Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2033: All breakthroughs, strange eyes

"One thousand three hundred and sixty times, one thousand three hundred and sixty times, one thousand three hundred and sixty-two times..."

Yang Qingxuan's thoughts automatically counted the number of times they hit the barrier in his mind. When they counted to 2,400 times, the thought suddenly stopped.

A series of strange waves spread from Yang Qingxuan's body, passed through the five stars, and quickly covered the entire ring.

Ji Beiye, who was also at a critical juncture in his practice, blinked his eyes involuntarily and closed them again, and big beads of sweat rolled from his temples.

Yang Qingxuan’s state at this moment is extremely strange, as if he has rushed through the barrier, but his whole body breath is indescribably calm. There is no vision and excitement after the breakthrough. It is just a wave of powerful fluctuations that spread out, making the spatial frequency in all directions match. Approach, and finally merge into one.

Ji Beiye, as well as the five stars shook their hearts, obviously sensing the changes between the heavens and the earth, all things merged into one frequency, producing huge resonance energy.

Not only did the barriers in the five constellations continue to collapse under the force of resonance, but even the barriers of the Ji Beiye Nine Star Intermediate Stage showed a tendency of breaking.

Ji Beiye's inner shock was hard to add.

Generally, when there is only a high-level breakthrough, the high-level induction can drive the low-level. At this moment, his nine-star realm king is actually driven by the breakthrough induction of an eight-star realm king, which is simply unbelievable.

But Ji Beiye was only shocked for an instant, and immediately calmed his mind, pinched a pill with **** and swallowed it into his stomach, calmed his mind and calmed his mind, using the force of the resonance to hit the bottleneck.

Yang Qingxuan didn't move a bit from beginning to end, as if he had fallen into unforbidden concentration.

Soon, a trembling ripple spread from Zi Yuan and merged into the frequency of heaven and earth.

Zi Yuan opened her eyes in ecstasy, couldn't help being extremely excited, her body trembled slightly.

Yang Qingxuan's lips moved slightly and said, "Calm."

Zi Yuan was shocked and found that the other four stars were also struggling to break through. Her confusion caused her surrounding frequencies to be confused, and she was so scared that she hurriedly calmed down and continued to maintain this resonance field energy.

I don't know how long it took, a few days, or even dozens of days, Hua Jieyu, Duruo, Kong Ling, and Nuoxi all broke through in retreat.

At this point, all the five stars have stepped into the realm king.

Yang Qingxuan felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and he sensed the powerful aura continuously coming from the contract. After the five people stepped into the realm queen, the energy field generated was a hundred times higher than before, and it was fed back to Yang Qingxuan, forming a tremendous force.

Yang Qingxuan's skin constantly melted into scales, dragon horns and dragon tails grew, and the hands pinched in front of him also turned into dragon claws, which soon covered his whole body.

The strength of this blue dragon spread out with the strong oscillating frequency, constantly impacting Ji Beiye's body.


Ji Beiye yelled to the sky, and a powerful sword aura burst out of his body, transforming into a void and slashing down.

There were countless golden runes on the knife, and the biting chill continued to rise.


The knife slashed on the arena, directly splitting the suspended arena in half, and the terrifying wind of the knife slapped in all directions like waves.

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes violently, and in the golden pupils, a weird gou jade turned into the depths of his eyes, and he could clearly see Ji Beiye among the countless sword auras. With the help of the power of the pill and the resonance of the dragon, after forcibly breaking through, Can't control the sword light in the body.

With a wave of his hand, three profound flags flew out and formed a formation in the air to block the blade.


The huge blade wind turned into a whirlpool, splitting the entire secret room space.

All energy rotation, even the hidden supply array, was destroyed.

After the time when the blade was raging at its strongest strength, Yang Qingxuan put away the three profound flags, blinked his eyes, all the slanted blade light was inexplicably suppressed by the pupil technique, and when it swirled in the air, it disappeared completely.

Yang Qingxuan blinked a few times, and the Gouyu in the depths disappeared a little bit, showing a pure golden color. After blinking again, the golden light also dashed away, returning to normal black pupils.

At this moment, Ji Beiye was standing on a fragment of the arena, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, but with the unconcealed ecstasy in his heart, he couldn't help smiling "hehe", his ten fingers clenched his fists vigorously, and the veins violently burst on his arm.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Congratulations to Brother Kitano for breaking through to the nine-star intermediate level, and stepping into the thousand realms is just around the corner."

Ji Beiye hurriedly restrained his breath, bowed his fists respectfully, and said in gratitude: "All adults are helping me. I tried several times in retreat, but all failed. This time, under the aura of the adults' breakthrough, he finally forced a charge. It’s over. Otherwise, I’m afraid it’s going to trap me for decades."

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand and smiled: "This is your own chance and luck, it has nothing to do with me. I think when you broke through just now, the sword energy in your body broke through and smashed the sky. It is really aggressive and unbeatable."

Ji Beiye said: "This is the core martial art of the Ji family. Every Ji family disciple must cultivate and advance with it. Over time, the sword energy absorbed enough, there will be the domineering sword manifestation in the dantian. The body raises the sword, and the sword raises the body. The sword is the body, and the body is the sword."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Sure enough, the Ji family is a clan in the Muhai area, right?"

Ji Beiye said: "Exactly, Patriarch Ji Wuming is one of the eight kingdoms."

Yang Qingxuan was very surprised. The Four Holy Lords, Eight Domain Heavenly Kings, and Great God Kings were the thirteen powerhouses standing at the top of the entire Southern Universe Alliance. Unexpectedly, one of them was the Patriarch of the Ji Family.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "What about the background forces of Yu'an? Is it also one of the famous clan?"

Ji Beiye was embarrassed, not sure if he should disclose it.

Yu'an's voice came and said, "I'll do it myself, I am from Shenwu Palace."

Ji Beiye added: "Shenwu Palace Lord Yuxinghen is one of the Four Holy Lords."

Yang Qingxuan was so shocked that he couldn't speak, although he knew that the two of them were not backgrounds, but they couldn't think they were so powerful.

Yu'an sighed: "Don't be surprised, this background is not a background at all. Now Beiye and I are just bereaved dogs, wandering downright people."

Ji Beiye nodded and said: "No matter how strong your background is, you will not be yourself at any time. You can lose one day at any time. Only when you are strong can you be truly strong. Great Qingxuan is a real strong person."

Yang Qingxuan said: "You are polite, you and I met once, it is destined, we should encourage and advance together."

Zi Yuan smiled and said, "Don't praise each other here, I'm afraid that the auction time will be over."

Yang Qingxuan was convulsed at this time. He didn't know the time or how long it had passed during his cultivation. At the moment, everyone returned to the star ring and holy artifacts and left the secret room.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw three Wu Xiu standing at the door of the secret room, looking at him with weird expressions, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with the three?"

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