Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2017: Sun Moon God Body, Yanxia Xiaoyuan

The five women in white were all shocked, and even Xiaoqi's sister and brother were shocked.

Although Yang Qingxuan didn't know the value of this token, he could tell from the shock on their faces. Thinking that he had just arrived and had no relatives and no reason, he would go to the Ning family to find his parents, and might even face the giant Ning family. It is naturally good to have one more helper. I will not refuse now, accept the token, hold his fist and say, "Thank you, Brother Mingyuan, for the gift. I will never forget this situation in the future."

Both Mingyuan and Mingxuan are happy.

Right now, several people chatted for a while. When talking about the Protoss, Ming Yuan and Ming Xuan showed weird expressions, even disdainful appearances.

Mingyuan said: "Brother Qingxuan, don't be fooled by the appearance of the Protoss dominating the Luofu realm. Even the entire Luofu realm is just a place for gathering and communicating with the great families, not the core of the Muhai realm. In the void surrounding this Luofu realm, those super beings that opened up independent realms are the real rulers of the entire Muhai realm. But..."

Ming Yuan groaned, and then said: "The Protoss should not be underestimated. The opening of the Luofu Realm was done by their ancestors. However, the Protoss is not harmonious and unified, and there are many contradictions. In short, you should be careful about the Protoss. Beware, but don’t worry too much. Even when necessary, you can take out the tokens I give you. As long as you don’t commit a great thing, the Protoss will still sell some face.”

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. Can this Ming family make the Protoss sell their face? Is this Ming family also one of the superpowers? If so, what happened to Ming Xuan and Lan Ying God King?

It's hard to understand, but this is also people's private matter, and it is inconvenient for me to bother.

After a few people chatted for a while, Yang Qingxuan got up and left.

Brother Xiaoqi stayed in Ming's house.

Ming Yuan praised Xiaoqi's spine, checked the qualifications of the two brothers and sisters, and let them stay in this restaurant, so that the shopkeeper Ming Yu could take care of them.

After Yang Qingxuan left, Mingyuan and the two stood at the top of the Sunyue Dangkong building, looking at the direction in which Yang Qingxuan disappeared, which was the teleportation hub outside Youhuang City.

Ming Xuan asked, "Brother, what did you say Yang Qingxuan did in Wuyu City?"

Mingyuan said: "Who knows, there is the king's city of the Purple Heart God King. I'm afraid that he will have a relationship with the Purple Heart God King. I'm not afraid of the others."

Ming Xuan thought for a while, her lips moved slightly, but in the end she stopped talking.

Ming Yuan turned around and glanced at her, stretched out his hand to drag her chin, his eyes flickered and strange, and said softly: "What can I say straight."

Ming Xuan didn’t feel wrong with Ming Yuan’s light-handed movements, but calmly said: “The last days Fangyuan is very likely to be on this person. Why didn’t the brother leave him? Instead, he let him go and gave him a gift. The gold medal, it is the gold medal second only to the Supreme Order of the Ming family, and all those who can enjoy this honor are the existence of thousands of realms."

Ming Yuan smiled slightly and stroked Ming Xuan's face with his finger, then put down his hand, condensed the light in his eyes, restored to that ordinary and ordinary appearance, looked at the vast and high sky outside with his hand, and said: "You Really believe that he alone can kill the king of a thousand realms and kill five masters of the thousand realms?"

Ming Xuan stunned: "Brother mean, does he still have a helper?"

Mingyuan nodded and said: "I noticed when he teleported earlier. The energy in his body is extremely strong. Obviously there is a strong person lodged in his body or hidden in a holy artifact. Although the strong person may not be able to beat me, I I don’t want to do something uncertain."

Ming Xuan suddenly said, "No wonder my brother keeps inviting him to visit Ming's house."

Mingyuan's eyes condensed and said, "If he goes to Ming's house, it means that the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth and deliver the meat to the door by himself. Of course we have to eat it. But he refused to go. With the help of you and me, Even if the person in Ming Yu's hands can keep him, it may spread to a wide range, and it will be troublesome if the Protoss in Youhuang City notices it."

Ming Xuan said quietly, "Brother is afraid that the Protoss will catch Yang Qingxuan, and the other is that the Protoss will find you and me."

Ming Yuan smiled slightly, that hot gaze flashed in his eyes again, nodded and said: "You are still a younger sister, you are smart. Hmph, Lan Ying has a good calculation, and she dares to imprison her, so she has a horrible idea. Sun Moon God Body See, it is one of the several supreme divine bodies that have been passed down in the animal husbandry area, how can the fertile water flow into the fields of outsiders."

Mingyuan "gulu" swallowed, gently agitating in his throat.

Mingxuan sighed, her face could not be lonely, she turned around and said, "Brother, I'm tired."

Mingyuan nodded and said: "Well, go down and rest, so that you can grow and cultivate your body, and cultivate your divine body to the fullest as soon as possible."

Ming Xuan leaned slightly and said, "Yes." Then she turned and left.

Mingyuan retracted his greedy gaze, looked out the distance from the building, and muttered to himself: "Yang Qingxuan, it's interesting. I have to see how far you can go, and whether the gold medal I gave you is worth it. Every year there are countless geniuses that pop up in the animal husbandry area, just like the sky full of stars, dazzling. But who can come to the end?"


After Yang Qingxuan left the Sunyue Dangkong Building, he did not rush away directly, but wandered around in Youhuang City.

I discovered that the urban layout of the Louvre Realm is similar to that in the sky star field.

It's just that the strength of the city in Luofu's territory is far from comparable to that of the sky star field, and there are many martial artists in it, and there are very few mortals. Even the running halls, small servants, and folks in ordinary shops have a certain level of cultivation.

Yang Qingxuan rented a cultivation secret room, and soon after entering, when he came out again, he looked like a green-horned bull.

Since everything that happened to him in the Seventy-Three Realm had already reached the Luofu Realm, it would be best not to recover the human body in the short term.

Yang Qingxuan went to a few shops and bought a lot of jade slips for the purpose of understanding, then he turned back to the teleportation hub and headed towards Wuyu City.

A few days later, he finally arrived in Wuyu City.

According to the map, Yang Qingxuan came to a medium-sized shop, with a plaque hanging on it, which read: Yanxia Xiaoyuan.

Shops like this one do not know where they are in Luofu. They are the sects of various star regions and planes. The bases set up in Luofu do not seek profit or make money. They just maintain a kind of communication and can collect timely. Information, items, etc.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan stepped into the door, he frowned, and faintly sensed an extremely uncomfortable aura, and said secretly: "Murder?"

He was slightly startled at his feet, and stepped on a vast array, with fluorescent dots on it, just like the stars in the universe.

"not good!"

Yang Qingxuan was startled, he turned his body and stepped lightly on his feet to jump out of the shackles of the formation.

But the light flowed and turned into thousands of rays of light, dancing wildly.

At the same time, a rapid voice sounded in the ear, and a woman yelled, "Hurry up! Don't let him run out!"

//Four changes are over, continue to ask for tickets, monthly tickets, recommended tickets!

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