Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2130: Escape and wait for the rabbit

Ji Beiye didn't know what the relationship was between this person and Yang Qingxuan, but faintly felt that the two were related. At this moment, Yang Qingxuan was almost going to disperse and turn into smoke, and this person would definitely not harm him, because it was too easy to make a point.

Not daring to be careless at the moment, Ji Beiye hurriedly grabbed the Qiguang enchantment, then slashed in that direction with his sword, and walked away.

At this moment, he turned a deaf ear to everything about everyone, and he had only one belief in his heart, he must go out before the space collapsed.

And in his left hand in his sleeve robe, Xu held a flag light barrier, inside it was a mini flag, emitting a flame-like glow, covering the ignition source, making it immortal.

The eternal body of Yang Qingxuan's cultivation will not live or die as long as its origin is immortal.

At this moment, he just completely exhausted his cultivation base and fell into a deep sleep.

Ji Beiye didn't dare to stop, and didn't dare to strike up a conversation with others, for fear of causing trouble and disturbing Yang Qingxuan's dormancy, he just slashed forward and cut the way out.

Finally, after the ninth sword was cut out, the chaotic front continued to make cracking noises, and a large crack appeared on a huge white sword.


As soon as the crack was hit by the surging energy of the void, it exploded in an instant, and dispersed in all directions, shining in from the outside.

"Exit! I finally saw the exit! Hahahaha"

Countless realm kings were overjoyed and rushed forward desperately.

Ji Beiye's face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "Not good!" He hurriedly raised the knife and turned it into a piece of defense to protect himself.

The originally chaotic void was like a boiling cage, where countless forces collided with each other, and there was no way to vent.

Suddenly a hole was cut out at this moment, and all the power suddenly poured in this direction, pouring out.

The space at the exit was instantly squeezed to the extreme, as if it had been reduced in dimensionality, directly hitting the two-dimensional plane from the Ten Dharma Realm.


Those Realm Kings who rushed past were completely broken to pieces before they even had time to shout.

And the force recoiled back, shocking everyone!

"No! Defend!"

For a while, everyone reacted and hurriedly displayed defensive supernatural powers, desperately resisting.

It's hard to escape from the master without desire, if you die here, you will really see a ghost.

That huge pressure kept hitting the exit, and crushed on everyone at the same time. Many people vomited blood, but their strong desire to survive made them desperately support them.

Everyone knows that as long as they have survived these few shocks, they will win.

A pair of eyes eager to survive, shot out an amazing willpower, desperately carrying it.

However, there are still a large number of low-level realm kings, who were already injured, and died at the last moment before dawn, directly exploded and turned into dust, which is regrettable and lamentable.

Finally, after the huge force was vented for a while, although the impact was still there, it had weakened too much.

In addition, the outlet of the channel was initially closed by dimension reduction, and then slowly opened again soon, and it became larger and larger.

Seeing the right time, Ji Beiye first cut a knife to open the way, and then the man and the knife merged into a domineering sword light, and rushed out.

Immediately many strong men followed suit and rushed to flee.

After half an hour, all those who were still alive escaped. And the void didn't explode like imagined, but annihilated little by little.

The entire Immortal Palace of No Desires, all sinking inside, a little bit collapsed and annihilated.

Maybe ten thousand years, maybe one hundred thousand years, maybe one million years, will eventually merge into the universe and cease to exist.

At that time, perhaps no one remembers that such an earth-shattering scene ever happened here.

As soon as Ji Beiye got out of the predicament, he immediately turned into a ray of light and shot away, the speed was so fast that almost all his strength was exhausted.

Chi Xiaozi was taken aback, and shouted: "Friend, where is Yang Qingxuan?"

Ji Beiye didn't say a word, and was already a thousand miles away in a flash.

Not everyone has entered the reincarnation formation. For example, Bai Luo and others, because of their fate, they decisively withdrew when Tai Chi appeared, but they did not go far, but stayed near the Immortal Palace of Wuyu.

Until the huge changes inside caused the outer space to collapse, one by one became vigilant and stared at the space of the Wuyuxian Palace.

The moment Ji Beiye came out, he sensed that there were hundreds of people peeping outside, so he made a decisive decision without taking a break, and flew away as soon as his figure flashed, so that Bai Luo and others who were guarding outside could not react.

As soon as Ji Beiye left, Bai Luo and the others reacted immediately, and hurriedly surrounded them, staring at everyone with hungry wolf-like eyes.

The number of warriors is almost one to ten, but the people outside are all peaks of replenishment, and the people who have just come out are all exhausted, and those who can stand firm are considered masters.

Chi Xiaozi said alertly: "Bai Luo, what do you want to do?"

Bai Luo's face was a bit sullen, and he smiled evilly: "There are many good things in the reincarnation formation, right?"

In fact, Bai Luo didn't want to rob. As the son of the **** king, he wanted nothing, but he was still concerned about the reincarnation fruit, and he insisted on fighting for the first place. He was afraid that there would be a large number of reincarnation fruit in the great reincarnation formation, so he kept At the crowd, ready to seize.

Chi Xiaozi hummed, "I'm almost gone, how can I have any good things?"

Bai Luo pointed to Chi Xiaozi and said: "You, you are not honest." Then his eyes swept across the crowd, and he said coldly: "Leave the fruit of reincarnation and you can go, otherwise-die!"

Wherever there is the fruit of reincarnation, some of them have been sold to Xuantianji, and they looked at each other and showed anger. If it wasn't for the other party to be the son of the King of God, and he was in a state of exhausted oil and light, I was afraid that he would kill him directly.

Many people realized that it was not good, and began to devour the pill and the treasure of heaven and earth to restore their physical strength as much as possible.

Sure enough, the conflict escalated shortly afterwards, and the two factions fought.

Although the warriors who escaped from the samsara formation were all exhausted, the number was ten times that of the outside, and not all the martial arts outside were dispatched by Bai Luo, so under the First World War, they sacrificed huge losses. In exchange for Bai Luo's failure.

The people in the Palace of Gods almost lost everything, Bai Luo was wounded and fled.

The Wuxiu who escaped from it lost another three to four hundred people, more than the number of people who died of dimensionality reduction when they finally escaped.

The remaining people gritted their teeth at Bai Luo one by one, all the accounts were buried in their hearts, waiting for a chance to repay in the future.

Ji Beiye was alone, flew tens of thousands of miles away, and finally came to a safe area before his energy was exhausted, with mountains and lakes in front of him, full of vitality.

Ji Beiye directly split the lake and shot down.

It sank to the bottom of the lake in an instant, and with a few easy cuts, a huge space was dug under the bottom, and then an enchantment was laid to separate the lake.

After that, several hidden aura formations were deployed in the space.

After making sure of everything, he stretched out the left hand hidden in his sleeve robe, and a bright flame and flag light flashed in his palm.

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