stared at the hands of the stone statue. Originally, he had just knotted a simple mudra technique, but before I knew it, this seal technique had changed.

Yang Qingxuan swept the stone statue in surprise, and there was indeed no sign of life, nor any spiritual thing attached to it.

Otherwise, it would never be possible to escape his fiery eyes.

"How is this going?"

When Yang Qingxuan stared at the tactical seal, the stone statue of the Wuxiang Heavenly King began to crack, expand a little, and finally spread all over the body. It was completely broken with a sound of "crash", and was blown by the air of desolation, and it was scattered in the ruins at this time In the sky, completely turned into dust.


Yang Qingxuan was completely dumbfounded.

And at this moment, the originally dark sky suddenly lit up with a little brilliance, shining down.

Yang Qingxuan raised his eyes and saw that it was the light of stars.

And the light kept getting more and more, and the entire barren sky was completely opened, like a curtain. When opened, a beautiful starry sky picture appeared, shining on the barren land.

These stars are completely different from the starry sky seen in ordinary days, but they are very close, one after another huge planets, floating in the sky, this barren land seems to be floating in the universe.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed with difficulty. There were thousands of these planets, of different sizes, the only thing in common was that they were all earth planets.

Yang Qingxuan immediately thought of a possibility. When the Wuxiang King refining this Indra, he directly stuffed hundreds of earth-type planets in...

This is too bad, right?

Looking at the thousands of Earth Element planets, exuding a thick and huge Earth Element Elemental Force, rotating around the barren land, Yang Qingxuan felt a trance.

Suddenly, a violent spirit, with a sensation, went out from this barren land.

In the next moment, Yang Qingxuan found that he was still standing in the lotus enchantment and holding Indra, but the powerful impact on the star rod had no effect on him.

Yang Qingxuan was ecstatic in his heart, knowing that he had obtained the approval of this treasure.

Although I don't know how to be recognized, it is clear that I can use it at will.

At the moment, he lifted Indra from the lotus platform.

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