Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 729: Congratulations to Dao and Wang

At this time, Fang Yin understood why he would destroy the promise not to join forces with Song Guo to attack Yan, fearing that it would have been a plot.

However, until now, it can be determined that Song Guo and South Korea made an appointment to send troops, and the result was that the Korean soldiers did not move. This was definitely related to this stable Sima. I do n’t know how much work this secretly put on Wu Gongling. I do n’t know. Is Wu Gongling's tossing Song Guoxian's first shot related to this one?

One will raise doubts: "Da Sima, Meng Shan Mingruo is determined to solve Wugongling. When the retreat is going all the way, but the river crosses the river, the soldiers are divided into two groups and entered the army in Binzhou. Wugongling may be dangerous."

The mouth of Jin Jue smiled, mysterious and humble. "Everyone is anxious. Why do I still gather heavy soldiers at the border of Yan Kingdom? I have decided to attack Song and why not prepare the soldiers first?"

Turning his eyes back to the map, he tapped on the location of Binzhou. "It is precisely to stabilize Wugongling. Meng Shanming will not move him for a while. If he wants to move, our army immediately launches a comprehensive feud on Yan Guo. At that time, Meng Shanming will solve it. The hidden danger of Wugongling is important, or is it important to stop my Korean army from invading? "

The generals realized again that someone gave a high-five praise and said: "Yes, Meng Shanming will certainly not pay attention to Wugongling, and the horses and horses must cross the river north to support Beizhou in an emergency."

Jin Jue nodded: "Wu Gongling was taken to Binzhou, and his life and death was held in my hand! Obedient, I helped him through this robbery! Dare not to listen, I immediately withdrew the troops from the border to relieve the pressure of Yan State. Without any worries, Meng Shanming must first remove his troubles. Wu Gongling still wants to live well, he must listen to me in Korea. I let him attack Song, and he has to attack Song, and he has no choice! "

Everyone thought about it for a while, and it was true. They couldn't help but looked at each other and began to reflect on themselves. Did they misunderstand this before?

Jin Jue turned to face the crowd and reminded him: "I know that you all have the heart to build a career, but no matter how strong your national strength is, you can't stand the repeated tossing of war and consume your own national strength. The confrontation between the two countries does not necessarily need to be The battlefield is divided into victory and defeat. If it is absolutely necessary, it is not advisable to start the battle arbitrarily.

The generals were silent, Jin Ju sighed at the sight, wondering if these people could listen.


After all, he came, after all, Luo Zhaoren who rushed to Yanjing for a long distance finally arrived at the east bank.

All the way was harassed by the followers of Nanzhou Tieqi. Luo Zhao's loss was not much, not too small, and nearly 100,000 people were lost. The morale of the army was exhausted and exhausted.

Nanzhou Tieqi also suffered losses. It is impossible to lose all along the way. Those who died in war, horses injured, sickness and the like, the number of staff reductions exceeded 10,000!

However, this is a price that must be paid. Due to their tossing, the Song people can't let go of their hands and feet and retreat. They have successively dragged the Song people back on the road for at least ten days. For two or three million people, the consumption of more than ten days of grain and grass is not a small amount.

To some extent, even the key to death!

On the east side of the Song Kingdom, the men of the Yan Kingdom led by Meng Shanming had arrived in advance. They were ready to guard against the Jiang defense, so that the Song army could not easily pass.

Luo Zhao was anxious and faced with the crisis of cutting off grain and grass. In addition, he knew that the other party had already cleared a large area on the Song side. The supply of Song could not be delivered in time. If he could not cross the river in time, the consequences would be disastrous. The two or three million people would not be considered by then. You must starve to death in battle.

Luo Zhao inspected back and forth on the riverside all day, intending to find a good opportunity to cross the river.

Yan Jun dealt with him in the same way. He couldn't replicate the miracle of the rolling dragon gorge. Meng Shanming could not let the miracle of the rolling dragon gorge happen to Song Jun again.

On the one hand, there is no flowery beauty in the family, there is no news, on the other hand, the army is facing such a crisis, and there is about to face the pressure of the court. The anxiety in Luo Zhao's heart is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Despite the help of a monk to recuperate the body, it is difficult to cure the heart disease. The savage Luo Dudu and Yushu Linfeng's jade face Langjun are really haggard. The people have become black and thin. The eyes overlooking the river or staring at the map have been filled with bloodshot eyes. People are caught in extreme anxiety.

He was simply sleepless, and if he was not helped by a monk, he would have been unable to eat or face sleep under the tremendous pressure and would have already ruined his body.

The ambition to cross the river and enter the territory of Yan Kingdom was long gone.

Regret it? It is false to say that you have no regrets about previous strategic decisions.

Luo Zhao really regretted it, and should not despise Meng Shanming. This lesson is enough to make him unforgettable!

An unprecedented situation has emerged on both sides of the East River. The Yan horses guarded the Jiang defense on the Song side, and the Song horses wanted to break through the Song defense on the Yan side.


In the forest, Niu Youdao is holding an information check, inside information about the secret talks between Song Guo and Yan Guo.

Between countries, the losses on the battlefield would like to be recovered at the negotiating table, no matter how you talk, it ’s useless,

Song, who once insulted Shang Jianxiong naked outside the palace of Yan Kingdom, lowered his noble head, and finally saw Tong Mo after eating a few closed doors.

Before Yanjing was in crisis, it was Qian Liansheng's lion's big mouth, but now it's Tong Mo's stance as a lion's big mouth, and ignorant.

The state of Yan has gained confidence, and now it is Song State's request for Yan State.

It is okay to let Song's army go back. Yan Guo asks for 100 million gold coins and 100,000 carts of food.

There is another request that seems to be excessive. It was proposed by Shang Jianxiong. It is necessary for Shang Jianxiong to join the negotiation conditions, and it is a necessary condition for Shang Jianxiong to die. Other things can be discussed, but this one has no room for negotiation. !

To tell the truth, even Tong Mo and others felt that it was too much. However, Shang Jianxiong had to insist on it so that Tong Mo had to implement it.

Song Huang Muzhuo really has a concubine who is very beloved by him, and can be adored by Song Huang, his beauty can be imagined, so I do n’t need to say much.

Shang Jianxiong insisted on negotiating conditions for this concubine, and asked Song Guo for this concubine!

I would like to ask how Qian Liansheng can agree to this condition. If he really agrees, if Song Huang is so disgraceful, he does n’t want to live. It ’s almost the same. Besides, he ca n’t do it. Naturally, he refused. A princess Song was a woman of Shang Jianxiong.

Shang Jianxiong immediately refused, what a joke, wouldn't Mu Zhuozhen's daughter be a generation lower than Mu Zhuozhen?

Of course, Qian Liansheng did not have any confidence in the negotiations. Knowing that Yan Guo still had to join Song to fight against Korea, so as to bargain.

However, Shang Jianxiong had to get the concubine. Song Guo likes to bargain, then slowly bargain, and I ’m not afraid that the two or three million elite horses in Song Guo will starve to death on the riverside of the Eastern Territory. Who is in a hurry.

Guan Fangyi came with a message in his hand. When he saw something in Niu Youdao's hand, he glanced at Yuan Gang standing next to his eyes. He knew that it must have been the news from Yuan Gang's channel. : "Congratulations to Master Dao first."

Niu Youdao looked back and said, "Why do you like it?"

Guan Fangyi joked: "Congratulations to Master Dao and Wang Ye to be connected."

"..." next to Yuan Gang stunned, thought he had heard it wrong, but also glanced at the bull, and seemed to be wondering, Isn't the woman who Fancy sees? I have n’t heard of any sisters from the princess!

"Uh ..." Niu Youdao was also stunned. I don't know how to say this. Her eyes fell on the paper in her hand and reached out to ask.

Guan Fangyi hid the message behind him, and lifted his chin towards the message in his hand.

Niu Youdao looked at the message in his hand again, and there was nothing to do with secrets, so he handed her an exchange.

The news came to my knowledge that it was news from the Shang Dynasty.

Song Guo apparently knew the decisive role of Shang Chaozong in this war, and even knew his influence on Shang Chaozong. When negotiating with the court of Yan Guo, he was also sending people to find them two negotiations, and both sides started at the same time.

Wants to find him right now, fearing that it is too late, and contacted Shang Chaozong, hoping to raise his hand here and let Luo Zhaojun go back, on the condition that he would like to marry a princess of Song Dynasty to Shang Chaozong. He is not ill-treated, but also willing to marry a princess to Niu Youdao.

Shang Chaozong's message to this side was that if Niu Youdao had no opinion, he would directly refuse.

For the Shang dynasty, no amount of gifts could exalted Song Jun. He must achieve the strategic purpose here, and he would not give Song the opportunity to provoke him on both sides.

Niu Youdao who read the news couldn't help laughing and crying. If he wanted to marry, would it make sense for him to be a princess or not?

Immediately smiled bitterly and shook his head: "When I reply to the prince, I say I am not interested."

Yuan Gang on the side reached out and took the news from Niu Youdao to see ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Fangyi, who had read the news on the side, looked up and said unpleasantly: "It's ridiculous, our woman actually became Negotiation items between countries, Shang Jianxiong, the emperor still shameless? Actually asking for someone else's woman, but also nicknamed his kin, is this a prince of a country? Who is the one who provokes a woman? It's ridiculous and shameless to be sent around like an item! "

Niu Youdao sighed: "Among the countries, are there so few things that come and go with each other? How did the empress dowager Shang Youlan marry Zhao Guo? Because the Song army attacked, Shang Jianxiong's harem killed so many, Given the opportunity, Shang Jianxiong must not be ashamed, and pass this shame on? "

Guan Fangyi sarcastically said: "A woman who has taken Muzhuo can be ashamed?"

Niu Youdao said: "Jin Yi Yu Shi, which is loved by thousands of people, enjoys the power of a country, and the national crisis is the first turn, and the responsibility is also inevitable. Those who want to wear the crown must bear its weight!"

Guan Fangyi: "You guys don't have a good thing!"

"Uh ... why do people who overthrow a boat with a rod, what's up to me? I'm innocent."

"So what do you take for granted?"

"I just tell the truth."

"That's what you think in your heart, will you do the same when you're an emperor? Shameless!"


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