Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1641: True and false news, fierce conflict

There was a moment of silence in the exchange.

The atmosphere is a little strange.

A martial artist said: "Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall has only been moved from a low-level plane in recent years. How can it be possible to have something like the Five Aggregate Tree? This news is unconvincing."

Small voices of discussion sounded all around, agreeing with this Wu Xiu's words.

The huge black shadow snorted and said, "Are you doubting the credit of my exchange? If you don't believe it, you can get out of it."

When everyone saw that he was angry, their voices stopped.

Another Wu Xiu said, "In my opinion, everyone is not unbelieving, but too sensitive to Tian Cong Wuguan."

A person next to him nodded and said: "Tian Cong Wushu Hall is Yang Qingxuan's master. If you venture in to find the Five Aggregate Tree, you may offend Yang Qingxuan. Today, with Yang Qingxuan's power and prestige, people in the world dare to offend him. There are not many people."

The huge black shadow said: "According to our news, Yang Qingxuan has been missing for almost half a year since the First World War in the Star Palace. Whether he is still alive in the world is a question. Moreover, under this black robe, how many top ten are there? If the faces of the twenty-four families really had five aggregate trees, would you still be afraid of offending Yang Qingxuan, who may have died?"

A cold voice said: "Whether to offend Yang Qingxuan is not within the scope of this seat. What I want to know is that there are five aggregate trees in the Tian Cong martial arts hall. How true is this news?"

Yang Qingxuan looked over, and the speaker was Meng Hantian.

The huge black shadow pondered, and said: "There is nothing 100% in this world. Since I dare to tell this news, the natural truthfulness is extremely high, at least 90% sure."

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "You said that ninety percent is achieved by nine? If the Wuyun tree is in the Tiancong Martial Arts Hall, the people of the Zhengxing League will ignore it and let you plan this thing here?"

Everyone had believed it seven or eight points, but after hearing Yang Qingxuan's words, they began to doubt again.

On the huge black shadow, scarlet eyes stared down.

Yang Qingxuan was not afraid, staring at the past coldly.

The two looked at each other in the air.

The eyes of the shadow turned into a bloodline red light, and the irritable breath continued to rise and spread from the body.

Yang Qingxuan smiled lightly: "Interesting, is this going to be done?"

The robe on his body suddenly became silent, hunting and hunting, his hands in the robe became a dragon's claw.

This huge black shadow pulled the Tian Cong Martial Arts Hall into the center of the whirlpool, which had already made Yang Qingxuan extremely dissatisfied. If he really dared to do it, Yang Qingxuan would definitely kill him in the first place.

"Hmph, since you are here, you are a distinguished customer of the exchange, I will not embarrass you naturally. Still, if you don't believe it, you can go away."

The shadows and pupils once again turned into pomegranate-like shapes, and the violent breath on his body was suppressed.

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "I don't believe it, and don't get out. If you look at me upset, you can go to death."


Sombra was furious, and his murderous aura broke out again.

The other hundreds of warriors all looked at Yang Qingxuan in surprise, this was obviously deliberate looking for trouble.

The backstage of the exchange is extremely mysterious. Even the top ten and twenty-four companies dare not easily offend him. Is this person looking for death?

The black shadow glared at Yang Qingxuan, raised his hand, fell like a sky cover, and said: "I will take back what I gave you now..."

Halfway through the conversation, the big hand stopped in the air and seemed to tremble slightly, as if the whole person had stopped.

Yang Qingxuan flashed a golden light in his pocket, and he could see slight sound waves vibrating around the black shadow, and someone was transmitting to him.

The sonic vibration disappeared quickly.

The black shadow's body appeared a little stiff, and then put his hand back, hummed softly in his nostrils, and said, "I don't care about you."

The people around were shocked, looking at Yang Qingxuan in surprise, guessing the identity of this person.

Such an arrogant offense to the exchange, how can it be safe?

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved slightly. Could it be that there is still an expert in the exchange and recognize him? Pan Fatty once said that the tokens and robes of the exchange have unique marks. Although the guests do not know each other, the people inside the exchange can know it at a glance.

A martial artist suddenly said: "Since it can be confirmed that the Five Aggregate Tree is in the Tiancong Martial Arts Hall, it is better to invite everyone to go together and let the Tiancong Martial Art Hall take out the five aggregate trees, and we will see how to allocate it.

This proposal was met by a small number of people, and most people were disdainful.

As a strong person, you don't even bother to share it with others unless you have the corresponding strength. What qualifications do the weak have to share?

Another warrior said loudly: "The magical effect of the Five Aggregate Trees, don't you want the exchanges themselves? Will they spread the news so kindly?"

The huge black shadow stared at the man without saying anything. Instead, the figure swayed slightly in the air, and finally faded until it disappeared.

Many people noticed something, their hearts were slightly startled, and their eyes swept towards Yang Qingxuan. Knowing that it must be because of this person made the dark shadow jealous, and he didn't want to say more.

Suddenly, a huge coercion rushed towards Yang Qingxuan with Ling Ling's chill.

A two-foot-long ice road froze directly on the ground, reaching Yang Qingxuan's feet.

It was emanating from Meng Hantian.

"Kacha, Kacha."

Meng Hantian raised his foot, stepped on the ice road, and walked towards Yang Qingxuan.

A light yellow radiance glowed from Yang Qingxuan's body, isolating all the ice gas.

Although Meng Hantian's ice energy was terrifying, there was still a huge gap compared with that of the profound virtual cold ice soul. After experiencing the catastrophe of the Xuanshuang clan, this bit of ice is naturally nothing.

"The icy air of Beitianhan Palace!"

"Is this person a disciple of Beitianhan Palace?"

"Such a terrible ice gas, I am afraid it is not an ordinary disciple."

Shocked all around, retreated in all directions.

Several Wu Xiu found in horror that their feet were actually frozen, and they couldn't move when they stepped on the ground, and they couldn't help screaming.

But as soon as he called out, his body was completely frozen, his face was horrified and his mouth opened, like an extremely beautiful ice sculpture.


Meng Tianhan snorted contemptuously, staring at Yang Qingxuan with eyes like stars, and walked to him.

"Those who can make the exchanges jealous, I am very interested in taking off your black robe to see the true colors inside."

Meng Hantian grinned, and suddenly his figure moved, leaving a human-shaped ice sculpture exactly as it was, and his real body disappeared.

But no matter how fast it is, how can it escape the glaring eyes?

Yang Qingxuan's figure shook slightly, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and the real body leaned slightly to the right.

"Chiff", an ice cone pierced out of the void, past Yang Qingxuan's body, and piercing the afterimage.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were cold, and said: "Since you are going to die, you will be fulfilled!"

As soon as the body shook, he leaped up out of thin air, quickly pinched the tactics with both hands, a piece of seven-colored clouds turned into a cloud in front of him, and then grabbed it with five fingers, and then shot it out.

It is the true light of the magnetic pole.

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