Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2056: A strong man worthy of knowing everything

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "It's the clan."

Shouyu took a long time to recover his face, he said: "If it is an ordinary clan, there may be a glimmer of hope. We need to fully understand the situation before considering it, and we must be in charge of the situation, and the price is not affordable. of."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I naturally know the difficulty. It is a kind of fate to meet Master Shouyu today, and I hope it will be convenient when I meet again in the future."

Shouyu pondered, and said, "You just saved that Tushou, but you also wanted to sell him a favor, so that you can deal with the clan for you?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "My lord sees you clearly."

Shouyu said: "Your approach is correct, but Tu Chou is the Lord of the Thousand Realms after all. Although you have a life-saving grace for him, under the power gap, he may not accept much affection from you. You must have a mentality. ready."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I also thought of this, and I have my own way to deal with it."

Shouyuqing frowned, then relaxed, and said, "I don't think you are a reckless person. On the contrary, you are extremely clever, have a strategy, and a very strong Taoist heart. You are a person who does great things. Don't take things too quickly, you I'm still young, and I will win afterwards. This is my advice to you. If everything is planned, come to the personnel office to find me. If I think it is feasible, I will try my best to help you make this happen."

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, sir!"

Shouyu laughed and said: "Haha, the premise is that it is very difficult for you to be able to make me recognize it!"

When the last word shook, the person had disappeared from the sky, without a trace.

Ji Beiye said, "This Shouyu looks like a good person."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "This person is worthy of friendship. Let's go, too. I'm afraid that things will be spread soon."

At the moment, the two of them turned into a escape light and blasted towards the sky. Then they sacrificed a cosmic disc, wrapped themselves completely, adjusted their coordinates, pointed to the nearest starry sky and teleported a large array, directly submerged in countless cosmic rays. In the void.


Soon after, between the broken sea and sky of Tianyi Star.

Suddenly a little energy in the void spreads in ripples, slowly giving birth to a green vine, and then it continues to grow, blooming seven or eight beautiful flowers, and what is creepy is that the flowers are wrapped in one by one. The eyes and the eyeballs keep turning up and down, as if recording something.

Above the vines, ears grew, and they continued to listen in the void.

After a while, those eyeballs all stopped, their eyes were dull, and their ears were lightly wrapped, as if they had completed the task.

The whole plant then began to swell, lose its luster a little bit, become dark gray, aging, and perish, and when blown by the sea breeze, it turns into dust and scatters into the endless sky.

The same scene appeared in Luofu, Wuyu City, God's Palace.

After the same plant is disillusioned in the air, fragments of sound and light projections are continuously combined in the hall to show all the captured pictures and sounds.

Zixia, Ziri, and Ziran were sitting in the main hall, watching the scene returned from Tianyixing.

Soon, all kinds of sound, light and shadow were put together to complete, and the whole process was screened little by little.

The hall was already shrouded in the enchantment, no one was allowed to enter, the three of them sat quietly, watching the entire process.

Those acousto-optic images are like shattering, a little bit disillusioned into the sky, completely disappearing.

Zixia narrowed her eyes, looked at Ziri and Ziran, and asked: "Two adults, what do you think about this matter?"

The two looked at each other, and Zi Rixian said: "On the whole, the mission was completed perfectly, and the layout of the lady is really commendable. Not only did it hit the Blue Sakura Palace, but also transferred the King Iron to others. And he wiped out Lan Yan and the others without knowing it. Even if God King Lan Ying can find out, it won't be counted as Miss's head."

Zixia nodded and said, "Although there were many accidents, it did achieve my goal. I didn't expect Tu Chou to be the most useless among the three forces, and it was taken away by the basalt warrior. What does Lux think?"

Ziran pondered: "This basalt warrior doesn't seem to only practice basalt supernatural powers. I think it is easy for him to suppress two of the same rank with one move. It is really terrifying."

Zi Ri's complexion was condensed, and he nodded: "Although the Eight-Star Realm King is not very strong, it is already very difficult to suppress the same level with one move. But this Xuanwu is easy to transform into Xuanwu and Qinglong. The power of the Great Holy Spirit suppressed the two fellow practitioners in one move. In my opinion, the combat effectiveness of this basalt warrior might have reached the eight-star peak, or even the nine-star elementary level."

Zi Ran said: "And this basalt warrior already knows that it's the game played by the young lady, do you want to find a way to get it..." A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he made a beheading action.

Zixia smiled slightly, and said: "So what if you know? Can he go and tell God King Lan Ying? Besides, after God King Lan Ying investigates this matter, she will definitely believe that I did it, but the most important thing is that he can't find it. To the evidence. This black martial artist killed Lan Yan, and it is impossible to walk with the Lan Ying God King. Take 10,000 steps, even if they are really together, the important thing is not what the Lan Ying God King knows, but the Lan Ying God What evidence does the king have. Without evidence, you cannot attack me."

Zi Ran said suddenly: "The young lady said that, if you think about it carefully, with this black martial artist, he can block us for a while, and first attract the eyes and power of the Lanying King."

Zixia said: "It doesn't matter if you can't stop it. What I am particularly curious about right now is, which family is he who wants to deal with?"

Zi Ran said: "No matter which family you belong to, as long as it is a clan, he can't deal with it, even if you accept that sorrow, it's useless."

Zixia smiled and said: "Of course it is impossible with his power now, but in the future... it may be difficult to say. I am very interested in this person, Master Zi Ri, please help focus on this person, and report any news at any time. "

Zi Ri was shocked and hurriedly bowed and folded his fists: "Yes, miss!"

As the chief steward of the Palace of Gods, everything that he needs to follow in person is very relevant. It can be seen that Zixia values ​​this person, and I am afraid that it is far more interested than what he said "extremely interested." .

Zixia waved her hand and said, "Retreat. The World of No Desire is about to begin. You can concentrate on this matter. Also pay attention to the movement of the King Lan Ying, and the death of Lan Yan will soon be passed on. , I would like to see the reaction of the Lan Ying King."

The corner of Zixia's mouth raised a cold smile.

Zi Ri and Zi Ran immediately bowed and retired.

In the empty hall, only Zixia was left. In her eyes as deep as Yu, she shrank slightly, and a little ripples lightly appeared, muttering to herself: "Yang Qingxuan, Gui Xiu, Doomsday Fangyuan... ,interesting."

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